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Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts API This is a description of the Accounts API. Architecture All data is housed within the Odyssey database. See...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts Database This is an understanding of the Accounts Database and CSCF`s redevelopment project. Architecture As of...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts Management sub project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to investigate and implement...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts Management Requirements Proposed Requirements Immediate Implementation Database The database relies on three...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts User Stories Is this suppose to be what type of queries clients want to be able to use? Some of the Data queries...
SAT Accounts: User Stories Data This data is mostly from RT comments. They may be useful for more user stories. FIrst: browsing tickets owned by arpepper. https...
SCG Hardware Scale 5027R 2U Xeon Dual Socket Server, 128G ram, 4 x 2T drives OS Ubuntu 14.04 LTS AMD ALT 64bit Hardware nScale 5027R 2U Xeon...
SCG Mail aliases Mail sent to any of the mail aliases for SCG are handled by the CS core mail server. To determine who is in any of the aliases, follow the steps...
SCG Point of Contact As of July 2007, the CSCF point of contact is Mike Gore, x36205, magore@cs, DC 2565 You may also check the point of contact page...
SCG printing for Windows and Linux Users Who to call for help? if you have problems that aren`t solved by the following you may speak to the SCGPointOfContact...
SCS Email Plans 2021 We have been discussing for some time now the elimination of CS Mail services. What exactly that will look like and how we will replace some...
SCS Mailing Lists There are a large number of mailing lists maintained for the School of Computer Science. Many of these used to be managed as a series of text files...
SCS CSCF Infrastructure Group (CSI) Ubuntu 16.04 Standards Project (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose CSCF Infrastructure group...
How to Set Up a Virtual Host on Web Server Add nsbuild alias: DNS search for and add...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
This page is obsolete Do Not MIgrate MikeGore 18 May 2012 SSD Solid State Disks Solid State Disks, DDS or flash drives require special settings to work optimally...
SSH usage IMPORTANT IST now blocks password based SSH to most systems This prenstly does NOT effect users connected to the University via VPN See: https...
Cookbook method for fixing ssh host based authentication Problem: rsh hostname doesn`t require a password. I want ssh hostname to work the same way, for lots...
Apache Certificate Authority File Apache Certificate Authority File The Apache Certificate Authority File /software/sslCerts 1/config/certs/cacert.pem is a...
Apache Certificate Chain File Apache Certificate Chain File An Apache Certificate Chain File as set by the configuration file variable SSLCertificateChainFile...
Apache Certificate File Apache Certificate File An Apache Certificate File as set by the configuration file variable SSLCertificateFile usually contains...
CSCF Service Tracker Some notes about working with the ST service tracking system. RTEmailGateway utility for processing emails into ST RTDirectContentEditing...
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Staff Members in ST We still need new staff to be able to access ST tickets, and access to .htaccess protected areas which are controlled...
Login Problems on particular machines Macs in DC3335 The Macs in this room require a user`s CS GENERAL password to access. An easy way to tell if a machine uses CS...
Setting up Markus for a course Markus is accessed via Markus auto marking backend ~isg/bin on linux.student.cs is a collection...
Emergency restart of all course buildservers As root@linux.cscf: cd /region/cs cscf legacy/u1/omnafees/bin/marmoset/ ./restart all buildservers Adding users...
See EquipmentInventory
Mail Clients Sending Mail as if From a Role Based Account We sometimes want to be able to send mail from our mail client as if it`s from a role based address, without...
Currently new mail lists at are created by IST staff. Requests are made to request #64; OmNafees 2015 08 21
Mobile Devices We have received donations from Thinking Ape to buy various kind of mobile devices for use in teaching. Notes from the 2012 and 2013 efforts may be...
See any of: CactiMonitoring Cacti NagiosSystemsMonitoring SNMP: MacLabMonitoring OpenManageSNMP MacSnmpSetup SassafrasLabMonitori...
Mac OS X Technical Details Our Mac OS X documentation looks to have already been gathered.
