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Results from CF web retrieved at 03:29 (GMT)

m160 Bioinformatics Research Cluster This document describes Ming Li`s CCF research cluster m160.cs See:
M3A78 CM Based Grad PC Workstation Base BIOS Adjustments The workstation base became our new standard base in April 2009. Consists of: Touch PC base Asus...
M3A78 EMH HDMI Based Grad PC Workstation Base BIOS Adjustments Consists of: Touch PC base Asus M3A78 EMH HDMI Motherboard AMD AX2 7750 Processor...
MikeGore 2015 10 22 ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB en m M4A89GTD%20PRO/USB3 p 1 s 24
MC Lab Checks This page will detail what is required to check the labs in MC Basics The MC Lab checks are a process used to ensure that the labs are operating properly...
FAQ How to restore a known working Ubuntu KDE/Gnome GUI setup. Access Who can use them? Any student with a cs region account can use the teaching Linux systems...
Math Faculty Computing Facility (MFCF) Purpose We have talked numerous times about having a collaborative document repository, and what type to use, and where to...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Printing Color Documents with a Mac on a Xerox Color Printer Note: The Driver for the Xerox WorkCentre 7535 was downloaded from the website and installed on the...
MacAdmins Conference 2016 MacAdmins is the premier East Coast conference for anyone who deploys and manages Macs and iOS devices. In 2015 we featured 60 sessions and...
Creating a Bootable USB for Macs Apple has created a support page which directs you to ca/HT...
Obsolete sudo niutil createprop . /users/joebob shell /bin/tcsh and substitute your short userid for joebob, of course. MikePatterson 24 Mar 2005 start...
Obsolete Create a new userid under System Preferences/Accounts change icon picture if users requests Pay very close attention to the users short name...
Carbon Copy cloner is a software package that is installed on the standard Macintosh platform or can be obtained fromm You cannot clone...
Main.iturner 01 Apr 2009 Disable Safe Sleep (Obsolete) Mac portables can become un bootable off their hard drive if the safe sleep image is corrupted. See for further...
This list of Macintosh error codes is erroneus as soon as it`s put up. There are new codes introducted all the time, but most of these should at least remain constant...
PDF Browser Plugin for Mac Firefox System Administrator Documentation The Mac Firefox PDF Browser Plugin is a plugin for Firefox that allows users running Mac...
Mac For Surplus 1 Connect the Mac to VLAN 420 (Asimov`s network) 1 NetBoot the machine Sometimes when booting into the DeployStudio NetBoot set, the...
Obsolete All faculty, staff, and students (grad and undergrad) use the same image. What is different are the hidden/inaccessible Applications that are made so via...
Creating a Mac OS X Installation Image using DeployStudio (Obsolete) 2011 11 08: in progress This applies to both multicast and unicast images. 1. creating a netboot...
Mac Image Deployment We almost always use DeployStudio. Sometimes it`s handy to use Carbon Copy Cloner to backup to an external drive before installing a new OS....
The software differences in various MacOS X versions we deploy (Obsolete) This is a work in progress. ToDo: we have a non teaching minimal image, that we use as a...
Mac Imaging (Obsolete) On the topic of Imaging Mac imaging is dead. Imaging is a process that has been deprecated and completely abandoned by Apple and the Mac community...
Procedure for Checking on Apple Computers There are 3 major procedures to check on the health of Apple computers (iMacs, Mac minis, MacBooks) power network...
Obsolete SNMP monitoring for Nagios/Cacti MacSnmpSetup on Macs Sassafras monitoring SassafrasLabMonitoring EdwardChrzanowski 2014 10 27
Obsolete As of May 2014 the undergrad Mac labs in MC are running OS X 10.8.4 with the following additional software: (note this is not a complete list nor is it current...
Guides to the Completion of Scheduled Tasks Some tasks must be completed on a regular basis. List the scheduled tasks from least frequently recurring to most frequently...
Obsolete There are a bunch of things that need to be done to make a Mac `lab worthy`. Hers is a list: It is currently in the processes of being revised. Disable...
Mac OS X Running a Command at Login and Logout One way to run applications at login time is to launch them using a LoginHook. Similarly, a LogoutHook can be used...
The following tools are currently used by Google to manage over 64,000 Apple devices with less than a dozen people. They mentioned to avoid sourceforge (because it...
How to distribute and install more than one boot image on a client A disk can be partitioned into single, dual or triple boot partitions. Single and dual are already...
Mac Lab New Image Creation (OBSOLETE) How to create a new Intel image NetRestore has reached EOL from creator Mike Bombich, information on this page should be considered...
