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Results from CF web retrieved at 03:28 (GMT)

IBM DB2 database management system Disambiguation `DB2` is also used to refer to Berkeley DB (BDB) version 2. For example, the Ubuntu libdb2 package description is...
MikeGore 14 Apr 2011 SuperMicro LOM IPMI See ClusterToolsIPMITOOL for the latest documentation for IPMIview,ippmicfg and ipmitool and scripts Documenation...
IST Announcements of Campus Wide Changes IST says: Campus wide changes will be communicated through the IST communications officer as well as through the Network Alert...
/ padding is used because IE tends to overwrite letters next to borders without padding. / div.comment { margin left: 3em; margin right...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Icinga Icinga is an open source computer and network monitoring system that originally started as a fork of Nagios in 2009. CSCF is working to migrate from Nagios...
Obsolete This is the changelog I keep whilst creating and updating the standard images. See CreatingImage to go about making one. I used to keep it in a CVSed text...
Image Deployment Images Windows10BaseImage Windows 10 base image Creating, Installing Salt setup, etc for CSCF CscfGradImageNotes CSCF Grad Image Notes...
Image Deployment With Acronis Acronis10 Acronis 10 Backup/Recovery notes Acronis11 Acronis 11 Backup/Recovery notes (do not use not working...
Image Deployment using Ghost and the CS Application Server This describes the method by which CSCF can put an operating system on a machine by either booting from...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page describes a method that is no longer used, as mentioned in ImageDeployment. If you believe it should be...
Image file naming and documentation for ASIMOV (CS APPSERV ) Summary This document outlines CSCF file naming rules, documentation and storage locations as it relates...
MikeGore 2014 06 20 Server Setup tools Summary Autmatically setup a new DNS/TFTPBOOT/NFS/Liveboot server with utilities Web Page: https://cs.uwaterloo...
MikeGore 13 Oct 2006 Thunderbird Email Image Filter SPAM Note how to remove messages with embedded images Steps Create a new filter called SPAM IMAGE...
Images by Desktop Motherboard / Laptop Model This page is intended to be an index to the list of images found here: CscfGradImageNotes Desktop machines Asus Sabertooth...
The imapsync application to copy IMAP mail between IMAP mail servers UNDER CONSTRUCTION Information about imapsync The application is available for unix systems...
Discussion of the Userids File for Experts The magic Userids file The `magic` Userids file, /software/accounts userids/data/Userids has its master copy maintained...
Experiments and Documentation relating to CFADRIANGADGETINCLUDE variable This page is useful for reference, but really documents why the mildly arcane CFADRIANGADGETINCLUDE...
Referers This topic is referred to by... Note: when I added multiple `off` parameter to the SEARCH, I think that`s the same as multiple `on`. AdrianPepper...
Some Relevant History of https AltNames To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Generating a CSR To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Generate a Certificate...
Generating a CSR specifying SANs To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Generating a New Private Key To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Generate...
Get Certificate from Web Page using Firefox To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Stunnel Certificate File Format To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Xhier Certificate Location To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Certificate...
Receive Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Receive the...
Submit the CSR To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Need note or new...
Test SSL Imap Connection To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Testing...
Use the openssl Command to Test Certificate Installations To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed...
Test Web Server Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Testing...
Install Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Installing...
Web and SMTP Certificate File Format To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
sponsor resources and accounts client AdrianPepper 19 Mar 2010
Preliminary Notes About Sponsors Data; Creating Userids Creating Truly New Users (Userids) Before you can use the sponsors data software to create new accounts for...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/CLASSES CLASSES/ CLASSES/ files under ClASSES allocate resources for instructors and instructional...
CSCF/ CSCF/ files under CSCF facilitate the computing facility CSCF/admin administrative assistant staff, and many mailing lists CSCF/consulting this...
Sponsors Data Directory Organization Note that in the case of any discrepency between what is stated here. and what is the actual case on the UNIX computer...
