MikeGore 2015 11 16 T440s Wifi fix for Ubuntu 14.04LTS There are problems with WIFI with the Lenovo T440s using Ubuntu 14.04LTS. We have developed a script...
Some rudimentary notes on the design of the TA assignment application (to be discussed with Grad Office staff): There should be two `release dates` for TA assignments...
MikeGore 2018 12 03 tml.cs, tml2.cs and tml3 hardware build notes and software configuration Contacts These machines are owned by Yaoliang Yu Managed...
Tablet PCs (OBSOLETE) (Updated March 2008 to add latest models) Overview PCs PCs Selecting a Tablet PC slides on selecting a Tablet PC (from WatITis...
Main.ctucker 17 Jun 2009 Several Domains (OBSOLETE) Diversity Of Platform Support Unlike Engineering`s NEXUS domain, CSCF`s AD domains authenticate not just Windows...
Taskgroup Membership Mail can be sent to a task group via an address of the form: tg group@cscf The group names below can be used to send mail, and/or determine appropriate...
Task Groups A task group is a group of individuals who are responsible for a well defined area of computing support (e.g. support of a particular OS, an application...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it contains minimal content. All backlinks are being replaced with its contents. If you believe it should be kept...
CS Teaching Lab Reports The ISG tutors check various teaching labs on a weekly basis, reporting problems to teaching lab report #64;cs.uwaterloo.ca. Their initial...
Teaching Schedule Term Update https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/teaching/schedule needs to be manually kept in sync with the Registrar`s official timetable, replacing the...
TeamCity TeamCity is a Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) server offered by JetBrains. Glossary Installation Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 1 Install...
The Technical Writer Position The Technical Writer is a student co op position whose duties have a focus on creating documentation that is readable and up to date...
Technology Deployment Requirements Whenever we introduce a new (instance of a) technology to the environment, we`re obliged to do at least the following: document...
Tembo cluster tembo.cs is a `paper` cluster. User documentation for that type of cluster is here: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/view/UW/Paper Contacts for questions...
Phil`s temp. space for Technology Buying topic This is just a dump area for my raw data to be later formatted for inclusion to Bill`s main Technology Buying Twiki...
Sponsors Data Accounts Maintenance in general (Linking Version) When initially created, this page presented the same information as TemplateSponsorDataAccounts...
Temporary Account Email Template An informative message sent to the person requesting a temporary account and/or the person for whom the account is for can be very...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content has been moved to a different page. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
Term Goals Fall 2015 for Research Support and Special Projects General environment File storage Meet with Dave and Anthony to review plans for Distributed File...
CSCF Objectives and Milestones Fall 2016 Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Plan, purchase, configure, deploy and manage lifecycle of equipment...
CSCF Objectives and Milestones Fall 2017 Previous Term: TermGoalsSpring2017 Meeting 2017 08 16 Discussion of potential goals for Fall 2017 Infrastructure https:...
Spring 2016 CSCF Objectives and Milestones April 2016 Ken`s original version: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/pub/CF/TermGoals/CSCFObjectivesS16.pdf Hardware Acquisition...
Term Goals Spring 2016 Research Support Group Master ST#104569 Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Objective: timely deployment of desktop...
Term Goals Winter 2016 for Research Support and Special Projects General environment File storage Distributed File Service Lawrence/Lori w/Dave/Anthony (ST...
CSCF Objectives and Milestones Winter 2017 January 2017 Next Term: TermGoalsSpring2017 Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Plan, purchase,...
Open Hard drive with double click on the mouse Drag a copy of the tar file (rc131.tar) from Macdepot to the Macintosah HD icon Open Application folder...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is only a test page and has not been used since 2006. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
Thinking Ape Mobile Devices 2012 As described in ST#86622, the SCS has acquired 60 mobile devices, as shown below. Ongoing support and maintenance of this set of devices...
Thinking Ape Mobile Devices 2013 As described in ST#91712, the SCS has acquired 100 mobile devices, as shown below. Ongoing support and maintenance of this set of...
Mozilla Thunderbird References Moving to IST CONNECT email https://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/view/CF/MovingToConnect Troubleshooting https://cs.uwaterloo...
MikeGore 21 Feb 2012 Thunderbird Config Editor Change Default News and Mail sort order Credits: see original document http://superuser.com/questions/13518/change...
Thunderbird Connection Timeout Background CS Specific Increase to 300 seconds We often see problems in our mail server (mail.cs) when email client programs...
MikeGore 04 Oct 2011 Thunderbird Debugging Connection Debugging See http://email.about.com/od/mozillathunderbirdtips/qt/et mail log.htm Save the following...
Do Not Migrate to Confluence Thunderbird troubleshooting steps Note try each solution based on the symptoms you are seeing Are you seeing a certificate warning...
Configuring Thunderbird Calendar (Lightning) to use Exchange (Connect) Page Under Construction (Information Presented Here is not Necessarily Complete or Correct...
Thunderbird with Subdirectories under IMAP NOTE Thunderbird 3 and the current version of imap services at Waterloo do not have these issues any more uw imap limitations...
Thunderbird Performance Tuning Notes: These tips will help when your email seems sluggish gray screen timeouts,etc References https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird...
If it can happen to me it can happen to you procedure to reboot and/or restore a macbook It happened to me. I could not reboot my MacBook. It is a newer model...
This page is being proposed for deletion because there is very limited information on it. Links to this topic should either link to TomcatSetup, which is a topic that...
pre { margin left: 5em; white space: pre wrap; white space: moz pre wrap; } Tomcat Setup This describes setting up Tomcat WebServletFramework. Documentation...
TRIPLITE parts we frequently order: 1. 12 outlet 120volt 1U rack mount power bar with switch and 15ft cord PN# DRS 1215 2. Spec sheet: http://www.google...
Troubleshooting Lab Macs (Obsolete) General Publications http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/student/maclabs2006 Recovery of files: BackupMacs Caution Do NOT login...
This page is a starting point for tracing and fixing problems with OdysseyApplications, notably assignment submission (cf. OdysseyLocalAppAssignmentSubmission). Under...
MikePatterson 16 Dec 2004 Like QuadraSargeUpgrade, but tumbo has two disks. So we`ll RAID them together if we can nope, we can`t. We`ll also back up ssh keys first...
Network Training and Tutorials (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) Over time Dan and Trevor will be creating a set of tutorials and training documents pertaining...
USG Documentation Process and Standards This page is intended to document USG members` criteria and preferences for documentation as well as the process used to create...
Survey Analysis In the Fall 2012 term, the CSCF Technical Writer conducted a survey to research the requirements that CSCF staff had for Twiki. This page summarizes...
TwoFactor Authentication Service (Needs Updating) Purpose The Two Factor Authentication service is a secure authentication service intended for computing support...
Architecture for the TwoFactor Authentication Service (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) The TwoFactor service makes use of technology developed by CRYPTOCard...
Renewal or Replacement of the MFCF/CSCF Two factor Authentication System (SecurID) (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) Motivation As of June 1st 2005, we are...
Using your CRYPTOCard KT token for the first time You will be issued a token along with an inital PIN. You will have to change your PIN at first login. Guide for...
Setting up a Linux host for Using LDAP Accounts and TwoFactor Authentication These instructions assume you are using Ubuntu 7.04, so YMMV. First, install some packages...
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.