Central Authentication Service Central Authentication Service ( CAS ) is the IST central authentication service being replaced by ADFS on November 1, 2020. It appears...
CFI New Opportunities 2001 Some of the machines purchased under this grant: 1 curumin, curupira (run IRIX) SGI O2 and SGI Origin 3xxx series 1 mudge, tumbo...
CFI New Opportunities 2002 Primary Investigator: Arne Storjohan PilatusNotes information about pilatus and how to use it ShutdownPilatus how do I make...
CFI New Opportunities Grant 2003 Primary Investigator: Orchard CFINewOpportunities2003Members list of collaborators for this CFI PilatusAccounts how...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content was moved to CFINewOpportunities2004. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
CSCF Application Server (Asimov) notes 19 Aug 2020 Updates to new server notes are in progress mostly done Summary Purpose File system for CSCF image...
CSCF Active Directory Overview ADForestLayout Structure of the CSCF Active Directory Forest. ADDnsConfiguration Special DNS Configuration for CSCF Active...
CSCF Research Support These notes are intended to provide an overview of how the Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF) Research Support Group (RSG) operates,...
CSCF Service Catalog Version 2.2: Categories and Services from Education best practice standards, with proposed changes. See: of Services, Categories, Audiences...
CSCF Software Notes Software Task Group Meetings and notes from the Campus SoftwareTaskForce Software Information CSCF Standards Standard Software Applications...
CSCF Support for ESQ The ESQ (Engineering Science Quest) outreach program has, for the past few years, `borrowed` a Mac Lab from the SCS to support their computing...
CSCF Website to WCMS Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to design and implement a new public facing CSCF website in the campus Web Content...
Faculty Information System is a project originating in Engineering Computing, now expanding to be useful campus wide (for increasing values of `useful` and increasing...
CS Grad Student Printing CS graduate students are strongly encouraged to use print queue lj csgrad, which is a pair of printers located in the grad mailroom, DC...
CS network ACL summary (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) work in progress please send comments to trg We`ve requested a summary (with regular ongoing updates and maintenance...
CS Office Assignment System Interface Summary This outlines the different views (including editing views) needed for various people. Room Assignment Editor Staff...
CS SaltStack Working Group Mandate reasonable people trying to reach reasonable conclusions on what setup pieces should managed and how to manage our Large Integrated...
MikeGore 02 Aug 2006 Ethernet Cable Color Coding Standard Credits The diagrams on this page were copied from http://www.incentre.net/incentre/frame/ethernet...
Cacti Monitoring Tool The CSCF cacti install is located on watcher.cscf and is accessible via cacti.cscf. Cacti Monitoring See CactiMonitoring Setup Installation...
The intention for this page is to collect `interesting` links to Cacti graphs. In addition to CPU usage and `number of users` information, other statistics (e.g....
CamelCase When two or more words are conjoined, with the start of each contained word capitalized, that is often called CamelCase. WikiWords are CamelCase. AdrianPepper...
CanHEIT / HPCS 2016 CanHEIT CUCCIO oversees the annual Canadian Higher Education Information Technology Conference, known as CANHEIT. With a focus on IT issues of...
Canceling Course News Posts Course accounts are able to cancel news articles to the course`s uw.cs newsgroup with the cancel news script. articles may be...
Casper Suite (Obsolete) As of October 2016, JAMF Software has been renamed jamf and plans to rename Casper Suite to jamf Pro sometime in 2017 when the software reaches...
You can update your CentOS box from the local mirror, if you`re on campus. Here`s the file you want to drop into /etc/yum.repos.d . MikePatterson 01 Aug...
IBM Blade Centre in DC 3556. We`re calling it muscat . Liz Valiant from IBM says that http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/Redbooks.nsf/RedbookAbstracts/redp4264.html?Open...
24 January 2008 Ken, Ashraf, Mike technical meeting. 1 Why can`t Ken connect to the mgmt module from zonker? 1 Stable part of the blades: 4 for now 1 How...
CertBot a tool for making HTTPS certificates work automatically CertBot (actually Certbot or certbot, so not inherently a twikiword) is software designed to keep Encrypt...
Maintenance of SSL Certificate This page lists links to a number of pages I presented elsewhere with different subsets expanded. In the collapsed form here, readers...
openssl command The openssl command is available for use by all users. The intended audience for this page is system administrators who can submit requests...
openssl command degenerative examples The openssl command is available for use by all users. The intended audience for this page is system administrators who...