Presentation Support Implementation Details See Presentation Support and ICR Presentation Rooms.
Presentation Aids Projectors We currently see: Presentation Rooms Presentation Support Common Problems Macs In general, it is necessary to first connect...
Printer Supplies Notify Helen Jardine (hjardine #64; for toner replacements. OmNafees 2015 09 11
Known Errors and Alerts Nagios Service Alert ... CUPS Print Server ... (Return code of 255 is out of bounds) This usually means that there are stuck jobs on...
Mounts failing for mysterious reasons ... If the time on smb files is not in sync with file server and possibly other networked services, mounting will fail (see...
SSH Host Based Authentication from www.student.cs to linux.student.cs hosts See ST#92542 Slowness See ST#96348 OmNafees 2014 10 08
ST Work Tracking ST ST documentation can be found at either or
Sharepoint Restricting Permissions on a Folder As ST #100659 says, folder permissions can be restricted by: right click the folder; a window pops up select...
Setting up CS100 Mediawiki Steps: 1) Point current wiki to a template: a,b or c and then add new staff to it and then request staff to setup the template as they would...
See Database . FraserGunn 2016 02 18
See CourseEvaluationSysadminDocs DanielAllen 2014 09 25
Documentation is on the same virtual host as the Web interface to the system itself: Overview Documentation Documentation IsaacMorland 2015 10 06
Remote login to Nexus Windows Terminal Server (to get to the same desktop as Classroom Nexus Podiums) RDP to mef and use your watiam credentials...
See FacultyRecruitingSystem
See CSCFandOFIS (last updated 2012; OFIS not a current CSCF priority)
Presentation and Meeting Rooms Setup Support We are often asked for assistance in computer setup in various presentation rooms. It usually involves being sure that...
ST Service Special Events While there are various one time special events, there are some regular events. We plan to document MacOSX software that`s often needed...
See any of: CourseAccountSshKeyAccess CourseAccountSshKeyAccessAdministration PasswordWebApp PasswordWebAppHelpdeskDocumentation
SeaShell IDE for CS136 See Things to note when building: See seashell/INSTALL in the...
.classlist differencing root@linux.student.cs:~/isg/grades/README contains info on some scripts that are run regularly to publish changes to .classlist files...
Graphic Lab in MC3007 The lab in MC3007 is used primarily to support the needs of CS488. It consists of workstations with high end graphics cards that are used for...
Student Realtime Lab We have Realtime Lab Administrator Documentation. And we also have some in progress.
Roughly ordered Steps to setup a system: Install an LTS Ubuntu using a standard ISO and then update the Apt Repository Sources using instructions at https://cs...
What to do if mails aren`t being sent from a student.cs host ? Login to host and check for backlog using mailq . Run : @ubuntu1204 004 35 % /etc/init.d...
Podiums in Undergraduate Lecture Rooms IST provides a description of each `electronic classroom`. It can be handy when determining if there`s a projector that supports...
See any of: CourseAccountSshKeyAccess CourseAccountSshKeyAccessAdministration
See any of: PasswordWebApp PasswordWebAppHelpdeskDocumentation
RT 4.4 Training Jim Brandt Day One (Training) 4.4.1 current; 4.4.2 will be out in a few assets integrated (Reed College contributed...
ST to RT Documentation This document is for users familiar with ST who are now going to use RT; and additionally to note CSCF specific details that aren`t documented...
ST to RT Investigation Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to investigate and enact a CSCF/MFCF switch from ST to campus RT. There...
ST To RT Investigation meeting 2016 06 06 10am 11am. Hosted by Lisa; attended by Daniel, Lawrence, Fraser, Jim, Robyn. Lisa`s vision of the overall process:...
Meeting with Lisa and Jeff. Attending: Robyn, Jim, Lori Suess, Lawrence, Daniel They are starting to explore 4.4 but currently on 4.2. Recommend subscribing to Best...