REGISTRAR/ REGISTRAR/ files under REGISTRAR `automatically` sponsor resources, based on data received from the registrar`s office REGISTRAR/.DATA/ Don...
REGISTRAR YYYYMM/ REGISTRAR YYYYMM/ Files under REGISTRAR YYYYMM , e.g. REGISTRAR 201001 implement the predictable long term expiry of sponsored resources...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/Research Research/ Research/ files under Research correspond to an individual researcher or research...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/School School/ School/ files under School are for non teaching resource requirements School/Away...
Needed at start of standard table describing portion of sponsors data directory Directory/File NamePurpose Sample Column 1Sample Column 2 AdrianPepper 26 Oct...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/ top There are no files to edit at the top level. There are directories which are recursively processed...
Traditional Sponsors Data Documentation Documentation The following traditional UNIX man page documentation describes the sponsors data base in a technical fashion...
Cautionary Notes About Editing the Sponsors Data Cautionary Notes About Editing the Sponsors Data In general you should avoid making easy to make mistakes....
Sponsors Data Editing RCS Checkin Use RCS ci command to unlock the file so others can edit it At this point you must use the RCS utility ci to save a record of...
Sponsors Data Editing RCS Use RCS co command to prepare file for editing All files in the sponsor data are now maintained using the RCS set of utilities. Before using...
Sponsors Data Editing Tutorial The central aspect of making any particular resource changes for any particular set of users defined by any criteria, is the editing...
Sponsors Data Id Numbers Notes about the ID number needed for sponsors data Even if a userid inherently has several ID numbers, there is only one which may be used...
Preliminary Sponsors Data Notes; Location Location of Accounts Sponsor files The accounts files for CS are on the UNIX computer cs xh admin.cs.private.uwaterloo...
Sponsors Data Run sponsor resources Before Making Changes Run sponsor resources before making changes While it is not strictly necessary, it seems a very wise practice...
General Preliminary Notes About Modifying Sponsors Data These notes relate to adding users to groups and servers using the Xhiered Accounts packages. This controls...
General Preliminary Notes About Modifying Sponsors Data Required authorization Users who need to update accounts need to be in group `sponsor` and group `accounts...
accounts client command Run the accounts client program accounts client {hostname, eg:cs general.cs.private} ~/hostname date This will cause the desired changes...
accounts master command Run the accounts master program to process the changes Note: everyone who runs the sponsor resources command should be aware that it is...
sponsor resources command Run the sponsor resources program to process the changes Note: everyone who runs the sponsor resources command should be aware that it...
userinfo command Run the userinfo program to verify your changes Run the userinfo command before and after you make your changes to verify that its output reflects...
Setting the password Setting the Password Once an account has been created or if someone forgets their password, the password for the account must be (re)set. For...
Email Replies to non Undergrads Email Replies to Expiry Inquiries From Users Who Are Not Undergraduate Students For Graduate CS students, these accounts expire on...
Sample Replies to Non undergraduate CS TEACHING users Sample Email Replies to Such Users It seems it might be helpful to have templates to address the common situation...
Information About the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) This document is meant to give determine how the AODA affects CSCF`s websites. The AODA...
Infrastructure Services This page includes CSCF developer`s notes, references and links on the School`s IT provided services Accounts/Authentication Management...
The command init home desktop (maintained on debian31:/software/bin/init home desktop) is available for linux xhiered machines. init home desktop move aside desktop...
CREATING A WINDOWS WORKSTATION BASE IMAGE WINXP 30Aug2006 Some of this is out of date please verify and fix Notes: These instructions are for creating a base OS...
OBSOLETE 1 rsh to ace1.adm 1 run /fsys1/ace/prog/sdadmin, you will see some thing like `File System User Token Group Client Realm Site Profile Log Report`...
Installed Software on the CSCF Debian image Linux Kernel 2.6 (2.4 available as an alternate) standard Debian kernel image Email Mozilla ThunderBird 0....
