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LFS (Linux From Scratch) What is it? Benefits Drawbacks With Building Sometimes errors are run into that aren`t explained how to solve. With The...
LISA 2010 Attendee Notes The LISA Conference was held in San Diego, CA. Five staff from UW attended: Jeff Voskamp (IST), Robyn Landers (MFCF) and Fraser Gunn, Ronaldo...
LISA 2010 Fraser`s attendee notes `10: November 7 12, San Jose CA Training Sessions Attended Nagios: Advanced Topics Instructor: John Sellens, SYONEX Description...
LISA 2010 Lawrence`s attendee notes `10: November 7...
LISA 2010 Ronaldo`s attendee notes `10: November 7...
Accounts are synced from plg2 by a script that`s in the crontab. It`s under /software/local passwds. If a machine gets reinstalled...
Lab Mac System Administrator Documentation The Mac Labs are lab rooms throughout the MC building dedicated to giving students access to Mac computers. In any of these...
Lab Renovations CSCF Workflow (THIS NEEDS UPDATING) The CS Space Committee is to be involved whenever the look, feel, or use of a space, or the potential for that...
Laptop Lending Program for the School of Computer Science CSCF Master ST item ST#81816 Public service description
This page is being proposed for deletion because there is no longer any content on this page. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic... EdwardChrzanowski 2014 09 19
SGI Altix System Administration Dave Wright out of Egan, Minnesota daw #64; 7 hostname: tng2 tng7 Course expects some amount of Red Hat background...
S nail (S mailx) mailer WORK IN PROGRESS Not ready for others. From apt show s nail . Description: feature rich BSD mail(1) S nail is a mail processing system...
Lenovo Specific Notes BIOS settings Enable Secure boot the imaging process will need this Secure Boot setting will also enable other required defaults...
School of Computer Science shared Library the Distributed Library Project (DLP) CSCF`s DLP: (no longer exists this project is no longer...
Licensed Software Work In Progress We don`t license a lot of software, so this page should be an adequate place to record it all. Filemaker Adobe Acrobat Pro Microsoft...
Linux in CS CollectdConfiguration Configuring your system for resource monitoring MetaPackages bundle, deploy and update collections of deb packages across...
Linux Active Directory (obsolete) Here we will document how to setup a Linux machine to authenticate against an Active Directory and then how to solve various problems...
Automated Shutdown Procedure for Linux These are for notes on automating a shutdown in preparation for a power outage or other outages. The general procedure...
Linux Containers Many of CSCF`s servers run using LXC (LinuX Containers) (see: ) Here we document the most useful commands for working...
MikeGore 2013 05 02 Linux Diagnotic , Reporting and Repair Tools Recovery Utilities Recovery is Possible Diagnostic and Recovery Tools Includes information...
Legato Client Installation notes (OBSOLETE) See Legato Install Notes for Windows Restoring Files
Using OpenLDAP for Linux Accounts Management This document assumes you are using Ubuntu Server 6.06 (dapper) for both the server and client. It also assumes using...
This page describes the instalation of a Gnu/Linux Distribution on Apple Harware. Most of this page refers to a PowerBook, see below on tips for the Mac Mini (yes...
The biggest problem we`ve had so far with Linux printing is how to authenticate. Our current lpd/lpr system make it very difficulty to reliably and easily allow the...
MikeGore 24 Mar 2020 Linux Remote Desktop Access 8 Sept 2020 Mike Gore Ubuntu 18.04LTS see RT# 1051887 Linux vpn.cs client setup VPN required for remote access...
Standard Features for the Linux desktop This is intended to keep track of the functions and features we expect to be available and working under the standard CSCF...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the only content on this page is a broken link. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is meant to be a redirect and I replaced all backlinks with the link in this page. If you believe it should be...
Linux Test Suite Note (March 2016) some things to add: gui adminimstration of package adding; reboot/shutdown (does it work??); the cscf adm/cscf op accounts do...
Managing Linux User Accounts An initial foray into figuring out how Linux user accounts and perhaps other stuff like printing can be managed by using network based...
MikeGore 24 Feb 2010 Linux Wireless Networking at UW eduroam External Douments See this document for the latest instructions:
Please use the eduroam installer for all newer version of ubuntu Download it from: Using UW Wireless (eduroam) under Ubuntu 10.10 To...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date TEAMS: Attendees Agenda
Sun is angling for small footprint 1/2/4u. Opterons and low end Sparcs. Look here. Looking at PXE installs for x86 over network. Sun will also be supporting HP...
`Who would fly on an airplane if it was running Windows?` (no hands) `What if it was running Linux?` (some hands) `What about FreeBSD?` (more hands) `You`re...
This was almost a workshop style tutorial, with lots of participation from the attendees. It`s worth going to once; probably not worth attending twice. Robyn gave...
Advanced Solaris Administration Informal classroom poll: there`s still some legacy Solaris 6 in production, some 7, loads and loads of 8/9, and very little 10. Lots...
Next Generation Security Tools Security policy includes what you are securing include assumptions (like physical security: `we assume that the building is secured...
Network Security Profiles When considering a site`s security profile, it`s important to determine not just what it does have, but also what it doesn`t have. You...
16 November 2004 Solaris 10 Security Peter Baer Galvin Solaris is evolving, but security is somewhat stable. Tutorial notes were based on build 63 (10 wasn`t...
LISA 2004 Combating Spam..., David Skoll Using MIMEDefang. A big con is that we can`t send back different reply codes to the bad guy. The multiplexor is to avoid...
I didn`t take very many notes at this session, as the tutorial notes are fairly straightforward. I will give page numbers that refer to the notes, and these notes...
those not in the know Livejournal is an extremely large weblogging site. They were purchased by SixApart not long (as of April 2005) ago. here `We`ll go into what...
LISA Conference 2004. Conference ran Sunday 14 November until Friday the 19th. General notes: Atlanta, GA venue was the downtown Marriot Marquis MikePatterson...
MikeGore 31 Oct 2012 LJC ALG Printer See also AlgorithmsAndComplexity Location DC2305 Printer Description ALG HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 color Printer...
To use the NEC projector with an iMac: Connect the projector`s RGB IN 1 port with the Mac`s mini DVI port using the cable provided. The mini DVI port is on the back...
Local Linux Accounts Adding users with a UW userid When creating accounts on a linux machine, we typically use the `adduser` command (in Ubuntu/Debian distributions...
The basic script is installed under /Library/Scripts and is run upon login. This currently contains the comment sections from the cleanbasic script #set xv; exec...
This logout script is found under /Library/Scripts and currently just contains comments #Update on June 27, 2006 added support for 10.3 clients and other improvements...
UW Web `Common Look and Feel` Implementation The CSCF implementation of the UW CLF makes us of a database backend to store side menu options. These options are hierarchical...
LPR Printing for Windows Note we assume that this computer will NOT be part of a domain ( domain users have printing automatically setup ) Note for Wireless Laptop...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page only contains a link, which is broken. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
Starting Points for CSCF non twiki LXC documentation up LinuX Containers (LXC) CS Container... Courses Campus has subscribed to to provide video on demand courses on technical topics. Following is detail on subscribing to lynda and details...
Number of topics: 56

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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