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Results from CF web retrieved at 03:29 (GMT)

Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Title RAPID1 and RAPID2 Article text. Hardware Dell PowerEdge R740xd CPU 1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248 CPU @ 2.50GHz CPU 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold...
MikeGore Recovery Is Possible Linux rescue system (RIP) Home Page: robotti/looplinux/rip/ Note it now appears...
MikeGore 2014 11 20 RSGMetaPackages Note ALL RSG metapackages and scripts are being handed over to CS infrastructure. List of Unique packages NOT in the CS metapackages...
rt allocate id No command line parameters. rt allocate id reserves an ST item number by creating a row, blank except for the serial number, in the database. This...
RT Batch Creation and Edits RT has fairly simple scriptable tools for batch ticket creation and edits. Summary RT has powerful scriptable tools for batch ticket creation...
Direct Editing of ST Comments You need to have an account on our mysql server for any of the stuff below to work. Get Isaac to set you up. You`ll probably want to...
ST E mail Gateway Summary There are two email gateways into ST. The first is quite simple. Mail sent to either of ST ST comment@cs.uwaterloo...
rt import todo Synopsis rt import todo ( queue name ( )warn message debug flags todofile ) Where $ name : is the ST queue name (the internal...
ST Man Pages rt allocate id rt copy rt diffs rt dump schema rt dump tables rt find rt getoption rt import todo...
RT Request Tracker Hints and Examples Software at is often referred to as Request Tracker that is the name used at https://bestpractical...
via Ashif: mdadm create /dev/md1 level 0 raid devices 2 /dev/sdb5 /dev/sda3 mdadm create /dev/md2 level 0 raid devices 2 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb1 echo `DEVICE...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the page only provides redundant information that is included in the page that links to it. If you believe it should...
Main.ctucker 08 Jan 2009 Create A Snapin Package to Update rdesktop Most of our Neoware thin clients came equipped with a freeware RDP client called rdesktop . You...
This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig. Perhaps SponsorsDataAccountsDocumenta...
Real time Lab Administration Guide The Real time Lab is used by students taking courses in CS 452/652 where students design and implement a real time multi tasking...
Notes/Questions for Fraser Emergency network service if DHCP fails Is this something that we would be able to put under Common Errors and Troubleshooting? use...
Real Time Lab Administrator Procedures General information The Real Time Programming Lab (aka the Train Lab) is in MC 3018. Spare parts and specialized...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Remote Reboot of Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals Logon to the Eon Management Terminal Server and Start the Eon Remote Management...
Recommended Printers Faculty In the event you do not have a personal printer, you can use print queue lj cs in DC2320 which served by two printers. There is a...
Main.ctucker 04 Nov 2005 Procedure for Recovering a Domain Controller in the CSCF Active Directory from Backup Location of Backup Files As outlined in the Disastor...
Main.ctucker 31 Oct 2005 Procedure for Rebuilding a Domain Controller in the CSCF Active Directory Using Domain Synchronization During the Summer of 2005, the domain...
Old UPS Batteries (This Page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) Old, worn out UPS batteries should not be discarded in standard garbage. Instead, they can be recycled...
RedHat Linux and Fedora Core Stuff Modified yum.conf You can get RH/Fedora stuff on campus at or . See also attached...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Registrar Sponsored Accounts The accounts master command causes the directory /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/REGISTRAR/.DATA to be filled with files whose...
MikeGore 19 May 2009 Windows XP Registry Repair Linux can be used to restore Windows registry files that are corrupted Example the \Windows\system32\config\system...
Say you installed FreeBSD before you installed Windows... then Windows blew away your FreeBSD bootloader (of course). Now what? You can: 1 boot your original...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Remote Access of Eon Operating System All Eon 4000 and E100 terminals have a telnet server with which a remote manager can login as root...
MikeGore 2017 03 29 Linux Remote Desktop See LinuxRemoteDesktop Macintosh Remote Desktop See ca/guide/mac help/mh11851/mac...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
MikeGore 01 Jun 2005 Accessing RDP, and other services, through the Campus Wireless network FAQ Remote Desktop information see RemoteDesktop VPN Accessing...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it contains no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
MikeGore 20 Jul 2005 Removing the Windows XP uninstall information VBS Uninstall Remover Script ! UninstallRemover.vbs
Replacement of Setpw and Custom Login with Vendor software using Kerberos and LDAP Project Overview The goal of this project is to eliminate our dependence on a custom...
MikePatterson 17 Dec 2004 I worked on this while trying to satisfy CS ST#41651. First, one needs to disable the vendor apache server. You can do it like this: /etc...