This page should be deleted (created it in CFPrivate instead) DennisBellinger 2014 08 14
Installing Perl Modules as a non root user in one`s homedir The problem, as identified: there wasn`t an xhier package for a particular set of modules; and a user would...
Installing smalltalk.cs, 21 June 2004 Solaris 9 04/04 Solaris 8 was already installed told installer to go ahead and partitiona disk. Made a 2048MB swap slice...
This page is being proposed for deletion because its content was migrated to another page. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic...
Institute for Computer Research Here we`ll collect specific notes relating to supporting ICR DC DC1301, DC1302, DC1304, DC1316 and DC1331 Presentation Rooms...
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) Background Faculty members are Richard Cleve and John Watrous. There is no `IQC` server over which we have any responsibilities...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content was small enough such that it was easily migrated to its backlink. If you believe it should be kept, please...
Internal CSCF Projects SCS Email Plans 2021 Plans for deprecation of CS Mail Services CSCF website to WCMS Winter 2018 through Fall 2018...
IntranetSSL Certificates See also OrganizationSSL Strictly speaking, either OrganizationSSL or IntranetSSL intermediate certificates will be used to create a chain...
Inventory Development Log Suggested IDE Setup See here for a suggested IDE and debug setup. Ideas for Improvement Include a saved history for searches. I.e...
Inventory Developer Test Plan Overview This document describes the plan for testing the inventory application. Originally these tests were done manually, however...
Inventory Database: Field Descriptions These are the field definitions for the CSCF/MFCF Inventory System. See InventoryUserDocs for more information. Note: These...
Inventory Installation Scope of This Document This guide explains how to make a developer`s working copy of CSCF`s Inventory application. It does not include instructions...
Inventory Monitoring Updates Spring 2019 Summary Devon has a term goal of updating Nagios to Ubuntu 18.04. This includes the Nagios API layer written by Dennis, which...
Inventory Database: Requirements Document This document incorporates notes from 62833 (inventory database on cscf in php) and 47633 (wishlist, closed) as well as discussions...
Inventory Database: Requirements Document Data Model Notes DRAFT This is structured to correspond to the InventoryRedesignRequirements document to which it relates...
Inventory Salt Integration Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to facilitate Salt updates pushed from inventory; involving Inventory...
Inventory Schema Please see
Inventory Service Monitoring Project DRAFT Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to replace the Inventory `Services` section, which used...
Inventory Service Monitoring Meeting Notes 2021 02 16 Initial meeting with managers; full discussion of the request. Next meeting on 2021 03 10. 2021 02 17 Devs...
An Inventory record may have a single Support Group asociated with it. The Group is found in the `Support` tab. Valid values are as follows. For additions or changes...
Inventory System Administrator Documentation The inventory system tracks CSCF and Computer Science equipment in a database. It can be accessed at https://cs.uwaterloo...
Inventory System Triage Documentation This page is meant to consolidate all of the how to`s related to the Inventory System. Table of Contents Guides to the Completion...
Inventory User Documentation Logging In and Out The Inventory application is shared between and faculty computing facility/ MFCF staff...
Inventory User Document Logging in The inventory system is available at for current CF staff. Your UWDir password...
Inventory Wish List Review 2016 May 19 Agenda Requested features? small group at white boards; max. 20 minutes Integration with External Tools /...
MikeGore 14 Jun 2012 Setup an IPMI SOL card with Ubuntu Fixing Grub to work with SOL Note: I could not get grub to work with both serial and console at the same...
IpmiWeb Web access to iKVM on an IPMI card Access a SuperMicro IPMI interface from Firefox. To view the iKVM the launch.jnlp will be downloaded and run. Java...
Irix (SGI`s version of Unix) IRIX is not commonly used in CS, but there`s at least a couple of machines in everyday use. Some documentation on somewhat obscure topics...
This page is being proposed for deletion because DebianInCS describes it as `old crap`. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and...
Inventory System Triage Documentation (Draft) The inventory system tracks CSCF and Computer Science equipment in a database. It can be accessed at https://cs.uwaterloo...
Number of topics: 101

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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