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Results from CF web retrieved at 03:28 (GMT)

JabberWockie Overview Ubuntu 14.04LTS Supermicro nScale 101 Operon 6000 Series Server Supermicro H8SGL motherboard with AMD AOPeteron 12C 6344 2.6 32G ram 4x Hot...
Problem: I lack hardware for initial implementation of freebsd5. But: I know FreeBSD can implement virtual interfaces and assign them to jails, so... Answer...
John`s Work Guide and Responsibilities JohnGilbert 2015 02 27
John`s Work Guide and Responsibilities These notes are to describe the basic work that I do, the responsibilities that I have here at the University, guides to my...
The CS General Windows Domain Introduction There is a Windows Domain (part of the Active Directory infrastructure) membership in which provides some advantages:...
05 Jul 2012 Infrastructure Group Meeting. Attendance: Adrian, Clayton, Dave, Dan, Guoxiang, Phil Dates of Interest Last day of lectures for this term is: 25 spring... Admins: nfish, fhgunn is a production service implementing a Jupyter Hub for undergraduate...
Number of topics: 7

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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