Mac Network Trace From Steve Hellyer: here`s how to capture a full packet network trace on Mac OS X.... Open up Terminal and type: sudo tcpdump K i en1 s 0 w...
Mac OS Version Notes (Obsolete) Glossary Universal: PowerPC and Intel compatible Mac OS 10.4 `Tiger` Universal Requirements: A PowerPC G...
This is an old document, dated 17 February 2005. Using pkgviews on a Mac OS system Mac OS 10.3.8, xcode 1.5 and Java 1.4.2 Developers installed. This requires a...
Mac Printing There Are Actually Two SCS Print Servers In order to prevent confusion, the first thing to know is that CSCF maintains two different print servers for...
Obsolete They look like this: (imagine a picture here). They have blue ends with a twisted grey cable and are about 30cm long. It turns out that they`re Prolific...
Obsolete The /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file on the Mac lab machines needs to be modified as follows: Note: There might not be an snmpd.conf file on the machine and so...
MacOSX Software for Special Events Each special event that uses the Mac labs tends to use similar software over time. Here we will document where the software comes...
Setting up a BaseSystem (Obsolete) 1 Initial Account Set up administration Account need IPaddress temporary address or permanent address and port to the internet...
This page briefly describes the sequence of events that happen when Mac OS X boots. Power is turned on. Open Firmware code is executed. Hardware information is collected...
Need to reboot your Mac to access a new startup disc or launch with safe mode enabled so you can troubleshoot problems with OS X? Then read this list of startup options...
Mac OS X Support Approach This information (so far) pertains only to a Mac workstation. It is a work in progress, driven by discussions of those CSCF staff who do...
MikeGore 17 May 2010 MacTeX Tex/Latex for the Mac Summary of MacTeX: Download: http://www.tug...
Mac Test Suite (Obsolete) Here we list a series of features that should run under our standard Macintosh installation, or any time we want to test various features...
The following KB from VMware provides some assistance in solving performance issues on macs. en US cmd...
Obsolete Put the attached file into .vimrc in your home directory. :syn on and enjoy. This may work on other platforms too. MikePatterson 05 Nov 2004
Virtualization on Apple Hardware Possibilities to allow multiple OSes to run at the same time: VirtualBox currently free. VMWareFusion currently CS has...
Obsolete The version of X11 that Apple recommends is XQUARTZ from Previous versions of X11 are deprecated. XQUARTZ is currently... worst bugs in os x yosemite and how to fix them 1652690924 with yosemite mail/ http...
CSCF Machine Rooms Labelling Standards Machine Room racks and organization MachineRoomRacks Fire Suppression Power and Air Conditioning Consoles and KVMs...
Machine Room Fire Suppression Here we gather the techniques we will use to protect machine rooms from fire, in a way that will minimize the occurrence of floods such...
Machine Room Fire Protection Campus Practice This page has moved to to avoid a...
Machine Room Mapping Tool Change Log Back to the MachineRoomMapping page ThomasAng 17 Dec 2004 The page is up again and can be used. I`m currently working...
Machine Room Mapping Tool suggestion box Here we can collect notes on features that we would like to see fixed, changed or added. Please provide some notes on the...
Machine Room Mapping Tool Where to find it Official site: map/login.php Original site in ThomasAng`s home directory:...
RobynLanders 07 Aug 2008 MOVED TO MFCF MEDIAWIKI This page has been moved to the MFCF wiki as of September 2010. Don`t bother editing it here. MC3015 Machine Room...
See ST#47625. (OBSOLETE) Ref Mfg Model Internal Sensors External Sensors Notifications Price 1 Esensors EM01B 3 temperature, light, humidity Optional HTTP, email...
Macintosh We are currently discussing and determining the overall Mac support approach. Installation and Configuration Mac OS X Versions Mac Image Creation...
Macintosh Diagnostics Home (Obsolete) This is the default landing page used in our diagnostics NetBoot image. It will cover basic diagnostics tips as well as the...
How to Print from Macs to the Main CS Printers 1 Check the list of CUPS printers by browsing to Notes : Setting up colour...
This page is set to be deleted. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification from its markup. Method 2 (Old...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Mailman lists used in CS The canonical list of CS lists hosted by IST on is availble at (ADFS...
Managing an IST Mailman Mailing List Setting up the mailing list This needs to be done by someone on IST staff That is, submit an IST RT or equivalent...
Adrian Pepper`s Simple Quick Start Guide to Using Mailman Lists (rendered for `` list) How to use this page View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME but replace the...
Adrian Pepper`s Guide to Mailman List Listinfo Maintenance (rendered for `` list) Authenticate as adminstrator for a list, and then view this page as https:/...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation (rendered for `` list) Preface I was actually hoping to find a link to someone else`s description...
