Searched: ^B Number of topics: 21

Results from CF web retrieved at 03:28 (GMT)

Backups Notes on various backup systems available for use in the Computer Science and Math environments Macs BackupMacs notes on backing up Macs for Staff...
THIS PAGE IS OBSOLETE Backup using Areca These notes describe how to setup backups using the UW.Areca backup software Making a Backup Job Instructions:...
Obsolete Backups for Macintosh using the Legato System or Snapshots or Apple TimeMachine For Faculty and Staff To verify that your Mac is being backed up by Legato...
This page is being proposed for deletion because mortals will not find any infomration that is relevant to them. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
Basic Linux Admin Tasks (Debian/Ubuntu) How do I... Become root? Best way is to log in as yourself and type `sudo s`. (Or `sudo tcsh` or some other shell of your...
Kirk McKusick has graciously allowed us the use of our modified Beastie logo. From: Mike Patterson Subject: BSD beastie use To: mckusick #64;
Bioinformatics Group DC2582 Web site: This TWIKI is outdated as is being fully rewritten updated 13Feb2020 Research clusters updated...
Bioinformatics machines Last updated: 2008/12/23 Servers hmsbarracouta.cs SuperMicro Primary ZFS/NFS and SAMBA file server hmsbeagle.cs...
USING RIM Blackberries at UW (OBSOLETE) Here we will gather notes on selecting, purchasing and configuring RIM Blackberries. While many faculty may purchase a Blackberry...
Supporting Blackberries on Campus These notes are courtesy of Cathy Cooper, ODAA, in preparation for a talk at the 2005 Conference What does BB offer you? Wireless...
Selecting a Blackberry Model These notes were taken from an email from Cathy Cooper, ODAA Info for selecting a BB model As you can imagine, there are pros and...
Setting up vacation mail for Blackberry Users These notes were based on an email from Cathy Cooper, ODAA Setting up vacation mail in myWaterloo BB users cannot...
Bomgar Links Official website: Wikipedia Article: IST Remote Help Page: remotehelp...
These are incomplete. There`s probably some junk in associated RTs. Notes regarding getting the T3 array working with bonneville`s internal fibre channel adapter...
Boutaba Networks Lab (Raouf Boutaba) Lab managers Sonia Waharte (spwaharte@cs), Brent Ishibashi (bkishiba@cs) Technology Background Raouf Boutaba`s Networks lab...
See also: ST#50784. Cool: we can use hyphens in userids now. Bad: inetd support is even worse than before (so rsh is difficult to get working). It looks like it really...
CSCF Debian Image Bug List (Obsolete) Installation Version 0.6.5 USB mouse did not work after booting up Solution: ran mdetect, which said the device...
Main.ctucker 14 Jan 2009 Creation of CSCF Windows 2008 Standard Server Image (OBSOLETE) Sun Fire Hardware Windows Server 2008 will not install on to old Sun hardware...
Creating and Populating a Debian / Ubuntu Package Repository This document will briefly describe building a debian package from source, and adding the package to a...
Burning CDs in Linux Gui Tools XCDroast GUI: xcdroast. It`s pretty self explanatory. Sometimes it has issues though. k3b For the KDE enabled, k3b is pretty...
Business Cards and Letterhead Who to ask Go to the Graphics web site for business cards: services/waterloo stationery orders#bcards...
Number of topics: 21

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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