ST To RT Investigation Meeting 2016 08 30 Meeting between Daniel, Dave, Lawrence, Omar to decide go/no go. Reviewed Daniel`s report in ST#103960 recommending...
RT/CSCF/MFCF October 25 2016 Attendees: Jennifer, Lawrence, Daniel, Fraser, Jeff,Lisa, Jim, Lori. Notes from Lisa. Comments in italics by Daniel. Action items...
Tues Nov 22 2016 Attendees : Jennifer, Lawrence, Daniel, Fraser, Jeff,Lisa, Jim, Lori. Notes from Lisa. Action items this meeting Lisa: ask consultants re...
RT Meeting with Lisa; her notes are in sharepoint; Daniel`s notes below. We spent most of the meeting discussing IST process in RT (and how ours might differ). RT...
Below is an extract from notes. Agenda 1. Review of training skipped. 2. Timeline for moves CSCF: May 1. MFCF: no necessary May 1. Won`t move before...
Below is an extract from notes. Lisa and Jennifer were there; Jeff is on holiday; Robyn was there from MFCF; Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence were there from CSCF. Agenda...
Below is an extract from notes. Directly preceded by STToRTInvestigationTechnical20170308 between Daniel and Jeff. Lisa and Jennifer and Jeff were there; Robyn was...
Below is roughly based on notes. Lisa, Jeff, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended. Agenda Go Live for IST 4.4: April 22nd (Sat). IST is not going to...
Below is roughly based on notes. Lisa, Jeff, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended. Agenda Confirmed details about April 22nd Go Live Jeff and Lisa are...
Meeting called by Lisa in advance of CSCF go live (`May 1`) Lisa, Jeff, and Daniel attended. Agenda Questions for Jeff and Lisa RT cli access still an option...
Below is based on Lisa`s notes, attached below. Lisa, Jeff, Jennifer, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended. Agenda Work left to be completed in the project...
ST to RT Investigation: Changes Requests for CSCF/MFCF RT Queues Change requests, by term, most recent first. Before items will appear here, they will be reviewed...
ST to RT Investigation: Factors for success For us to switch to RT, there are a number of factors for success. Some of these are process related. Some relate to features...
ST to RT Investigation: Factors for success: Assessment in RT 4 Following are assessments of RT 4 as regards our critical, important, and nice to have features in...
Purpose The goal is to collect features we know we use in ST so the project can evaluate if they are available in RT. The results have been fed into STToRTInvestigationFactorsAssess...
Fields in ST Documentation copied from . The proposed situation in campus RT will be recorded in BOLDCAPS...
ST To RT IST Training First training session Presentation by Lisa Tomalley. Attended by all of CSCF and MFCF. RequestTrackerCSCFMFCFApril2017.pptx: Lisa Tomalty...
ST RT Project Project members Daniel Allen (project manager), Fraser Gunn, Lawrence Folland, Robyn Landers, Jim Johnston, and Lori Suess Plus Lisa Tomalty...
CSCF Staff Meeting Presentation 2017 03 24 This is a followup to last month`s presentation. Questions noted: Q: When should we start using RT? A...
Technical Meeting Daniel, Fraser, Robyn met (Lawrence was double booked). Agenda: reviewing relevant notes from last week`s training consider decisions...
Technical Meeting between Daniel and Jeff. SQL By inspection, he thinks my SQL for safely accessing RT data will be fine. He says no issue with us seeing...
Requests for Features and Issues with RT This page is for feature requests ranging from `Important` to `Nice to Have`. We will do some screening of these before bringing...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no tangible information and the parent does not exist. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
ST User Management Web Interface Requirements Document The information presented below corresponds to ST#82920: ST User Management Web Interface Summary STAddingStaffMember...
ST Utilities Bill has created a number of utilities for manipulating ST. They are generally available on the CS Web server Utilities st check dependencies...
MikeGore 23 Mar 2010 SWAG.CS (was swag new.cs) Machine Record: Operation System...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
RonaldoGarcia 2018 12 13 Using Salt and Pxe Boot to install Ubuntu 18.04 on a cluster To install Ubuntu 18.04 on nodes using preseed Ubunutu 18.04, install on the...