AdrianPepper 2015 12 14 Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Accept (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Accept Page2 (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Defer (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Discard (rendered for `` list) Discussion of the Discard option Discard is, unfortunately, actually...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Discard Page 2 (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the first Moderation...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Done (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the other Moderation pages. Once...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Instructions (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the other Moderation pages...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Reject (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Reject Page2 (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see...
\ This page is not part of the MailManManagementGuide structure. \ It is, in general wiki tradition, labelled as Sandbox because \ it is used as a place to develop...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List (Nearly) All Options (rendered for `` list) Preface The designers of mailman provide many other options to...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List General Options (rendered for `` list) Preface The designers of mailman provide a page of general options to...
Using Curl to Change Settings in Mailman Lists (rendered for `` list) How to use this page View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME but replace the word LISTNAME...
Enumerated Mailman Management Links (rendered for `` list) Reminder View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME But replace the word LISTNAME with the actual name for...
Creating a Mailman Mailing List on IST`s Mailman server Contact IST Contact IST via JIRA
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Management of Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals Management of all Eon 4000 and E100 terminals is centrally located on the Eon Management...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Creating and Modifying Main and Manditory Terminal Menus As mentioned in ManEons, menu files are designated as .rgy files. In reality these...
Managing Users and Printers on the server cups.cs This document is addressed to those who are responsible for adding users to the PYKOTA print accounting system...
Management This page is intended to list the topics of interest to the CSCF Management group. Employees New/Departing/Job Info/Absences Notes for new CSCF...
Management Principles and Insights Management Principles and Insights We`ve learned that we must spend as much time on management as is necessary, and only with...
See ST#57802 for details, but succinctly, to apply patches, use smpatch update . This will not automatically install all outstanding patches; some may require `special...
Maple Installation License IST license Page Support contacts: systems technology...
MarkUs System Administrator Documentation MarkUs is a ruby on rails based online assignment submission system that allows markers to annotate submitted documents,...
Marmoset Course Configuration THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR CSCF STAFF ONLY ISAs, ISCs, instructors, TAs, and IAs should NOT be doing any of the steps on this page unless...
MikeGore 25 Jan 2007 MathWorks Web Site
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Matlab Installation and Licensing Resources or use MATLAB online Licensing options and files There are...
MediaWiki This page is intended to document the aspects of MediaWiki that USG members are interested in learning about. With that said, anyone who finds it interesting...
demos on curu : really nice need to get passwordless smbmount working, f`rinstance on saci for Saurabh. Justin doesn`t really need access to curumin/curupira shares...
Meeting of 5 July 2004 Meeting started at approx. 1415h. Present: Ken Salem, Gladimir Baranoski, Justin Wan, Gail Chopiak, Mike Patterson, Lawrence Folland Gladimir...
Present: Gladimir Baranoski, Justin Wan, Francis Chen, MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland Discussion: 1 completing the OpenGL installation 1 hardware support for...
Moving mail Mike Gore and Lawrence Folland 2004/11/25 need to know what client(s) they`re using get a .forward file setup setup clients to read...
LSI MegaRaid Hardware notes LSI MegaRaid controllers are available in various configurations. See The RAID array can be set up via the Adapter BIOS on...
Moved to MetaPackagesAdrianPepperBeta. This page should be deleted. Or perhaps used by others.
Annual Reviews Client Survey We usually email something like this: To: cs announce Subject: annual CSCF (Computer Science Computing Facility) staff reviews It`s...
MikeGore 28 Oct 2005 MicroX using SSH tunnelling See also SecureShell for details on SSH Configuration of SSH Client and MicroX Xwin32 SSH Client is UofW...
Microsoft Imagine Software Suite General Information Microsoft Imagine is a Microsoft sponsored Azure web site for the educational community. The Math Faculty has...
Middle Atlantic parts we commonly use to order Middle Atlantic Vendors: Anixter London Patti Dennison 1 800 265 6042 Anixter London Kathy Lawrence 1 800...
Migrating a Thunderbird Address Book to Outlook Background This is based on work in ST#74959 exploring how to migrate Thunderbird address books to Outlook Overview...
MikTex Installation steps On the AppServer, look in \exports\export\COMMON\MikTex 2.4 run setup 2.4.1477.exe accept all defaults this...
MinUWet Overview This application was developed by Erick Engelke in Engineering to help promote safe computing. It tests Windows laptops to ensure that they meet...
(This is an old document, dating to 12 April 2005.) Mac Minis as school PCs After using a Mac Mini as a primary workstation for approximately a month, I believe that...
