Tutor Office Hours

Tutor office hours are held in the CS Tutorial "center", MC 4065.

Office hours are always busiest just before the assignment is due. You will save yourself time and frustration by starting your assignment early and attending office hours, if necessary, well before the assignment is due.

F09 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday F09
9:30 9:30
10:00 10:00
10:30 Ritika Bhargava 10:30
11:00 10:30AM to 12 noon 11:00
11:30 11:30
12:00 12:00
12:30 12:30
1:00 1:00
1:30 1:30
2:00 Ivy Chen Nick Lee 2:00
2:30 2:00PM to 3:30PM 2:00PM to 3:30PM 2:30
2:45 Alvin Ma 2:45
3:00 2:45PM to 4:15PM Salma Suliman 3:00
3:30 3:00PM to 4:30PM 3:30
4:00 4:00
4:15 4:15
4:30 4:30
5:00 5:00
5:30 5:30