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This page is being proposed for deletion because it presents no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
MikeGore 2018 12 03 TML GPU I9 system with iquid cooleing for CPU and GPU cards
Title GPUInstallScripts These scripts installs Cuda, Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch, Pycuda and related packages Location of master repository This Document...
GPU software installation page NVIDA GPU with CUDA and tensorflow configurations Linux GPUSoftwareLinux Windows GPUSoftwareWindows
Linux CUDA,cuDNN, NVIDIA and Tensorflow GPU install Note: As of Ubuntu 20.04 we are switching to docker Why? The Ubuntu packages and various...
Windows 10 CUDA cuDNN and Tensorflow GPU install Overview These are instruction for installing Python 3.78, CUDA, cuDNN and tensorflow on Windows 10 with and...
MikeGore 02 Mar 2010 GRUB2 Repair See also UEFI boot notes Grub 2 Documents main Ubuntu Docs http://wiki.archlinux...
MikeGore 14 Dec 2012 GRUB2 and Windows 7 Dual Booting External References http://www...
External References guide/latest/ WalterTautz 18 Sep 2007
General Cable we use: 1.General Cable Genspeed 10000 shielded CAT6A 4pair 23AWG U/FTP Plenum Cable, Red jacket. DanHergott 2014 12 16
Things not to do: put hardened in USE in /etc/make.conf . It breaks X right now. bug.cgi?id 43177 Or, should...
GhostView installation file can be found in: \exports\export\COMMON\Ghostview 4.6 run gs813w32.exe to install Ghostscript install for All...
Giest parts we frequently order 11. GEIST 1U rack mount powerbar with AMP METER PN# BREC160 0020/16 supports 110v or 220v up to 16 amps max per bar. MUST order...
Giest parts we frequently order 1. GEIST DISTRIBUTORS: Anixter, Graybar, Wesco, and Nedco 1. GEIST product representative: GREG PORTER Email: gp #64;innotechsolutions...
CSCF Git Repository This page is to document CSCF use of the group of the server, which has an easy to use Gitlab web...
Gitlab/ST Web Hook for CSCF Projects Usage If your gitlab project has this turned on, all commits pushed to will be automatically associated to the...
UpdatingCurumin20040414 UpdatingCurupira20040426 MeetingGladimir20040212 12 February 2004 MeetingGladimir20040705 05 July 2004 MeetingGladimir20060214 14 February...
GlobalSign Certificate Authority GlobalSign Certificate Authority GlobalSign is a certified certificate authority that provides publicly trusted X.509 compliant SSL...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
MikePatterson 16 Dec 2004 No user data, so just reboot and reinstall. Hrm, installer CD sees no hard disks. :( Some googling suggests that this is a Perc3/Di, but...
Grad Admissions Extract Codes Here we record special codes found in the extracts and any information we have concerning their meanings. Decision Codes Code...
Design Document for On line Graduate Student Admissions System (OGSAS) This document describes some details regarding the design and functionality of the On line Grad...
Here is a list of tasks with time estimates for Phase One: Complete OUAC data model complete Develop internal data model for OGSAS complete...
Academic Background This page allows the applicants to state relevant courses that they have taken in various computer science areas. For each course the user must...
Account The user will also be able to edit account information. Currently only the user`s e mail address and password may be changed. When the user changes the e mail...
Main.mdmewhor 23 Aug 2005 Applicant Account Creation On the first page of the Online Computer Science Graduate Application System there will be a link to a page where...
Login The Login page has a field for an OUAC number and for a password. When a user logs in, the password goes through MD5 hashing and the hash is compared to the...
Graduate Application Checklist and Final Submission This page will act as a guide for the users as they fill out their applications. Each step of the application...
Main.mdmewhor 23 Aug 2005 Data Model applicant Table This table holds data on each applicant. Fields 1. ouacId (primary key) The applicant`s ouac number....
Final Submission Once the users have completed the graduate studies application they have the ability to submit the application to the computer science graduate studies...
Graduate Application Main Page The main page lists all of the application data that user has filled in and has links to pages to edit them. By separating the `view...
Research Interests Form This page consists of checkboxes for each research area and a text area for general research interest information. The research areas are...
Resume Attachment This section allows users to attach a pdf resume to their applications. Alternatively there will be a checkbox to indicate that the user wishes...
Statement Of Purpose We are currently unaware of the true purpose of this form. The form will contain one large text area. When the submit button is pressed the...
Edited from document from jkeir, sometimes given to students on how to generate passwords. This version is same line count as jkeir`s, and has less (no) regexes....
