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Results from CF web retrieved at 03:29 (GMT)

ST#51597 has all the gory details. For now, just one attachment: the config file for the 2.6.15 kernel. The kernel .deb package is too big to attach. MikePatterson...
Customizing KDE for multiple user use, such as on front end servers in the Student Environment. Also see KdePerformance and ST #49493. KDE Docs on configuration internals...
This document will discuss KDE Performance. Feel free to add particulars! Related ST: #49493. Also see KdeMultiUser. Performance Tips Starting document: this...
Main.ctucker 29 May 2007 Configuration of SCS Public Kiosks At boot time, an SCS public kiosk is configured to forgo the normal Windows logon process and immediately...
Kiosk Events Display Overview The Kiosk in the Great Hall of the Davis Centre displays upcoming events on its upper screen. These events are primarily drawn from...
Main.ctucker 28 Jul 2009 Kiosk Hardware Specifications This page will outline some of the relevant hardware details of SCS`s public kiosk computers. But right now...
Kiosk Proxy Service Motivation The kiosk displays web content, which may become available due to any number of reasons, including network and server failures. When...
CS Kiosk Graphical Home Page Visibull Digital Signage the product we are using for our digital signs Modifying a Google Drive...
SCS Kiosk Shutdown or Reboot (Restart) You can remotely shutdown or restart the cs kiosks using a couple of methods: Preferred method for restart login to najas...
Number of topics: 9

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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