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This is an old working copy that is no longer maintained. The official version of this document is located here:
OGSAS Graduate Admissions Assistant`s Guide Beginning late 2007, the School of Computer Science started deploying the Online Graduate Student Admissions System (OGSAS...
OS X 10.9 `Mavericks` Installation Media Creation This process is identical for Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite (replacing all instances of `Mavericks` with `Yosemite`) OS...
Odyssey Adapter Programs Introduction There are the following programs: cgigate : CGI that connects a remotely authenticated (or anonymous) user to their own...
CS Events The CS Events application is used to advertise events of interest to CS. IsaacMorland 09 Feb 2007 StephenNickerson 8 Dec 2008 Adding a User to webCalendar...
Odyssey Application: CS Teaching Preferences This application collects teaching preferences from CS faculty members and allows administrative users to view the collected...
Odyssey Application: Website Maintenance This application allows authorized individuals to maintain the menus and other centralized information that is part of the...
Odyssey Applications This is being replaced by a new system based on Python and PostgreSQL. See OdysseyApplications3 for details. This is a system for creating web...
Odyssey 3 Applications Note: This section is what I am working on right now. Not everything described here is yet operational. This is a UW specific system for creating...
XHier Package odyssey 3 apache The odyssey 3 apache carries configuration and data for our Apache 2 installations. Configuration ( ...
Odyssey 3 Apache Configuration This page explains the contents of /software/odyssey 3 apache/config . RCS ...
XHier Package odyssey 3 apache/data The data directory contains the following subdirectories: home ...
Enabling an Apache module in odyssey 3 apache In order to enable Apache modules for our Apache environment, there are additions made on the webserver (such as www...
Odyssey 3 Applications The following applications are implemented in the Odyssey 3 framework: uwdata ...
Oddysey 3 UW CLF Implementation This page describes the UW CLF implementation in use on www.cs and www.student.cs . Static Pages Static web pages are implemented...
Odyssey 3 Applications Database All data are stored in the Postgres database at appdb.cs:5433 . Each application has a schema. Naming Conventions Identifiers use...
Odyssey 3 Application Structure This page explains all the pieces required in order to implement an application that uses the Odyssey framework. Project Directory...
Odyssey 3 Apache Virtual Host Configuration This page describes how each virtual host is configured in our Apache 2 installation. HTTP only Virtual Hosts Each virtual...
Version Control The Subversion read write URL to the OdysseyApplications repository: svn ssh://odyssey@core/u/odyssey/svn/odyssey/ The JavaScript...
Odyssey Connect Directory The Odyssey connect directory contains the FIFOs used to communicate between the gateway adapters (OdysseyAdapter) and the JVMs (OdysseyJavaCode...
Odyssey Web Development Co op Guide These notes provide an introductory guide for Web Developer co op students working on the Odyssey application. They are currently...
Odyssey Documentation Overview This page provides technical information about the Odyssey web application`s online help. Background
Odyssey EMS Meeting September 19, 2016 Notes from meeting with Caroline. Overall she liked the system and had many positive things to say about it, but she found...
Meeting with ISG ISCs in their weekly Monday meeting Daniel, Dimitri, and Frank met with Karen Anderson, Barbara Daly, Caroline Kierstead, Olga Zorin, and Travis Bartlett...
Odyssey: Exam Management System Demo 2016 11 14 Feedback in italics Accordion design ( 107839) Make sections collapsable needs instructions for usage...
Odyssey: Exam Management System Demo 11 21 2016 11 21 Feedback in italics Accordion design ( 107839) done; they like it. Collect more Crowdmark...
Proctor Package investigation From parent page: ST#107173: Caroline noted that sometimes the Proctor Package isn`t automatically generated. Isaac says that this results...
Odyssey Exam Management System UI Updates In Fall 2016, we`ve planned to review the user interface and make improvements. This is a loosely defined project, with...