SaltStack Introductory information You can get an overview to Salt here: Steve Weber recommends: Baumgartner...
SaltStack within CSCF Policies Please read `in 10 minutes` (linked in External Documentation) and all of this article before doing anything on a Salt master...
SaltTemperatureLoggingAndShutdown For more information about SALT Determine if the target system is a SALT minion...
Deploying a Windows Laptop Fall 2021 from CSCF RSG Salt master Inventory update Get a laptop for deployment from DC2561 Update CSCF inventory and include...
Salt Windows PC and Laptop Install Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose Have Salt provision Windows desktop and laptop machines with site license, accounts...
Computer Science SAMBA Servers Non Computer Science students and staff should consult with MFCF for the appropriate Math SAMBA servers. Printer and File Services...
Printing to ljp cs (DC2320) via smb with csgradpc`s (deprecated) DO NOT USE Note: This method uses non domain credentials for establishing...
Sample Emails for Stored Research Equipment Email when first storing equipment Subject: Recently received equipment Reply To: cs inventory #64;
PLG have wanted sarge for some time now. Intent: we want to make the procedure for re installing a PLG machine to be as similar to the usual gradpc way as possible...
From: Tomas Vinar To: Mike Patterson CSCF Subject: Debian automated security update Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 12:08:22 0500 (EST) Here is the routine I am...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
SassafrasLabMonitoring EdwardChrzanowski 2014 10 27
Scanning (OBSOLETE DELETE) Setting up a Xerox MFP for Scanning There are currently 2 models of Xerox Multi function units in service in CS, the Workcentre...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Project (Was: School Administration Tools investigation See StandardizedAdministrationTools for implementation project)...
School Administration Tools Database See attached files. quest.sql: existing quest schema watiam.sql: existing watiam schema See Also bottom of...
School Administration Tools History This project builds on the work of prior CSCF projects. GradOfficeWebApplication 2005 2007 headed by Isaac project...
Importing v.1 spec, not complete; for reference. See StandardizedAdministrationToolsImporter for 2024 current spec. This version is deprecated. A flexible importer...
School Administration Tools: Requirements Requirements summary Facilitate Room/desk assignments: record the purpose for a room (by association with parent...
School FileMaker Server Main.iturner 15 Nov 2007 see ST#58579 The Windows Server is danae.cs, with a synonym scsfm1.cs. The server is now patched and up to...
School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo Standard PC Deployment Information Request # Date Installed/Delivered: Computer name IP: 129....
School PC notes This page will gather up the various notes regarding school PCs. Installation of Linux and Windows are documented in other places, but will be noted...
Secure Virtual Host Configuration For basic virtual host configuration see VirtualHostConfiguration. This page is for additional steps required for HTTPS (secure...
Secure web based file sharing system with distributed backing storage system DFS system Nextcloud system haproxy system Table of Contents Project Charter Distributed...
MikeGore 29 Aug 2005 Securing Linux and Applications (This page needs updating) OS Security Securing Fedora Core Securing Fedora: http://itsecuritysymposium...
Security in CS (This page needs updating) Jump off page for security related stuff. LabSchedule listing of possible rooms Opening and Closing SecurityAlerts...
Handling Security Alerts (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) We regularly receive alerts from Security Operations Centre or notice unusual high bandwidth activity. Here we...
MikeGore 04 Mar 2008 Windows Security Center Verifying AV products installed in Security Center Open Control Panel Open Security Center Under...
Security Procedures Responding To Incidents Support Staff 20 Nov 2013 Issues to consider: 1 Notify IST IST They are likely the ones who told us something...
Sendmail Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier context) This will contain information about how to configure server and client machines which use versions of the sendmail...
Sendmail Client Machine Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) Any machine which does not accept SMTP connections and uses another machine as a mail hub is considered...
