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Results from CF web retrieved at 03:28 (GMT)

Filemaker database remediation project CSCF Master ST item ST#91265 Project Charter Introduction `Filemaker` is a commercial desktop database application development...
Configuration for Mac use of FORE The following browser/plugin configurations have worked to allow PDF `drill downs`. Roloson, of MFCF, created a Down Test Page...
Troubleshooting Safari and the FORE Financial System Information for configuring Safari to work with the FORE system. MacConfigurationStepsToWorkWithTheFOREFinancialSystem...
FSR is distributed by: Anixter stocking IEWC Toronto Graybar non stocking Nedco is authorized, not stocking though DanHergott 2014 08 12
Maintenance Documentation for FSS This document is deprecated in favor of vault and related pages This document...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no backlinks and no tangible information. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
Faculty Recruiting System The Faculty Recruiting System is a web application and database used by applicants to CS Faculty positions and the SACA committee (chaired...
Faculty Recruiting System: Reference Letter Uploads by Referees: Requirements The following corresponds to: ST#80445 Summary Currently, all reference letters are...
Faculty Recruiting System: Video Uploads These instructions are for an administrative user to process raw videos to add to the Faculty Recruiting system. Setup First...
Email and Address Book File Locations Outlook and Outlook Express File Locations Please see Microsoft document us/outlook/HP...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Meeting: 2016 06 06 11:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, rblander, jjohnson Objectives: Decide on general architecture of service connections...
Meeting: 2016 06 09 13:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, rblander, jjohnson Objectives: Decide on general architecture of service connections...
Meeting: 2016 06 09 13:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, gxshen, hchotara Objectives: Decide on details of DFS configuration, software...
Meeting: 2016 06 17 11:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, gxshen, hchotara Objectives: Decide on details of DFS configuration, software...
Meeting 2016 07 15 10:30 DC3126 Attendance: ldpaniak, a2brenna, nfish Discussion: Demo of NextCloud and Seafile web interfaces Deployment and details...
Meeting: 2016 09 08 DC2310 14:00 Present: dlgawley, a2brenna, nfish, gxshen, ldpaniak, lfolland Agenda: Topics to discuss: overview of hardware and test results...
Meeting: 2016 09 28 DC 2310 Attendance: David Gawley; Lawrence E Folland; Omar M. Nafees; Lori D. Paniak; Guoxiang Shen; Ken Salem Adding Guoxiang and Lori to the...
Meeting: 2016 11 01 DC 2564 Attendance: Issac Morland; Lori D. Paniak; Nathan Fish Agenda: Discussion of haproxy/backend service layer 4 configuration. overview...
Meeting: 2016 11 18 DC 2102 Attendance: Guoxiang Shen, Lori D. Paniak; Nathan Fish Agenda: Ceph on `fat` OSD, current obstacles Discussion: Review of building OSDs...
Meeting: 2017 01 06 DC 2102 Attendance: Guoxiang Shen, Lori D. Paniak, Nathan Fish, Devon Merner Agenda: Discussion of remaining tasks: Filesystem Containers...
Filesystem decision matrix: Ceph vs Gluster performance products features support for configuration usable capacity reliability (worst case) rebuild...
File Sharing Service Name Background For the File Sharing Service, we are planning on using NextCloud. We will need a name for the machine/service to use Principles...
FireFox Web Browser Mozilla Firefox Web Browser The Mozilla Firefox Web Browser is a free and open source web browser widely used at the University of Waterloo....
Tuning TIps for the Mozilla Firefox web browser Over the years, FireFox seems to have become increasingly greedy, and one can experience slowness and delays on less...
Pre mpatters fireblade sees the following disks: c0t0d0 SUN18G (internal?) c0t1d0 SUN18G (internal?) c1t1d0 SUN T300 (must be the T3 array) / /dev...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
The current set of firewall rules will be posted here for perusal and perhaps critique. iptables.rules: You can use this in a Debian machine by modifying your...
Obsolete as of August 2013 Our firewall service has been shut down and replaced with router based ACLs. Firewall quick reference The alleged definitive statement...
First Response Recipe This page is intended to document steps you can take to clean up a machine that is suspected to be infected. NB: it is difficult to say with...
Flexible Setuid CGI Execution A common problem with CGIs is that they tend to run as the same user as the webserver itself, which is unadvisable at best and unacceptable...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
FreeBSD FreeBSD in the Math Faculty of the University of Waterloo The FreeBSD Project: UsingFreebsdInCS I also will stash some things...
MikeGore 03 Apr 2012 Created from notes from Ronaldo Garcia FreeNX Server Help: Download: http://www.nomachine...
Part 2: Configuring the Frontend The first time you log in as root, you`ll be prompted about setting up ssh keys. Press Enter three times to accept the default location...
Part 1: Frontend (Master Node) Installation Plug the monitor into the power strip and turn it on. Find the machine with two network connections; this is the master...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Number of topics: 40

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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