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Results from CF web retrieved at 03:29 (GMT)

PHP Setup PHP Setup Instructions From InventoryInstallation Installing LAMP LAMP stands for `Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP`. It is a bottom to top suite of technologies...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
MikeGore 14 Feb 2012 PXE Boot Files Example Setup a TFTPBOOT server TODO needs updating Files Location:
MikeGore 07 Mar 2013 PXE Ubuntu Live boot images on ASIMOV NOTE 11 Mar 2013 I am moving the sections from See
MikeGore 20 Mar 2012 Bootable USB KEY with all of ASIMOV`s PXE boot functions Location: /images/rawiso/linux utils/RIP File: mkusb acronis Also...
Package Docs: Odyssey 2 This page is the starting point for documentation of the odyssey 2 package, maintained on capo . Configuration Options Odyssey configuration...
Package Docs: Odyssey 2 Data The data directory of the odyssey 2 package contains the following items: admin : See `Miscellaneous Shared Data` below....
I have a script on cscf.cs in my home directory/bin called sync plg {sarge,woody} that will do the appropriate magic. You need to be able to open up remote xterms...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Pages To Be Deleted This page is a parent for any pages that are suspected of being unnecessary. Pages can be set to be children of this page where they will sit for...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is empty. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Panduit Parts we use frequently (Default colour IW International White): 1 PANDUIT PART# UICFPRTR4WH (4 Outlet FIXED Tamper Resistant Face plate Uses Excelite...
Paper User QuickStart Token for reservation site access A password/token is required for the reservation system (below). These can be (re )generated at any time...
Password Web Application There are two copies of the password changing and app, running in the student and core regions. The student.cs password application...
CscfHelp 2014 04 09 The old version of instructions are removed the app can be used by everyone to change their own password, rather than via helpdesk. If the client...
MikeGore 11 May 2005 CSCF Standards Networks/Cables All cables are to be labeled. When you are moving/changing a cable, update all labels in the cable channel...
PC Hardware (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) SCS Standard PCs Standard PC specifications Dell PCs IST has made arrangements for UW staff or researchers...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
People App Requirements Document The below corresponds to ST#78166: CS People Database Project It follows on from initial work done as part of ST#55351: Improve...
The extensible nature of this project makes a number of options possible. All of the below meet particular school needs, and fit into the overall model, but are clearly...
PeopleSoft Data Import Data provided by the University`s student information system arrives as email to a specific staff member`s email account (IsaacMorland). A...
PeopleSoft Extract Handling This page describes in detail the handling of extracts from the PeopleSoft SA system. Email Handling Each extract email consists of a...
PhpMyAdmin PhpMyAdmin is available on capo via XHier. The current up to date version is the package phpMyAdmin 2.7.0 pl2 . The web link to our installation of...
PhpMyAdmin Documentation for Administrators You may wish to refer to the Project Page. The existing package is set up to allow customization of files in a simple but...
PhpMyAdmin User Documentation PhpMyAdmin is a Web based interface to MySQL. It has been installed on CSCF`s web servers to simplify access to CSCF`s MySQL servers...
Acquiring and creating accounts on `pilatus` Background pilatus is an SGI Altix 3800. It was originally acquired under the CFI New Opportunities program in...
MikePatterson 21 Jan 2005: We want to upgrade to ALE3. So, pwr d and then pwr u (at console) and quickly jam the boot CD in. Then wait and wait and wait anyway. Eventually...
First, make sure you know how to get at the console. (Hint: cts2.cscf, line 20.) You may or may not need the root password. Scott Wilson from SGI sent me the following...
Pilatus Notes Pilatus is an SGI Altix 3700 acquired as part of the CFI New Opportunities grants of 2002 and 2003. More information can be found here: http://www.math...
Initial Planning Monday 19 December 2005 First thing to do: look at the upgrade to ALE 3 and see how that went. It looks like I took things like backups for...
Flash the PROMs. Reading the migration guide, they say to see what configs changed. pilatus:~ # rpm V a grep `\b c` S.5....T c /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/mm cfg...
debian/ubuntu can`t redistribute PINE becasue of license/source code issues. offers a debian package for PINE for i386, which I have put in the local...
Pinning Debian and Ubuntu Packages Say you`ve got an Ubuntu Stable system but you need some packages from Ubuntu`s old Stable. `Pinning` will allow you to force the...
This page is set to be deleted.Pixel Planet is no longer the name of a service on campus and none of the pages here link to any existing pages. If you believe it should...
Downtime Time and Duration Certain maintenance requires that a computing environment be disabled; taken `down`. The principles to be followed when choosing an appropriate...
Planning and Directions in CSCF For an alternate view, see: This page will attempt to provide an overview of our services...
PLG`s LDAP Adding users MUST be root in the core for the following steps! Step 1: Find out the UID and GID of newuserid in the CS core: make sure you...
Point of Contact In CSCF, a Point of Contact is the `go to` person for your computing needs. These are usually divided between teaching, administration and research...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Problems Fixes for x2amd001 v2 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) SSH Client license file missing...