Certificate Updates Here we describe the procedures for updating SSL certificates for web servers (https), IMAP servers (imaps), and other similar services (Dawn/Adrian...
Cfengine Introduction Cfengine stands for configuration engine and is a tool using declarative language to configure computers. Setup in CSCF Cfengine is being used...
CFI 2004 (Kevin Hare) Cluster setup and configuration Initial Setup Several RTs for pre cluster setup experimentation: 53551 Setup test cluster with stored...
Changing the Mac Short Name (Obsolete) In our world, the short name should match the UWDir entry, for ease in printer quota / access, and easier ssh access to our...
ST#53793 for the primary motivation for this. 1 Edit /etc/hosts on this box it was nearly empty, guess it never got updated. The host`s idea of its own IP...
Checkbox Hardware test tools: Checkbox Utility that comes with Ubuntu 16.04 to do hardware checking. Good graphic tool that performs hardware tests in Ubuntu...
Chiba A work around servlet that converts XForms to a combination of HTML and Javascript. example of XForms emulation. Chiba project home. IlguizLatypov...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Purpose Example of creating a cluster like cabernet with multiple networks, using a set of virtual machines. Host VMware cluster setup prerequisites Most of...
ClusterInformationAggregationTool (CIAT) This page is for a staff meeting presentation. Usage instructions can be found on the project repository. Problem ~...
Checking Your Cluster Status While logged in as root, run `system config display` in order to initially set up your X config file. Back at the root prompt, run `startx...
MikeGore 24 Aug 2012 Cluster Tools Ubuntu Linux Setup, Administration and Documentation see: See ClusterToolsSetup Cluster Tools scripts and Utilities...
MikeGore 2015 08 25 common shell scripts used by ClusterTools common functions common functions Common SHELL functions used by image deployment system...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 This Page is obsolete Do Not Migrate Cluster DNSMASQ Setup dnsmasq provides DHCP, DNS ad, TFTPBOOT services for the cluster Makefile...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 firewall NAT services What: Provides NAT and firewall services for internal private networks in a cluster Installs as a service in...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 IDrac Scripts for Dell clusters IDrac is a Dell specific remote management tool set alternative to ipmitool see ClusterToolsIPMITOOL...
Cluster Tools IPMItool See: IpmiTool for general information ipmitool usage and scripts for controlling IPMI enabled devices ipmitool scripts Notes:...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Custer Tools Files and Scripts Documentation, File and scripts for the installation and operation of a new cluster Some end user tools...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Cluster installation and Setup walk trough Administrative view This document explains what key files need to be created to install the...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Common management utilities for end users and admins Other resources ClusterTools Cluster Tools main documentation root ClusterToolsSetup...
Clusters This page will collect the information/tools for building and administering clusters Building Clusters UndergradCluster Ed`s notes on building ugster...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Network Configuration for CSCF Managed Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals If you are setting up the terminals with only one monitor/keyboard...
Command Documentation: getpw This turns out to duplicate getent , which is already available on Solaris and Linux. The standard getent should be used instead...
Communication Planned Outages After Hours Support Sharing (Critical) Information Posters for research labs with information on who to contact in emergencies...
Videography inside the School of Computer science Equipment The School of Computer Science has the following equipment for use in videoing presentations or events...
Connecting to wireless networks on Linux Ubuntu on laptops are unable to directly connect to eduroam (especially on the images CSCF images). A way to get the laptop...
Main.ctucker 10 Jul 2006 Conversion Procedure For csterm Eons to tc Eons CSCF is currently converting (renaming and renumbering) all supported CS thin client terminals...
Course Account SSH Key Access We use ssh and public keys to provide access to course accounts. This is background information on SSH public keys to authenticate as...
Course Account SSH Keys: CSCF Administration We use ssh and public keys to provide access to course accounts. We have deployed an automated tool to propagate ssh keys...
Creating a Course Account in WatIAM As part of moving email to a central system, we`re creating WatIam for course accounts (ST #88866). There are two parts to this...
Course Coordinators In addition to instructors, who are the immediate clients for Points of Contact, there are course coordinators (previously/also known as `outline...
Course Evaluation Data Processing and Storage Course Evaluation sources (evaluate.uwaterloo.ca) are validated against Quest records of instructors/sections for a...
The Course Evaluation Database is stored on postgres165.cs.uwaterloo.ca aka postgres.odyssey under user course eval ui and schema course eval . It also uses...