At present I see at least the following pieces: 1. Grad Desktop Equipment Management (GradDesktopEquipment) 1. TA Assignment System a. TA Preference...
Notes from Meetings and Interviews June 20, 2005 Isaac, Michael, and Jason in attendance. Interview notes are on line. Pieces of the application have...
Phase 1 consists of the following: 1. Application Process a. Research Interests Form a. Supplementary Information Form a. Electronic loading of...
Grad Desktop Equipment Management At present information management for grad student desktop machines is a bit of a mess. In addition to inventory/DNS/ONA, there...
Interview with Debbie Mustin (Oct 26) How Office Assignment Works Many offices, especially lab areas, are `owned` by specific research groups. Typically students...
Interview with Jennifer Keir Paul Thompson (Oct 31) Paul Thompson is involved mainly in doing extra barcode scans to update equipment locations after a bunch of...
Interview with Research Support Group (Oct 30) Sequence of Events Debbie makes an ST, one per student, asking the research group to install equipment for that student...
Fixing Grad Desktop Problems The problem seems to fall into the following pieces: 1. Room assignment 1. Improvements to CSCF Processes Room Assignment System...
Grad Office Application Authorization This area of the website will eventually permit authorized users to view and edit the authorization records for the grad admissions...
OGSAS Detailed Design Notes Any additional notes on design of specific parts of the system can go here. GradOfficeApplicationPDFGeneration IsaacMorland...
OGSAS PDF Generation We use the iText library, written in Java, to generate, fill in, and manipulate PDF files. More information is at
Grad Office Application Screen Design Here we describe the content of each page in the system. When this is complete, any valid URL in the system should have a corresponding...
.pre { margin left: 5em; width: 90%; height: 1000px; white space: pre wrap; white space: moz pre wrap; } // TWiki limitations on javascript: no empty lines, no exclamation...
Data Model: Application Checklist The following items need to be recorded on the application checklist: Immigration Card Transcripts (one per institution...
Grad Office Specs Functional specification (users` demand) Main article: OGSASPhaseOneDesign. Application records come from the UW Graduate Studies Office. In addition...
Graduate Office Web Application Overview This is a multi phase project to overhaul the operations of the CS grad office. This includes replacing the existing FileMaker...
CS GradPC standard workstation A GradPC is a standard CS PC workstation deployed to grad students using the CSCF standard Windows XP and Debian images. See Also...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is a duplicate of GradPC. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
This is obsolete and should not be used. University of Waterloo Standard PC deployment information sheet Request #...
Grad Student Accounts Here we discuss the various accounts Grad students may get, attempting to demonstrate what happens automatically, and what manual supplementary...
Graduate Student Computing Workflow Initial Computing Selection Supervisors are provided with a form to select which kind of equipment they wish to provide their...
Grad Student Laptop Deployment This information pertains to laptop systems. For desktops, see GradStudentPCdeployment (Notes as of Fall 2006) Core Group The...
Grad Student Mac Deployment (Obsolete) The information on this page pertains to obtaining and setting up a Mac for grad use. The current setup uses Mobile Device Management...
Grad Student PC deployment This information pertains to desktop systems. For laptops, see GradStudentLaptopDeployment Core Group Phil will image the School...
Graduate TA Evaluation Project Phase 1 Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to replace the existing paper TA Evaluation process with a Web...
Grad Visit Day web application (v1) Background Originally designed based on ST#86639 The TWiki page for v2 of this application, also based on ST#86639, can be found...
Grad Visit Day web application (v3) Background This app is used to support Grad Visit Day, held in February or March in CS (and Math). The principal user is the Graduate...
Grad Workstation Schedule The arrival of graduate students each term, in varying numbers, combined with the release schedule for the desired operating systems, drive...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
StephenNickerson 28 Feb 2011 Software on the Ubuntu 8.04 systems abiword common abiword gnome acl acpi acpi support acpid adduser adept adept batch adept common adept...
Graphics software Software The Graphics Lab is currently running Ubuntu 8.04 and Ubuntu 9.10. The following list the software on these two environments....
StephenNickerson 28 Feb 2011 Introduction In an effort better understand what actually goes on in the graphics lab from a programming point of view, we give and outline...
Greylisting Background information Faculty FAQ implementation of greylisting Greylisting home page http://hcpnet...
MikeGore 06 Oct 2006 Using older AT T Berkeley with groff 1.18.1 on Linux systems Note verify site or software license for using these macros first! Steps...
Number of topics: 70

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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