You need to be able to connect to trophy. If you don`t know what that machine is or how to get there, you`re dead in the water. That won`t be documented here. So...
ST suggestion box Here we can collect notes on ST features that we would like to see fixed, changed or added. Please provide some notes on the feature and include...
cuda (ST #76045) git (ST #76045) glc downloaded from (ST #76045) gtk2.0 examples (ST #76045) gvim (ST #76045) jogl (ST #76045) liblua dev...
Rescue CD A rescue CD allows you to boot a linux environment from CD. From there, you can mount the local hard drives and do any required work to fix the boot record...
Research This page includes notes and references to pages of primary interest to the Computer Science Research Support Group (RSG) Research Support ResearchGroups...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has an insufficient amount of content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic...
Research Client Meetings Here we provide a template for an agenda when meeting with our research clients to review work on their subscription Current work list...
Research Computing Service Themes As part of Bill`s project to apply a theme to each ST, Lawrence volunteered to come up with a list of Research services Proposed...
Research Directory: Adding New Faculty Note that the following instructions are not currently useful (as of January 2013). Currently, peoples` profile pages are edited...
DRCSCS Research Directory Update Your profile in the CS Research Directory is edited in the following way. OFIS is a web system that allows faculty to consolidate...
Research Group machine naming conventions The CSCF RSG names machines after science fiction authors, since we tend to read and like that stuff. Herewith follows a...
This is intended to document tidbits of information for individual research groups within CS. It is not intended to replace ST, but rather to supplement it, particularly...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has not tangible information. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Research Sponsored Accounts All files in cs xh master/data/sponsors/Research represent resources sponsored by researchers...
Creating a Sponsors File for a New Researcher Here we will document the setting up of sponsors data configuration for newly arriving faculty member by using a fictional...
Research Subscriptions Web Application About the Application The Science Computing Facility (CSCF)`s Research Support Group (RSG) bills its services to faculty and...
Research Subscriptions Developer Documentation Software Location On the old Ubuntu 12.04 webserver, the code is installed on www152.cs in /software/odyssey 3 apache...
Research Subscriptions Field Help This page is linked from within the Subscriptions web application. Each field in the application has a link to a field explanation...
Research Subscriptions User Documentation Overview You can find the application here. Application Description The Research Subscriptions application maintains a...
Research Subscription database see: ResearchSubscription
CVS EladLahav 25 Nov 2005 Preamble CVS is an easy to use, yet powerful and effective version control system. It is based on a client server architecture that stores...
Research Subscriptions suggestion box Here we can collect notes on features that we would like to see fixed, changed or added. Please provide some notes on the feature...
RESEARCH SUBSCRIPTIONS DEVELOPMENT SETTING UP DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW This section is made to guide new developers through the process of setting up a development...
Tables subs fields id The id of the row in the database (incremented for every subscription added, all unique) faculty The faculty members...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it contains no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Files drwxrwxr x 2 aroman www cscf 4096 Aug 11 09:49 img Directory containing various images the system uses rw r r 1 aroman www cscf 221 Oct 13...
Research Support Billing Overview The Research Support Group charges a subscription fee for services. Research Groups or individuals may subscribe to either or...
Rhetorical Figures Development (2) Location of source files The development files On server `healthdoc.cs` `/var/www/healthdoc/rhetfigdev` The live application...
Rhetorical Figures Project Background In June of 2009, Chrysanne asked about us helping develop an application for their new Rhetorical Figures project. I discussed...
RICOH 1022 Printer in DC2560A Postscript RICOH DC2560A CUPS on Linux setup Use CUPS. If you use anything else and it breaks, you can keep all the pieces (and...
Setting up the Ricoh Aficio 1022 on Windows Download drivers This is probably not strictly necessary as any sufficiciently similar printer driver will likely...
Riemann Cluster Notes General The Riemann cluster obtained in late 2009 is an SGI XE340 cluster consisting of nine chassis with two separate machines per chassis...
Rip Tie Velcro Wire Ties we order: 1 RIP TIE X 12 450 RD 450 PCS RIP TIE LITE SCREW MOUNT 1/2` X 12` RED $241.91/roll (AR price 11 July 2011) 1 RIP TIE X...
Notes on Particular Versions of the RSG Laptop Loaner Images This section is broken down into three sections for any particular RSG LT image, with information on creation...
Rsync Usage for Backups Resources Syntax rsync options source destination...
RunAtLoad This is one of several optional keys specifying when the job should be run, in this case right after it has been loaded as in the following plist snippet...
Number of topics: 72

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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