From time to time, removable media (including CDs, DVDs and others) can refuse to eject via the normal Mac OS X methods pressing the keyboard eject key; using the...
Effective May 2009, mirror.cs redirects to mirror.csclub. Mirror.csclub is the official mirror for several open source projects, and is the campus distribution point...
sources.list for Ubuntu Using `wget no check certificate`, you can download the versions of sources.list for hosts internal to UW campus here: https://cs.uwaterloo...
This page is being proposed for deletion because backlinks to this page were simply replaced with the given link. If you believe it should be kept, please move it...
At some point in the recent past the following was done to xhier some linux boxes for the graphics lab. Preserved the disk partitions but remade the file...
Miscallaneous How to`s This page is intended to list any topics dedicated to completing a process but are not sufficient to be considered triage documentation....
Dan Hergott`s Miscellaneous Notes Free Printable Calendars http://www.printable CONVERT METRIC CAD drawing from millimeters to inches 0....
Generally available printers For faculty: ljp cs (1,2) DC 2320 lj dc3624 DC 3624 ljp dc3109 DC 3116 aka ljp 7(?) For Grad Students: $40 quota for self service...
Mobile Device Management Procedures New Devices Before we give new devices to the library, we should: remove any earbuds briefly check for adequate (over...
Installing and configuring the mod auth cas module to work with Apache 2 on Ubuntu This is to make use of the Central Authentication Service provided by IST for single...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 CSCF Modifications for Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals Before an new Eon 4000 or E100 is put into service it is setup with some CSCF...
Main.ctucker 04 Jul 2007 Modify Eon Desktop Colour There isn`t a simple direct way to alter the desktop colour of an Eon. There are several complicated steps which...
How to Modify the Google Drive Presentation Steps below outline how to log in to the Google Drive website and then get to the presentation. Google Chrome is reconmended...
Title Article text. Comments mouse SVN running on cs tech1 for testing All original accounts are running passwords restored The svn...
This is old and obsolete and should be moved to a private section. Migrating a Mailman Mailing List Betweenbbcrandmailman...
Moves and Removals This will be a page discussing the basis of moves and removals, where equipment goes, and what needs to be done in regards to inventory and ONA...
Moving Email WARNING Be careful, especially if moving from mail.cs. I tried the command as listed below, and it assumed EVERYTHING in the file system of my home...
Moving to Connect This document will cover the migration of CS users from their existing mail servers to the IST Exchange server Background In 2010, it was decided...
I wanted to move some people on softbase from /fsys2/u2 (old home directory structure) to /fsys4/u4 (new one). See ST#42644. From: Adrian Pepper To: mpatters...
Mozilla Firefox Windows Specific Installation Locations Local installation files can be found on the AppServer at: \\asimov...
Mozex a Mozilla Extension to configure an external editor for textboxes 2009 8 13: apparently Mozex doesn`t work with `current` versions (ie v3) of Firefox, so...
MikeGore 05 Jan 2006 Howto Upgrade to mozilla 1.7.12 and make Xprint work Note Prior to upgrade you receive the following error trying to print Background...
MikePatterson 16 Dec 2004 Things we definitely need to do: 1 ensure all disks are in use 1 ensure user data integrity MikePatterson 20 Dec 2004 First, backup...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no backlinks. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
CS MySQL Database Backup and Recovery Validation for System Administrators The CS MySQL database backup and recovery procedures should be validated periodically....
High Availability MySQL Design Manual 1. Objectives Our primary objective is to provide a MySQL database to our stakeholders...
Failure of the Master Server If you have performed problem diagnosis and believe the Master Server has failed, these instructions will assist with emergency recovery...
Move Some (but not all) Databases from Old MySQL server to New HA Cluster This section assumes: mysql 5.5 the high availability architecture is one master...
Normal operation Nagios should accurately report that the cluster is operating normally. In case you would like additional verification, the following are manual diagnostics...
MySQL High Availability Preamble This document assumes: You have credentials to access mysql 10 246 and InfoBlox. The high availability...
Problem Diagnosis There are various failure modes of the MySQL cluster; this section will help identify which recovery method to use. The scenarios below are listed...
Restoring Broken Old Master After Failover Caution: this process is meant to cover most situations output of commands should be reviewed to make sure they make sense...
Slave Failure If a slave has failed, we perform a restore from backups from the master. In this example, we use mysql 104 as the example slave to recover, and...
CS MySQL Database High Availability Testing Notes for System Administrators DRAFT This document is for historical use only, as of 8 April, 2016. Current details...
Number of topics: 145

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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