Course Evaluation Phase Two project CSCF Master ST Item ST#93435 Project Charter Introduction The Faculty of Math is responsible for collecting and reporting student...
Course Evaluation System Sysadmin Documentation This page is meant to include all useful instructions for maintaining the course evaluations by CSCF sysadmins Table...
Course Evaluation instructions for end users These instructions will be emailed to end users of the data. End users are Math administrators such as Chairs of Math...
Barcode Creation For basic, background understanding of barcodes, please read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barcode In order to produce the following equipment is...
Create a CUPS printer on cups.cs.uwaterloo.ca This is the step by step process to add a new printer to the cups.cs printing queue. IN this example we are adding...
Creating the Gradpc Workstation Image The gradpc image consists of a sysprep`d Windows XP Pro (plus applications) partition (first partition of the hard drive, a middle...
Creating Group Accounts This probably needs more details and/or to be generalized. However, in order to have a group added to our Active Directory, the group needs...
Rough procedure for mastering an image to be used on the gradpc`s. 1 Ensure system is up to date (apt get update apt get dist upgrade) and that all applications...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 03 17 Invitees Attendees Dave, Devon, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lawrence (breifly), Lori Review and accept previous...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 02 15 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Lawrence Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 03 17 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Lawrence Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 04 27 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Lawrence Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 06 16 Invitees Attendees Dave, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Lawrence Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 07 21 Invitees Attendees Dave, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Anthony, O Review and accept previous meeting...
MikePatterson 27 Jan 2005 First Meeting 22 April 2004, 1245, MC4019 Present: Walter, Guoxiang, Fraser, MikeP, Lawrence, Dave, Patrick Minutes: Lawrence (with supplements...
27 January 2005, DC3540 Meeting 1300 1430h (Patrick had to duck out at 1400) Present: Daniel, Fraser, Guoxiang, Patrick, Mike. Agenda 1 What do we have running...
June `06 Meeting Date: 14 June 2006. Meeting: 3:30pm 4:30pm Present: Daniel, Mike, Phil, Walter. Agenda decommissioning debian30.math by the end of the month...
Linux Working Group Meeting Minutes 2008/06/02 Attendance Mike Patterson, Mike Gore, Walter Tautz, Lawrence Folland, Phil Beldowski, Dave Gawley Agenda items...
Linux Working Group Meeting Minutes 2008/07/19 Attendance Stephen Nickerson, Walter Tautz, Lawrence Folland, Dave Gawley No shows: Mike Patterson, Mike...
Linux Working Group meeting notes 2010/01/29 Meeting Date Friday January 29th, 2pm in DC 2314 Attendees DawnKeenan, DaveGawley, FraserGunn, MikeGore...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date Friday February 12th, 2pm in DC 2314 Attendees Dawn Keenan, Guoxiang Shen, Stephen Nickerson, Fraser Gunn, Lawrence...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date Friday February 26th, 2pm in DC 3540 Attendees Dawn Keenan, Lawrence Folland, Guoxiang Shen, Fraser Gunn, Dave...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date TEAMS: Wednesday, Jan 26, 10:30 to 11:55pm Attendees arpepper, ldpaniak, a2brenna, ctucker, nfish, gxshen, gboerke...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date TEAMS: Tueday, Feb 9, 10:30 to 11:55pm Attendees arpepper, a2brenna, ctucker, fhgunn, gxshen, ldpaniak, nfish...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 7 13 Invitees Attendees Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Devon, Fraser, Guoxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick Review...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 11 02 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 11 18 Invitees Attendees ldpaniak, a2brenna, lfolland, dlgawley, nfish, fhgunn, omnafees, gxshen, tlichty...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 12 01 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 12 15 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 01 12 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave, Lawrence, Omar...
Linux Working Group Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave, Lawrence, Omar...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Todd, Omar Review...