`Page Currently in Construction solutions may vary` M4A89GDT Pro3 If you have issues Refer to the solutions below BluesScreen if you are getting the blue screen...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Problems and Fixes for x2gen017v2 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) PB noticed that there is a...
Problems Fixes for x2intel001 v1 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Fix Ubuntu Mozilla PPAs Also...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
MikeGore 2022 Feb 15 poisson.cs main documentation links See poisson.cs configurations notes VMWARE...
MikeGore 2015 10 29 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2015 10 29 MikeGore 2015 10 22 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS This is the NON Sysprepped version...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2015 10 22 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2015 10 22 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 11 May 2011 WinXP Post Install Steps Notes: The image as the cscf adm and cscf op 2010 userids Change hostname from rsg pcxxx Join the domain...
MikeGore 16 May 2011 WinXP Ubuntu1010 x32 Image Windows XP (32 Bit) Post Install Steps Change hostname from rsg pcxxx Join domain...
win7vm Ubuntu Spring2011 Post Install Steps Ubuntu Customizations Steps SSH Keys 1) Change host name by updating /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts Regenerate...
Post Install notes for W10U 1809 U1804 Sabertooth W19Ver1 Immediately Post Imaging Windows IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart the computer except where noted Perform...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2017 03 14 Immediately Post Imaging Windows Perform Initial Setup change hostname Control panel System Advanced system settings (on...
Immediately Post Imaging Make sure to turn off SecureBoot and change CSM support to LegacyROM only! Windows Perform Initial Setup change hostname...
CscfTechnician 2016 10 12 W10U16041 VM 500G F16 V1 Post Install notes Windows Boot Windows Login cscf op or cscf adm 2016 passwords Change system name...
MikeGore 11 May 2011 gen14x32 Post Install Steps Notes: The image as the cscf adm and cscf op 2010 userids Join the domain Check drivers Acrobat Pro...
MikeGore 2017 08 11 Post Install notes on Fall 2017 Intel NUC Skull Cayon Updated 11 Aug 2017 Power ON This system when power on will go into Windows...
Post image steps for w81u1404 sabertooth f15 v1 Initial steps / Ubuntu Initial boot: 1) Get to Ubuntu: Method A) System boots to non grub chooser. Escape to...
MikeGore 11 May 2011 Post Install Steps Notes The image as the cscf adm and cscf op 2010 userids This Windows system is not part of a domain. Drivers...
Post Install Steps for x2intel001 v1 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Immediately Post Imaging Windows...
Post Install Steps for x2amd001 v2 image (Lawrence) Checked October 2012 seems to be accurate. Immediately Post Imaging Windows IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart...
Post Install Steps for x2amd002 v1 image This is for the Fall 2013 PC Workstations (dual boot Windows 7/Ubuntu 12.04) Phil says these are the extra or changed steps...
Post Install Steps for x2amd002 v3 image Immediately Post Imaging Windows IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart the computer except where noted Perform Initial Setup...
Post Install Steps for x2amd003 image Immediately Post Imaging Windows IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart the computer except where noted Perform Initial Setup...
What do I do to make this machine go?? Windows 1 Add user to local Administrators group Linux (if we give up on AD) 1 add a local linux user with admin (sudo...
Post install steps for x2gen016 image Windows Immediately post imaging IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart the computer except where noted 1 Boot, Windows will...
Post install steps for x2gen017 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Last reviewed by: Dennis Bellinger...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
x2gen013i.TIB POST INSTALL Location: \\\IMAGES\core Created April 10, 2011 Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10, NOT ghost...
x2gen014a.TIB POST INSTALL Location: \\\IMAGES\core Created April 10, 2011 Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10, NOT ghost...
Post Install Steps for x2intel001 v1 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Immediately Post Imaging Windows...
Post Install Steps for x2intel001 v2 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Immediately Post Imaging Windows...
Post Install Steps for x2intel002 v1 image Note: this is for the Fall 2013 Lenovo laptops Phil says these are the extra or changed steps: new Win7 activation...
Post Install Steps for x2zenbook001 v1 ASUS Zenbook Prime Only This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Immediately...
Post Install Steps for x2zenbook002 v1 ASUS Zenbook Prime Only This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Immediately...
(From an email to Ashif) cleaning up plg2`s xh maintenance output Unless otherwise marked, packages are only on sun560. So, there are about 25 xhier packages installed...
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is a database management system allowing custom types, triggers and table inheritance. PostgreSQL...
Postgres Meeting 2016 05 24 Monday, 24 May, 2016 Meeting with Ken, Lawrence, Dave, Isaac Ken requested the meeting to learn what postgres resources are used where...
PostgreSQL Setup Finding documentation Check the PostgreSQL page in this wiki and the web site .
Recovering Postgres Databases from Backup If it becomes necessary to recover the Postgres database from backups, the following should be useful. The backups reside...