General Sendmail Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) In general a software package named sendmail will reside under /software/sendmail (which will be a symbolic...
Sendmail Server Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) Files of interest are: /.software/regional/sendmail 8.13/config/regional/options /.software/local...
Sendmail Server Greylist Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) File of interest is: /.software/regional/sendmail 8.13/config/regional/greylist.conf In both...
This page is being proposed for deletion because DebianInCS describes it as `old crap`. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and...
Server Log Viewer web application Background Originally designed based on ST#87148 Usage Accessing the Application The web application can be accessed from the...
MikeGore 05 Oct 2005 V40Z Service Processor Setup References Installation Guide Server Management Guide Diagnostic Guide ServersSP and BIOS Update...
Setting Up IPMI on the Sun Fire X2100 Server On the Server Here`s the quick summary of steps. They are documented in Appendix C of the User`s Guide. Boot the...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content is obsolete. All browsers typically have this functionality nowadays. If you believe it should be kept...
Setting up a GradPC using the CS GENERAL Active Directory (This page is Obsolete Do not Migrate) Background This page documents the setup of a standard grad PC...
Setting Up an Ubuntu LTSP server (Obsolete) Introduction This article describes how to set up an server using fat clients and the i386 architecture. Options are included...
DanielAllen Monday 26 Sep 2005 Step by Step Setting Up New Ubuntu Arch Masters (64/32 bit) This document assumes familiarity with xhiering process; might want to...
We started out with awk.cs. 1 Partitioning scheme (some machines may vary!): hda3 / ext3 5gb hda4 /fsys1 ext3 3gb mount but do not format...
Setting up PLG Lab PCs with Ubuntu The following assumes that the PC being setup is called `scspc187.cs` Prepatory steps We started out with awk.cs and then proceeded...
Specs: T60P 15` 1600x1200 display Base install 6.10 Desktop. Install the fglrx drivers and configure X to use them. Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the...
MikeGore 19 Apr 2005 How to setup printers to print from UNIX for CSCF Notes: Please contact Walter Tautz, wtautz #64;, if you need a printer installed...
Dave Gawley wanted me to help him set up watcher202.cscf as a FreeBSD system. So here`s what I did. watcher202 is a Sun Fire V60z server with a pair of Xeon...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
Setting up VLANs/trunking on a Debian machine 1 Install VLAN utilities: apt get update apt get install vlan 1 Edit /etc/network/interfaces...
SevScanSoft Retrieves data on a specific list of hosts by pulling data from various sources Location from inventory Hostname from DNS MAC...
All of Severn`s webtools are located at Tools that are still current are documented here. the datasets for tools that...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
SGI Altix System Administration course June 6 10, 2005 Instructor: Dave Wright (daw at Course notes LawrenceNotes Reference Materials SGI...
SharePoint Support Accessing Sharepoint Documents Directly The Visual Upgrade The above contains a hint for...
Sharing (Critical) Information There are several things in common in the approaches taken for critical situations and ongoing work; both of which can affect our clients...
Not much to see here right now. ShergNet (or SHERGNet) is a small test cluster made up of otherwise surplus computing devices by MikePatterson of the CSCF Research...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Shoshin (Black, Taylor, Ward) Lab Manager Hao Chen (h8chen) Overview The Shoshin lab manages their own infrastructure for the most part. They have their own subnet...
SGI L1 and L2 Controller Software User`s Guide might be useful. See also: notes on SGI power on/off First, shut down the OS (you will need to login as root). Next...
MikeGore 03 Sep 2009 Skype Setup Note: Audio settings in Linux are a bit tricky. So first we need to get Sound Recorder working then move onto Skype Do not...
MikeGore 24 Apr 2007 Skype Configuration and Security Security and Universities Security and Universities Link Guide for Network Admins Disable Supernode...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the information is obsolete. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
SLURM installation on Ubuntu Preparing for SLURM installation Munge and SLURM user creations You want to ensure that you have the Munge and Slurm users created on...