Odyssey Introduction session (DRAFT) Prerequisites You will need the following: Python 3.6
Odyssey Java Code Here we document the organization and setup of the Java code used by the odyssey 2 package. Code formatting related standards are in OdysseyJavaCodingStandards...
Odyssey Java Coding Standards For consistency, all Java code in the Odyssey system should follow the following standards. Version Control Subversion is used for version...
Odyssey Local App: Assignment Submission Introduction This is a web interface to the command line submit command. Implementation is in Java class uw.unix.SubmitHandler...
Odyssey Local App: Disk Quota This application allows users of the environment in which it is installed to see their diskquota. It simply runs the command line diskquota...
Odyssey Local App: Local File Access Introduction This is a web interface to the user`s files. Implementation is in Java classes uw.unix.FileBrowser . The main...
Odyssey Local App: XAS Account This application allows users of the environment in which it is installed to see their LP quota balances. It simply runs the command...
Odyssey Local App: Mail Forwarding This application allows users of the environment in which it is installed to see and update their mail forwarding. Upon requesting...
Odyssey Local App: XAS Account This application allows users of the environment in which it is installed to see their XAS account balance. It simply runs the command...
Odyssey Log Directory The Odyssey log directory is /software/odyssey 2/logs . Within this directory should be one directory per year. Within the year directories...
Odyssey Wire Protocols: JVM Request This page describes the format of a JVM request. These arrive at the JVM on standard input, which is redirected from the .fifo...
Odyssey Wire Protocols This page documents the `wire` protocols used by the Odyssey system, i.e. the exact formats of the byte sequences sent through various communications...
The (partial) text of a posting I just made. I post it here because I talk about Thunderbird and putty, but the concept applies well to any OS capable...
Microsoft Office install and Activation University Office Portal for Office install and Downloads Updated 15Feb2022 Mike Gore Login to
Data Required to Produce CS Reports and Other Output Deliverables in OFIS dev for December 2009 Research Book / Webpage in OFIS Manually entered: webpage/webpage...
Where are we? Overall goals: import and validation of CS data contributions bibtex import: parsing mapping fields: questions answered...
Weekly Meeting with Dawn, 31 March, 2009 I suggested it would be useful to get opinions from current users of the system Dawn suggests Shaz, admin for Software...
OFIS Notes from 1 December, 2010 Today Marlon: can import GSO update to dev, up to gov`t count date. Will bug OOR about their data. then imports will be done....
OFIS Notes from 2 December, 2009 Past Tasks Tamir: ct`d bibtex Daniel: `what do I need to fill in` info sent OfisCSOutputRequirements Daniel: Questions...
OFIS Notes from 2 February, 2011 Today Daniel: volunteering to determine/recommend workflow using mercurial(hg) source control, and clean up the redmine/mercurial...
OFIS Notes from 2 March, 2011 Today Steph Sempson`s 2nd day on job. A bit info overloaded. Vu: may be back next week; new project was quicker than expected. Daniel...
Weekly Meeting: New day: Wednesday, 3pm 4:30. This time, developers only: Marlon, Vu, Ray, Tamir, Dawn, Daniel. (Jack hasn`t started yet). Subversion Discussion...
OFIS Notes from 27 January, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: not much. worked on ssh data transferring, still in dev. Today: beth: CFI grant reporting requirement...
OFIS Notes from 3 June, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: fixing user info: replace `Department of` with blank; in display and in CV. Will move to Production. Today...
OFIS Notes from 03 May, 2011 No meeting last week. Today Oops; last term`s co op didn`t email out a writeup of the mysql workbench. Marlon: weren`t we going to base...
Initial Meeting for discussing CSCF/CS/Math Faculty contribution to the project Daniel Allen, Dawn Keenan, and Peter van Beek attended the regular weekly OFIS...
OFIS Notes from 4 November, 2009 Past Tasks Tamir: ct`d bibtex Daniel: research book HR Feed and Marlon`s email thread with HR/IST terminations are...