Postgres Personal Databases To set up personal databases on postgres.student.cs or postgres.cs , log in to linux.student.cs (tested) or linux.cs (actually,...
Updating a Postgres Schema It is easy to edit the .sql files which specify the tables and other schema entries for an application. In development, it is even easy...
Posting CS News Items File locations referred to by this page are relative to the www.cs ...
This page is being proposed for deletion because PowerQuest was aquired by Norton and is no longer used by CSCF. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
ICR Presentation Rooms DC1301, DC1302, DC1304, DC1316 and DC1331 Room uses and capacity Updated 2 May 2017 DC 1301 reception room DC 1302 presentation...
Presentation Support Work In Progress DC1302 Projector The projector is located in the booth at the back of the room. obtain the keys from ICR (Vera Korody...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Print Quota Here we can gather notes on managing print quotas within CS This is being edited by Bill and Wendy (and Lawrence (and Adrian)). However, we`re finding...
MikeGore 19 Apr 2005 How to setup printers to print from UNIX for CSCF Notes: Please contact Walter Tautz, wtautz #64;, if you need a printer installed...
Printer Maintenance Toner Cartridges Currently, Wendy Rush is the primary maintainer of printer toner cartridges. Toner cartridges for the printers in DC2311, DC...
MikeGore 01 Apr 2013 Printer Problems and Troubleshooting Status and Troubleshooting print.cs print job status You can view the print.cs job queue to see what...
Printer Checks in DC This page will describe in detail what is required to check the printers in DC. Basics The printing checks began as a request to assist with...
This page is set to be deleted because its content has been moved to Printing . If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
MikeGore 19 Apr 2005 How to setup core.cs to print to a Linux box running CUPS Notes: Please make sure to rcsdiff and rcs files before making changes See: Edit...
Printing in PLG See Also: ManageUsersPrintersOnPykota RTs: 61344 https://www.cs.uwaterloo...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it was never finished and presents no tangible information. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
This page is set to be deleted because it has not been given any new news since 2006. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and...
MikeGore 24 Feb 2005 Printer setup documents on UNIX and Linux SettingUpUnixPrintersForCSCF How to setup printers to print from UNIX for CSCF PrintconfPrinterConfigForC...
Resources for Printing Laptop wireless access to printers IMPORTANT if your are using wireless you may have also use the campus VPN to print https...
Printing Private Subnet Subnet/VLAN A subnet on has been created and has been put into the firewall Zone 1. You will need to trunk any switches using...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it presents very little content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Printing Via a Web Browser Using Mozilla on Solaris Unix Platform The instructions are specific to Unix Solaris platform. To check what version of mozilla you are...
This page is being proposed for deletion because Bill said it could be deleted when he came by with chocolate :) . If you believe it should be kept, please move it...
MikeGore 2016 01 22 UBUNTU DBUS launcher errors chmod o x /usr/lib/dbus 1.0/dbus daemon launch helper
MikeGore 2016 05 17 UBUNTU DBUS launcher errors chmod o x /usr/lib/dbus 1.0/dbus daemon launch helper
Problems and Fixes for W10U16041 M5A99X 750G W17 V1 Booting Problem: Windows cannot boot. 1. Press DEL during startup to access the BIOS, then F7 to access...
Problems and Fixes for W10U16041 VM 500G F16 V1 Booting need to set default to `Saved` (Last booted) Windows Office Activation fails Linux LawrenceFolland...
Professional Development The Approach The Approach describes how we allocate professional development resources as fairly as we can. DLP Collection of CSCF Books...
Professional Development Purpose The purpose of professional development is to promote the growth of staff in their technical and professional skills. It may be initiated...
Programming Languages Group Web site Email Group email: plgroup@plg2 Procedures PlgLdap notes on adding users and using PLGs...
Programming Style Guidelines This page started life as a copy of man mfcf programming style (as of 2008/09/05). Updates are being made to reflect current practice...
Comparison of Printing Systems See PrintingProblems for an analysis of xhier Lpr and CUPS. Conventions within this Document A print system will be a software tool...
Main.ctucker 18 Nov 2005 Remote Setting and Managing of the Eon Terminal Passwords By default, an Eon terminal`s password is NOT set when the terminal comes `out...
Puppet: System Configuration Management Framework Puppet is a tool that allows one to manage many systems via a central master node. Tasks that Puppet can do In this...
Purchasing Hardware (Page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) General procedures Generally speaking, the goal of purchasing hardware (or anything, really) is to generate...
Purchasing Laptop Computers or Tablet PCs Considerations when deciding what kind of laptop to purchase The sections below describe some of the considerations when...
CSCF Purchasing procedures The following describes a proposed procedure for ordering equipment, in order to facilitate receiving the equipment, filing of paperwork...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it presents no content. All links to this page were replaced with the link in this page. If you believe it should...
I ran out of space on /fsys1 recently. Adrian helped me out by installing the packages I wanted installed that had caused the problem. He put them on a different...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has very minimal content and there are no backlinks to the page. If you believe it should be kept, please move...
Number of topics: 137

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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