SLURM User Documentation SLURM batch job system SLURM cheatsheet: You can submit jobs using an SLURM job script. Below...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Mike Godfrey had this to say about problems with SE lab machines (in response to a compromise on montabello, resulting in lots of noise going his way): OK, sounds...
From: Cory Kapser To: Mike Patterson Subject: more notes on the se lab public machines Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 13:20:07 0400 (EDT) Here is how the password...
SWAG lab DC2555G Background A list of people involved with SWAG can be found here: Most PCs are named swagxx, and currently...
This page is being proposed for deletion because, as it says in the content, this pages is not to be used. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
This page is being proposed for deletion because Mike said we should delete it. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Software Developer Documentation For systems we use and develop or modify ourselves, we have this template for needed documentation. Whether each of the following...
Software Development Guidelines A price we must pay for building (anything) is that we must do it well enough. For programming, that implies adherence to some minimal...
Loosely affiliated with SWAG. SoftEngLabMachines notes on said machines. SoftEngPasswords how passwords work on the public access machines
MikeGore 18 Jul 2005 ThinkVantage System Update Windows 2000/XP This utility will download all drivers and Applications on a clean system you just need to...
Mac Lab Software Problems (Obsolete) neo office Intel version not available until September epson perfection 2450 photo scanner driver does not support...
Solaris (OBSOLETE) Installation SolarisInstallation Software SolarisPackages an intro to how Sun packages are managed SolarisOptCsw a log of...
Automated Shutdown Procedure for Solaris/Irix This is for notes on automating a shutdown in preparation for a power outage or other outages. The general...
Ganked originally from here. Files to edit/change hostname manually 1 /etc/hosts 1 /etc/nodename 1 /etc/hostname.xxn (xxn network interface, such...
Solaris 8 Installation Notes, revised Introduction These are Robyn`s modifications to the notes supplied by Mike Patterson at this page. Robyn`s comments are in bold...
Solaris Installation Notes (OBSOLETE) We already have a number of repositories for Solaris installation notes: OS install notes 8 install Internal...
Opensource software for Solaris (OBSOLETE) Introduction The setup is based on Consider the setup in CS to be BETA. We have setup at core...
Sun Software Package Management (OBSOLETE) Introduction Notes on how to query the status of sun software packages. This includes the vendor software Sun provides...
This page is being proposed for deletion because no content was ever added. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
Sony Battery Recall 2006 (OBSOLETE) Given the number of recall announcements on Sony batteries, CSCF decided to send out the following announcement: `As most of you...
This page is being proposed for deletion because content inside this page is something that people should just google, and links to this page should really just be...
Space Planning for Change Any work that will change the appearance of any space or is part of a School project that involves alterations to space or...
How to setup spamassassin and how to use for your spam processing When you received a message sent directly to a real address like...
Editing the Special Events notice When there are events of sufficient distinction, they appear in a Special Events notice on the home page on the side, directly above...
Special Tasks This page will outline various jobs that could be classed as `Special Tasks`, and whom you must report to in order to use my help. Work In Progress...
Sponsors Data The hierarchical text files under the directory /software/accounts master/data/sponsors on the machine cs xh are a...
Giant Sponsors Database Historical Documentation Page Most readers who end up here should go straight to SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBigPruned instead. Perhaps...
Giant Sponsors Database Historical Documentation Page (Pruned) Working from SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig as a start, we attempt to indicate sections which...
Raw Sponsors Data Accounts Documentation This no longer works well. (at all) Perhaps see... SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBigPruned...
# Sponsors Data Overview This is a `backup` copy. The original is currently available at Please...
(Disabled) accounts check ! equipment database ! sponsors database ! list equipment ! accounts master package ! accounts client command ! AdrianPepper...
Sponsors Data Directory Admin Organization Note that in the case of any discrepency between what is stated here. and what is the actual case on the UNIX computer...
Mistakes to Avoid in Sponsors Data Editing There are mistakes, many of which could be termed silly, which should be avoided when editing the sponsors data . It...