OFIS Notes from 3 November, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: data cleanup. Today Vu: research support: `losing fields` means missing data...
OFIS Notes from 5 Aug, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book proceeds. Today: Daniel: will email OFIS list when CS profs get sent the email to update...
OFIS Notes from 05 Jun 2009 Daniel reported on hiring process, discussion. Differences: Engr. hired a 1st, didn`t want 2nd or 3rd term. sounded like they...
OFIS Notes from 6 April, 2011 Today Anthony is sick today, so no demo. Vu: everything is working in dev2, including delegation. working on new headers. Daniel: hg...
OFIS Notes from 6 January, 2011 Past Tasks Not done: ask faculty members: display on web? process for improving CS teaching roster data to include...
OFIS Notes from 06 May, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: imported CS data to live (as Marlon was about to flush dev system). added the two users from...
OFIS Notes from 7 April, 2010 Today: Beth / Marlon will have IAP research meeting tomorrow / 2 weeks. cleaning up existing data Marlon is importing...
Weekly Meeting: discussion on LaTeX and RTF: marlon and ray determined that freebsd `rtf2latex` did a good job on a sample report template file. bibtex imports...
Past Tasks Daniel: bring OCGS reports for Math. Tamir: ct`d bibtex import work Marlon, Vu away. Beth: queries to George Dixon re: cleaning up Office of Research...
OFIS Notes from 7 Oct, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: investigating webpage, prof comments. data cleanup. Today Daniel: 53 faculty...
OFIS Notes from 8 April 2009 Dawn: yesterday`s CS school council meeting: report on the faculty performance reviews and how it is constructed. Daniel: student...
OFIS Notes from 9 December, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: move expertise keywords live (done); WatITis talk done; Research Book: printing drafts for people...
OFIS Notes from 9 February, 2011 Today Vu: big project coming down the pipe for him: grad student data administration project. He doesn`t have full spec, hard due...
Weekly Meeting: What`s been happening? Beth: do we want to alternate between dev only and dev/management meetings? `Rick`s webpages`: Marlon is moving link...
OFIS Notes from 10 Jul 2009 Past Tasks: Daniel: open software that performs same functionality as sharepoint (as far as we need?) Will ask online about open...
OFIS Notes from 10 June, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: looking at personal profile etc. Today: Vu: RTF / html input cleanup to fix RTF export. Jack: error...
OFIS Notes from 10 March, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel worked on data cleanup Marlon: see below. Today: small meeting. Daniel brought up whether common tables...
OFIS Notes from 11 Mar 2009 Met from 11am 12:30. Following direction from Peter van Beek last week, we discussed his CS Research Directory profile and how...
OFIS Notes from 11 November, 2009 Past Tasks Tamir: ct`d bibtex Daniel: Daniel asked about `program review` on behalf of prof in CS. Beth will ask...
OFIS Notes from 11 November, 2010 Olga: grant data errors in her data; Marlon will track down. Daniel: Bill Cowan: errors in grant data. Daniel will have him...
OFIS Notes from 12 Aug, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work. Daniel: email OFIS list when CS profs get sent the email to update profiles Today...
OFIS Notes from 12 Jun 2009 Daniel reported back on Professional Registrations in CS/Math. (see below). We might just rename the sections to `Professional Deignation...
OFIS Notes from 13 January, 2011 Today Marlon: wants meeting with Colin Daniel to discuss philosophy of revision control (re: rollbacks and keeping some changes...
OFIS Notes from 13 May, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: gave Noki a copy of a prof`s NSERC form 100 data as requested, for him to use as template....
OFIS Notes from 14 April, 2010 Past tasks Daniel: `expertise single`: code change to display as carriage return, not comma. (then ready for live). Daniel...
Weekly Meeting: Marlon will be away next week. next meeting in two weeks. Beth will suggest a day. Most likely Wednesday afternoon. I will schedule...