Linux Working Group Invitees Attendees Invited: Anthony, Adrian, Guoxiang, Clayton, Lori, Fraser, Nathan, Dave, Omar, Devon, Todd, Nick, Lawrence Review...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 04 20 Invitees Attendees Invited: Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 05 04 Invitees Attendees Invited: Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 05 18 Invitees Attendees Invited: Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED MEETING DEFERRED 2 WEEKS Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 06 15 Invitees Attendees Invited: Anthony (group leader), Clayton...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 06 15 Attendees Anthony (group leader), Guoxiang, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Todd, Dave, Omar...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 06 15 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 08 10 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 08 24 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 09 07 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 09 07 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 10 19 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 11 02 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 11 16 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 11 30 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 12 14 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 01 11 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 01 25 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 02 08 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 02 22 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 03 08 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 03 22 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 03 22 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 05 17 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 05 31 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 06 14 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 06 28 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 07 12 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 08 09 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 08 23 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 09 06 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 09 20 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 10 04 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 11 01 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 11 15 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 11 29 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 12 13 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 01 10 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 01 24 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Discussion of Scope Summary OFIS was designed with one faculty`s data needs in mind. There is data in CS reports that is not currently captured in OFIS...
SaltStak Working Group Agenda Meeting Date TEAMS: Wednesday, Jan 12, 2021 Attendees Anthony, Dave, Gordon, Lori, Nathan, Lawrence Agenda git/Saltstack standards...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: Wednesday, Jan 20, 2021 Attendees Anthony, Dave, Gordon, Lori, Nathan, Lawrence Discussion Items What Saltstack...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 Attendees nfish, a2brenna, ldpaniak, lfolland Review and accept previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: Wednesday, February 23, 2021 Attendees Dave: absent, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous...
Setup Ubuntu/Linux/Gnu frontends (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) (deprecated pre 2012, see CSCF Ubuntu Setup Information) A description of what a frontend is Strictly...
Different Methods of Deploying the Grad Workstation Image To a System This section will give a brief description on the different possible ways to apply the Grad Workstation...
Notes on Particular Versions of the Grad Workstation Image References CloneZilla clonezilla documents An index to this page listed by Motherboard / Laptop...
Wishlist for CSCF Grad PC Images General / both environments new cscf adm password for Fall 2010 partition layout we need to decide what it should be...
NET Books/Boxes Net books/boxes refers to low power, small foot print, computing devices meant to be an alternative to current full powered systems. Typical uses are...
CSCF OFIS Testbed OFIS testbed lives on cscfpc19.cs.uwaterloo.ca. Currently running lighttpd and fcgi php. Does not currently contain OFIS clone; OFIS db is configured...
CSCF Organization Chart The CSCF Organization Chart can be found in the CSCF About pages, here: http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/about/orgchart Updating the chart...
CSCF Specific notes Note 2008/04/22 (lfolland) Given that the entire CF Twiki is now CSCF specific, this page should be considered deprecated and these topics should...
CSCF Teaching Setup for a New Term In preparation for an upcoming term, there are various activities that mostly happen between terms: email instructors and...
CSCF Start of Term Email to Instructors We want to have an understanding of what instructors need, so we send them mail before the start of term to learn of any changes...
Thin Client Environment in CS Current System see Standards and Procedures web pages. Proposed New Systems What we need We require a low cost, easily maintainable...
Configuration of the cscf urgent Mailing List The cscf urgent mailing list is implemented by an email alias in the cscf specific package: cscf urgent: cscf urgent...
The Administration of the CUPS PYKOTA server cups.cs This document is primarily addressed to system administrators who have root access but is also valuable for...
Setup a CUPS Printer on Linux Setting up all CUPS printers available from print.cs 17Jan2016 Note: We suggest using the Add Printers manually given that printing...
CUPS in the School of Computer Science We describe the work being done to setup a CUPS server along with a Print Accounting system for the School of Computer Science...
Custom Clonezilla USB Key for UEFI installations For more then on image I suggest a fast 128GB key with known high speed read and write specs Requirements...
MikeGore 23 Nov 2011 Ubuntu Custom Launcher Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.04 Note: In this example we will create a launcher for a program called Maple14 Right click...
Cyclades Configuration Database / Tool: Participants: DanielAllen, Dave Gawley; advice by FraserGunn. Demo at: http://lurch.uwaterloo.ca/cyclades/ As per Dave`s requirements...
Upgrading Cyclades TS2000 from 1.3.4 to 1.4.0 3 (DRAFT) This is a draft document; regular disclaimers apply. Reasons for upgrade ftp://ftp.cyclades.com/pub/cyclades...
MikeGore 05 Oct 2006 Cyclades Console Server User Guide Links for CSCF and MFCF Links brief guide to using the MFCF and CSCF Cyclades console servers HTML...
CygWin installation installation files can be found in \exports\software\cygwin run setup.exe install from Local Directory use the offered directory...
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.