Searched: ^H Number of topics: 35

Results from CF web retrieved at 03:28 (GMT)

HP Hardware notes (Obsolete) Models HP DL 585R07
High Performance Computing at UW Here we will document the resources available for High Performance Computing in the School of Computer Science, Math Faculty and the...
HP Health SNMP Configuration This page includes notes and references for setting up an HP Proliant server to be monitored by CSCF`s nagios system via hp health SNMP...
HP Networking Parts we use or order frequently: 1. HP J9150A (SR) A 10 Gigabit transceiver in SFP form factor that supports the 10 Gigabit SR standard, providing...
Port security techniques (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) To prevent port hijacking in student computer labs: we use the HP `port security` features...
HP Switches HOW TO: Set the maximum number of VLANS on HP Switch 1. login into switch 2. press 5 to enter into the CLI if at menu 3. config 4. max...
HR Submissions This will be a page related to HR Submissions, How and When your supervisor wants them submitted, what they pay periods are and the cutoff for submissions...
Hammond parts we frequenly order 14. HAMMOND 4 outlet 120volt POWER BARS with 6ft cord: PN# 1584H4A1RA with 15ft cord: PN# 1584H4B1RA DanHergott 01 Dec...
Hammond parts we frequenly order: 1. HAMMOND 4 outlet 120volt POWER BARS with switch and 6ft cord PN# 1584H4A1RA 2. HAMMOND 4 outlet 120volt POWER BARS with...
Handling Accounts Requests System Logs Ignore mails from: 0000 Admin(0000), accounts maintenance software, root, and super user This is info sent from...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it contains information that is redundant from HelpDeskGuide. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
Fighting Spam (This page has been migrated see: HOWTO Documents SpamassassinSetup How to setup spamassassin...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has very limited information, which should be included in HelpDeskGuide if anywhere. If you believe it should be...
Hardware notes Computing Platforms AppleHardware notes relating to Apple hardware BlackBerries notes on selecting, purchasing and configuring...
CSCF Hardware Lab DC2560G (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Documentation in process of being updated The CSCF HARDWARE LAB consists of four areas: storage, workstations...
Hardware Repairs This will be a general guide to simple hardware repairs and replacements. Before Beginning Before taking apart a computer make sure you have at...
MikeGore 2015 07 20 harlow.cs see Machine Description Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS 64bit 64Gram SSD / and Raid 1 /home...
HealthDoc This is a research group headed up by Chrysanne DiMarco. healthdoc.cs and Server ST`s
This page is being proposed for deletion because it contains information that is redundant from HelpDeskGuide. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
Help Desk Assistance This page will outline the various things I do to help the CSCF Help Desk. General Duties Equipment Loaning From time to time students, staff...
Help Desk Guide This is here to be used as a basic guide for help desk personnel. More guides can be found on the CSCF website at:
High Performance Computing resources available to CS / Math / UW See also: MFCF page on High Performance Computing Centre for High Performance Computing...
Himrod cluster This is a cluster belonging to Ashraf Aboulnaga and Hans DeSterck, purchase in May 2014, running since October 2014 Overview role count cpu...
Himrod cluster Principal Investigators Ashraf Aboulnaga, Hans De Sterck, Ken Salem Cluster hardware overview system count cpu memory disk interconnect...
MikeGore 2015 04 23 Services overview Ubuntu 14.04LTS Linux OS TFTPboot server /tftpboot/pxes root folder SAMBA server /tftpboot...
Replaced 2009 9 23 Overview of creating VLANs In principle, VLANs that never leave a switch don`t need to be allocated and managed globally, but if one intends...
Holiday Support Providing effective support during extended holiday periods is a challenge. The following describes the process once used to achieve this. It has since...
Horizion Furniture Contact: Patrick Flanagan 519 748 9874 ext 103 Parts we order: 1. Company contact established Monday March 11, 2013 by Dan Hergott 1. Company...
Mellanox ConnectX 5 Host Chaining Pre requisites Turn off Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR IOV) Boot into the host BIOS and disable SRIOV. Typically found in...
UW DNS/DHCP Maintenance How To This page is very out of date and needs significant rewriting. See DNS Naming Standards or Naming Rules and RFC Documents instead...
MikeGore 11 Oct 2005 Host Naming Rules and RFC Documents For the CSCF specific guildlines see names RFC921 http://www...
Printing How to For Users Note. Most of the user docs on printing will be placed at and will be incorporated via server side...
Version 1.03 Sequential Output Sequential Input Random Per Chr Block Rewrite Per Chr Block Seeks Machine Size K...
DebianHowTo Questions Add questions here. Once they are answered they should be moved to the DebianHowTo page (I just moved a batch DanielAllen 13 Oct 2005)...
HCI Lab Lab video equipment The lab has an overhead track mounting system that can use used to mount all manner of video gear. It is called `Unistrut(R)`. The Edcom...
Number of topics: 35

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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