OFIS Notes from 14 Oct, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: investigating webpage, prof comments. data cleanup. Today Marlon and Ray away. Next...
OFIS Notes from 15 Apr 2009 discussed UI issues for new version, if the user is cross listed in more than one faculty (and has admin powers in both; ex., Olga...
OFIS Notes from 15 July, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: ready for profs at end of June. Yay. Today: Beth: affiliation info simplification? Vu will make a demo...
OFIS Notes from 15 May 2009 From April 29 meeting: Daniel presented about CS course critiques. data is passed to Frank Tompa CS Director of Undergraduate...
OFIS Notes from 16 December, 2010 Today Daniel: cleaned up Research Keywords. Will move backup of old version to subdir. Won`t get to asking profs about display on...
OFIS Notes from 16 February, 2011 Today New staff to work on OFIS, at end of month: Steph Sempson, currently Science Computing support. Vu: his new project is automating...
OFIS Notes from 16 March, 2011 Today Vu`s not here this week. We want to look at Vu`s path change code... is it done? Daniel: how do we want to...
OFIS Notes from 16 Sep 2009 Short meeting. Mostly about BibTeX Beth says Engineering Deans are enthusiastic about bibtex import. Ray/Tamir/Daniel determined...
OFIS Notes from 16 Sep, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: Talking with MWG and PaF Today Marlon will move data updates from dev to prod (GSO...
OFIS Notes from 17 February, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: worked on ssh data transferring, still in dev. Will generate `real` profiles, but I want preview to work...
OFIS Notes from 17 Jul 2009 Beth talked with Martha about Eng. Faculty webpages: want common look and feel. Can Ofis do this? Marlon: working on cleaning...
OFIS Notes from 17 June, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: will fix CS Research Book code for order of display Daniel: question about contribution `0000` dates...
OFIS Notes from 17 March, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: conv with Marlon about NULLs and bibtex id Daniel: conv with Ray about ecserv19 / ofis.uwaterloo lack...
Today Olga: how can we generate department webpages ECC wants access to their faculty members` last 3 (or n) publications. broke down 3 options: 1) ofis hosts data...
OFIS Notes from 18 Mar 2009 Met from 11am 12:15. Question from Peter D. on request by Arts, to use OFIS as well. But Peter suggests we don`t currently...
OFIS Notes from 19 April, 2011 Today Michael will send out a writeup of the mysql workbench demo, via email. Daniel: Discussion of dev2 checkout (https://ofisdev...
OFIS Notes from 19 Aug, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work. Today Jack: demo of edit menus; wide css; decided to switch to wide css Marlon...
OFIS Notes from 19 Jun 2009 Ray will add shell access. uses nexus p/w Latex: Daniel reported on TeX4ht. latex to HTML/xml/open office and (via html) can be...
OFIS Notes from 20 April, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: met with 2 profs, demo tomorrow with n more (3 NSERC website will work. Would trust OFIS text dump,...
OFIS Notes from 20 January, 2010 Past Tasks Tamir: finished! Daniel: web coding Today: Vu: contributions: needs to detect and remove `accepted in....
OFIS Notes from 20 May, 2010 Past CS tasks Today: Daniel: fixing user info: replace `Department of` with blank, if `School of`? Decision to remove...
OFIS Notes from 20 Oct, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: data cleanup. Today Marlon: Eng. Research Reports engineering tool update: added...
OFIS Notes from 21 December, 2009 Past Tasks Tamir: ct`d bibtex Daniel: web coding Today: demo of CS updates. questions: Awards interface...
OFIS Notes from 22 July, 2010 Past CS tasks Today: Daniel: will email OFIS list when CS profs get sent the email to update profiles Beth: interviewing...
OFIS Notes from 22 May 2009 General Notes to be determined: whether to add profs who will never generate reports, such as retired faculty data checking...
OFIS Notes from 23 March, 2011 Today Met at 10:30. Done at 11:30. Vu: changes to support multiple implementations: instead of config.php and /common/lib dir, use...