AdrianPepper`s List of Mistakes to Avoid in Sponsors Data Editing ## (Don`t) omit units for disk quota The default unit for disk quota is K or around 1000 bytes...
Sponsors Data Editing Tutorial The central aspect of making any particular resource changes for any particular set of users defined by any criteria, is the editing...
Information about Userids in the Sponsors Data On an AssignTo line you list a number of userids. To help detect errors, id numbers need to be associated...
st find Syntax st find syntax: h v a st find syntax: st find syntax: Where: st find syntax: h displays help then exits. st find syntax: v causes verbose...
st qlist Syntax st qlist Syntax: h v Z r x \ st qlist Syntax: s \ st qlist Syntax: f \ st qlist Syntax: V \ st qlist Syntax:...
st set field Syntax st set field Syntax: h v Z n r f m st set field Syntax: st set field Syntax: Where: st set field Syntax: h displays...
Staff Absences Staff Send E mail to `cscf away@cs` Staff who will not be coming in are requested to send email to cscf away@cs to let management know that they will...
Staff Stuff This page is intended to gather up the various topics that will be of interest to staff relating to how we work, vacation, professional development, etc...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Project (Was: SchoolAdministrationTools investigation project) Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Importer SAT needs a batch importer to add data which is not automatically available from elsewhere in the odyssey.uwaterloo...
This page is being proposed for deletion because, as the content says, there is nothing to see here because the information was moved elsewhere. If you believe it...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
Stored Researcher Equipment (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) We regularly have equipment returned from students that belong to research groups or individual...
Raspberry Pi based Stratum 1 NTP Server Notes The Raspberry Pi is a low cost ARM7 based singleboard linux computer. The most useful feature of the Raspberry Pi is...
Student CS Region MySQL Installation This MySQL installation cannot currently be reached via PhpMyAdmin at Host This...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
SuSE Linux Website Software updates We have a full SuSE mirror on campus, at You can point yast2 at, ie http://mirror.cs.uwaterloo...
Bios Upgrade for Sun Machines (eg., w1100z workstation) Related to ST #50668 and SunHardware#Warranty procedure on Sun Hardwa Before the BIOS can be upgraded, boot...
Sun Validation Test Suite Readme This is the Readme file from the CD for x86 hardware (V2.4.0.2) Known Issues: 1. SP tests (fan, voltage, temp, flash, op panel, and...
Supporting Information for the AODA Analysis This page is intended to give more specific details about our findings related to the AODA. Information may be added here...
Surplussing Old Equipment (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) To Surplus Or Not to Surplus? Before surplussing equipment, check to see whether it can be re used. See StoredResearcherEquipme...
Using swag`s disk array Hardware notes: Adaptec JBOD external SCSI array Adaptec 2200S SCSI RAID card 3 x Adaptec 146gb disks ^A at system boot to...
Swag Printers SWAG has two printers in DC3334 PCs wishing to use the printer need to use direct TCP/IP printing to each printer Swag Print Server Please use...
This page is being proposed for deletion because people will just end up googling this information whether they read this page or not because it may have fallen out...
Symbolic Computation Group DC3594 Web Space: www152:/software/odyssey 3 apache/data/vhosts/ SCG Managed Conference Web spaces: www...
MikeGore 15 Nov 2010 SysPrep Windows 10 We assume you have a fully loaded version of windows and it has been activated Activation https://cs.uwaterloo...
The Name of the Page A high level description of the system System Specifications Hardware Key hardware information related to the system. For example: Some examples...
Configuring and Using Systemimager on Linux Systems These notes are still in a preliminary stage of development. Introduction Systemimager forms a component of...
System Testing for Ubuntu In Ubuntu versions 14.04 and earlier, there is a tool called System Testing. Use this for checking and benchmarking a system. In Ubuntu...
The Latest Version including those in Subversion I have been conversing with one of the primary developers, see some of my conversation below. I hope to distill these...
Number of topics: 224

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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