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Results from CF web retrieved at 03:28 (GMT)

Notes on the organization of DC3556 Shutdown procedure There are many research groups using dc3556 that will need to be advised of any room shutdowns: Tetherless...
DFS/FSS Monitoring Attributes to monitor via Nagios and report to e mail/Slack HDD SMART condition (include reallocated blocks, temperatures) ZFS pool condition...
Overview Updates to hostname, MAC address, and IP address in the inventory web interface will trigger corresponding updates to our DHCP service. All three elements...
DHCP helper address configuration tool (OBSOLETE) Our DHCP helper specifications tends to drift towards complete inaccuracy over time. I have created a simple PHP...
The DHCP information system in Computer Science (OBSOLETE) Overview CSCF CSI provides a DHCP infrastructure for computers, printers and other devices on its networks...
This page is obsolete Do Not Migrate DNSMASQ ASIMOV configuration Note: in the document DNSMASQ refers to the dnsmasq scripts home directory Rererences...
This page is obsolete Do Not Migrate MikeGore 2018 06 28 DNSMASQ Multiarch PXE booting Summary This is a standalone version of the DNSMASQ PXE boot configuration...
DS1 This machine is obsolete The machine ds1.cs has been having issues since November 2004 with its DiskSuite devices. See ST#46849, and see also...
MikeGore DS2 Data Structures Group Server Accounts DS2 is part of the CS active directory...
Daily Regimen There are activities that we generally need to do every (work)day. It`s easy to miss some of these, so they`re worth enumerating: check your calendar...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any foreseeable use. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and...
CSCF Access to Public Data In general, access to data that is public (to whatever extent), is best mediated by some system. E.g. it`s not considered ideal to provide...
CSCF Course Resource Data We record our understanding of what computing resources instructors need. It is used to determine if we have the right software installed...
CSCF Data Point of Contact The data describing the Points of Contact is maintained in three places. Research For research, the data resides in the Subscriptions...
Data Structures Group DC2305 Printer xerox dc2305 DC2305 Xerox Phaser 8560DN setup and usage guidelines ljc alg DC2305 HP LaserJet Enterprise...
Database Services provided by CSCF Definition Management System Database Management Systems operated by CSCF IBM...
`apps` database cluster Purpose and Layout The `apps` database cluster contains databases to support internally developed applications for the School. The cluster...
database.cs System Administrator Documentation This page is deprecated and has been replaced by MySQL.
Database Research Group Web site Research Group Lab info Mailing lists db group@db is an alias to: db faculty@lists...
This cluster is available via the default port on The purpose is to make available a Postgres installation for instructional purposes...
PostgreSQL Users Cluster This cluster is available via the default port on The purpose is to make available a Postgres installation to CS...
This page is being proposed for deletion because its content was moved to Email . If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Documentation Links that to learn more about Debian: debaday has interesting Debian packages posted (almost) daily. The Debian FAQ is always a good place...
(This page is getting bulky enough that perhaps we should spin off a new set of pages, one per q and a? MikePatterson)or maybe by category (Updates, Display, Printing...
Using Debian in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Waterloo. Current release version is DebianInstallNotes likely interesting only...
Debian Install Notes (Obsolete) Location of Files: \\\sysprep\SYSPRIMG\CSCF DEB Install the split image. root wants to be /dev/hda5...
Installing Java on Ubuntu and Debian Ubuntu: Step 1: Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list : deb http://mirror.cscf/ubuntu/ uwaterloo/...
Alex Roman`s notes on doing this... For Debian 3.1 (Sarge) Installation Notes Make SURE you have the LATEST BIOS update installed! Or else you might end up...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it presents no information that is not easily visible by clicking the given link. The link to this page was replaced...
Denial of Service (This page needs updating) We are continually bombarded with outside attempts to connect to our systems, to break in. It`s mostly `ssh` attempts...
DenyHosts References See Documentation: FAQ and Issues Excerpt: What is DenyHosts? DenyHosts is a script intended to be run...
About Departing CSCF Employees When someone moves on, we need to remove references to them from various documentation, and access to various systems. Most of what...
Deploy Studio Imaging and deployment links and notes. (Obsolete) Deployment Planning Template
Managing and editing workflows are what is behind the real power of DeployStudio. Workflows can be managed for creating system images for both Mac and Windows partitions...
AlexRoman 19 Nov 2004 Web development under Windows Downloading Download the latest Apache 2 series Win32 Binary (MSI Installer) package from http://httpd...
Devon`s Work Guide and Responsibilities This is where I`ll link to my documentation and any other important information. Most of my typically used resources can be...
DFSc Project Charter Article text. Comments This is where a copy of (or link to) the original project charter should put.
DHCP Debug tool (OBSOLETE) Based on work done by Ethan Galstad (nagios #64; for the nagiosplugin Original source file CHECK DHCP.C (see source...
Digital Door Sign Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to investigate, prototype, and deploy a web based `door sign` for staff in...
Digital Door Sign Comments and Feedback Following are comments and feedback on the design and implementation which might eventually be implemented, but are beyond...
Digital Door Sign Specifications This web based door sign should have two visual parts. Both should work from desktop web browser and from phone. staff input...
Digital Door Sign User Stories Here are some user stories to suggest how we anticipate the digital door signs being used. Nick, a CSCF staff person, is in a meeting...
MikeGore 2017 01 17 Adding Printers manually using direct to printer printing 17Jan2016 1) This method has the advantage that the user gets direct feed back from...
Data and Disk Recovery Services NOTE if you are a company that provides data recovery services listed in this TWIKI page please feel free to send updates information...
MikeGore 20 Jan 2012 Disk Scheduler Optimization #!/bin/bash # # Mike Gore, 20 Jane 2012 # Fix disk scheduler # List all out disks disks `ls /dev/sd?` # noop anticipatory...
CSCF Distributed File System (DFS) Notes Table of Contents Data Encryption Options The layered architecture of the DFS presents a number of options for ensuring...
Django Django is a DatabaseObjectFramework, WebServletFramework and WebFormFramework for Python. Project
This page is obsolete Do Not Migrate Per CSCF RSG meeting of 12 April 2005, we need some standards for exactly what information we put in DNS (particularly the text...
This page is being proposed for deletion because there is not enough content for this to all be one page. I replaced this page`s backlinks with its content. If you...
Documentation Standards 2022 A lot has changed since the original creation of the DocumentationStandards Those `standards` were never fully adopted and agreed upon...
Documentation Standards Note: this is a proposed set of standards for documentation within CSCF and should not be considered official at this time Comments...
Inventory Domain Name Extension Proposal (draft) Introduction IST is changing the schema of their IP Management system (currently `Maintain`). Historically, campus...
Door Signs It is helpful to clients and co workers to let people know whether you`re in today or when you`ll be back. A number of staff have created door signs that...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has very minimal content and all backlinks were replaced with the link in this page. If you believe it should be...
DreamWeaver Configuration This page is to document the proper DreamWeaver configuration settings to work with the CS web server. As of this writing, it is based upon...
Previous work is documented in ST#46849. Current strategy: 1 Plan an extended downtime (plan for 3 hours, hope 2 will suffice) 1 Apply patches 1...
ST#55528. First 1 destroy the d5 metadevice: metaclear f /dev/md/dsk/d5 (won`t work without the f) 1 rebuild the d5 metadevice: metainit d5 r c1t0d0s...
Configuring Dual Monitors in Ubuntu The main HowTo for configuring dual monitor support on Ubuntu is 221174. I`ve included...
Number of topics: 59

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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