OFIS Notes from 23 Sep 2009 Beth making list(s) of specific info profs do need to do CEAB and other reports? Marlon: course critique data integrity issues, missing...
OFIS Notes from 23 Sep, 2010 Today Daniel: no show stopper bugs with CS stuff. Just a pile of small bugs to figure out. one request to have a staff member...
OFIS Notes from 17 Jul 2009 Beth is taking on Computing Director job while Peter Douglas is in Dubai (Nov ) but also stood in for Peter today. Marlon working...
OFIS Notes from 17 March, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: conv with Ray about ecserv19 / ofis.uwaterloo access. works! Marlon added `BS` to common field. Today...
Daniel`s Revision Control Demo user customizations to ecdev:~/.hgrc (replacing my name and email with user`s): ui username Daniel Allen trusted groups ofis...
OFIS Notes from 25 Mar 2009 Met from 11am 12:55pm. Two visitors from Arts: prof, Bruce (Muirhead), associate dean of grad studies; and Carol (x), from Arts Dean`s...
OFIS Notes from 25 November, 2010 Today Marlon: importing watiam and HR data automatically now. But what about errors in data? solving seems higher priority than...
OFIS Notes from 26 Aug, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work. Research Book; sent Vu notes on odd display (fixed); moved bibtex under contribution...
OFIS Notes from 26 January, 2011 Today Next Monday Marlon will start reimporting the Faculty member table; will tell Daniel when he`s done (for CS re edits)...
OFIS Notes from 27 January, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: not much. worked on ssh data transferring, still in dev. Today: discussion of errors reported by profs...
OFIS Notes from 28 April, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Demo for profs. Today: Office of Research: wants to use OFIS data as core for reporting requirements...
Past Tasks Daniel: OCGS comparisons sample (JAtlee). find out what is deadline for CS OCGS? was last done March 2006 has the office of research been asked...
OFIS Notes from 28 Oct, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: data cleanup. Today Maron: Wayne`s 6 missing grad students: one`s a postdoc and...
OFIS Notes from 29 Apr 2009 Engineering Computing is planning for a spring term co op, if they can find tasks for him. Possibly Jack, who is experienced with...
OFIS Notes from 30 March, 2011 Today Vu: everything is working under the new (relocatable) code except delegation; working on that. Daniel: shall we set up additional...
OFIS Notes from 30 Sep 2009 Past Tasks: Tamir: ct`d bibtex import work Marlon: OCGS: gray area: some business rules a bit confusing... marlon adding CIHR and...
OFIS Notes from 30 Sep, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: Talking with MWG and PaF Today Daniel: missing webpage data: 36 out of...
OFIS Notes from 31 Jul 2009 Before meeting: discussion on ofis list about upcoming OFIS work for the fall: 1. Contributions interface contribution specific...
OFIS Notes from dd mmm 2009 Past Tasks: Upcoming Tasks Daniel: task DanielAllen 20 Apr 2009
Meeting with Marlon, Jack, Daniel, Ray, Alan Bell, and Colin Bell. Clarification on Library role: doing this solely to be useful to campus data availability:...
Ofis/RefBase meeting Marlon, Vu, Ray, Jack, Daniel met with Colin Bell, IQC; regrets from Allan Bell, Library. Colin explained further about his/library`s ideas...
Test This is test. And more text. Comments this is a comment. DanielAllen 16 Nov 2010
Equipment Inventory Database See InventoryUserDocs The following information is obsoleted by the revised Inventory web interface and is preserved for historical purposes...
Equipment Inventory Database This is based on OldEquipmentInventory, with stale information removed. Some information is available from
Stuff to see here: bcm5700 modules are intended for use on WatForm Dell servers (eg. PowerEdge) with 2.4 kernels The desktop kernel stuff is a kernel I built...
MikeGore 15 Nov 2011 Old Documents for reference Ubuntu 9.04 Ubuntu 9.04 Packages apt get install openssh server sshfs thunderbird texlive latex...
Editing the Upcoming Events notice The Ongoing Series notices that appear on the home page on the side, directly below the `Upcoming Events` notices are affected by...
Online Course Support Expectations for online course support, understood as of 2013/03/08, are: Video Only the instructor will be involved; students will only be...
I went to OUCC 2005 in Kingston. I tried to balance what sessions I wanted to go with the sessions I felt I should have gone to. The complete list of sessions is...
OpenBSD in CSCF (obsolete) CSCF`s ability to support OpenBSD is very limited. In mid 2007, CSCF starting looking at OpenBSD for low cost network load balancing using...
MikeGore 2016 11 01 OpenConnect OpenConnect is an SSL VPN client initially created to support Cisco`s AnyConnect SSL VPN. It has since been ported to...
MikeGore 05 Nov 2012 openmpi openmpi allows programs to be run cooperatively with other users and share resources. It can trivially be extended across several...
Dell OpenManage SNMP Configuration This page includes notes and references for setting up a Dell PowerEdge server to be monitored by CSCF`s nagios system via OpenManage...
OpenOffice includes the following packages: Calc similar to Microsoft Excel Writer similar to Microsoft Word Impress similar to Microsoft Power...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
OpenSuSE Updates It would appear that you update OpenSuSE with a SuSE archive. Go figure. For local installation source, go into Yast2 and disable the DVD or CDROM...
The University of Waterloo uses the Oracle Calendar system, locally called bookit to replace Synchronize. We`d like to preinstall the Linux client. Web client is http...
OrganizationSSL Certificates See also IntranetSSL Strictly speaking, either OrganizationSSL or IntranetSSL intermediate certificates will be used to create a chain...
GlobalSign OrganizationSSL Certificate (Obsolescent Version) GlobalSign OrganizationSSL Intermediate Root Certificate (Obsolescent Version) Prior to mid 2011, GlobalSign...
Rob Schmidt in IST sent me the following link: Technical Information. Under tools, it has a looking glass, which allows you to see if a peer is on the Orion Network...
Main.ctucker 18 Nov 2005 Supported Operating Systems for the Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals The following are the currently in service operating systems for CSCF`s Eon...
Main.ctucker 21 Nov 2005 Update the Neoware Linux Operating System The OS of a Neoware Eon 4000 or E100 are updated using a package called a snapin which is uploaded...
Standard Procedures for all Operating System Updates We`ll document some standard procedures, mostly just reminders, for some of the things we do when planning for...
This page is being proposed for deletion because there is not enough content to merit a full page. The link to this page was replaced with the contents. If you believe...
Other Time Off Work The university has procedures and guidelines for staff time away from work for reasons other than scheduled vacation. This is a collection of...
How We Spend Our Time One way to categorize the time we spend is: overhead ongoing commitments unique work flexible time Overhead Overhead time...
MikeGore 03 Oct 2011 Convert Outlook Express to Thunderbird See also Outlook to Thunderbird OutlookToThunderbird Convert DBX files to MBOX Note: this is useful...
How to convert from Outlook to Thunderbird This is if you have weird conversion problems like a funny attachment or HTML mails turning plaintext when importing...
OwnCloud Background ownCloud is a PHP based service that allows you to sync your files across different computers. Smartphone support is in progress. ownCloud is...
OwnCloud Server Administration OwnCloud Set up: OwnCloud Usage: link OwnCloud Server Info Information on our...
OwnCloud Setup For background information on OwnCloud clients/ You will need to install a sync client in order to sync data over multiple...
OwnCloud Usage If you haven`t installed ownCloud yet, please see: OwnCloudSetup Information on ownCloud usage has been taken from the ownCloud User Manual, which can...
This page is being proposed for deletion because there are no backlinks to this page and content has another version which exists on OwnCloudSetup. If you believe...
Number of topics: 161

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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