Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 28 (2025), Article 25.1.3

Sums of Powers of Integers and the Sequence A304330

José L. Cereceda
Collado Villalba, 28400 (Madrid)


For integers k ≥ 1, let Sk(n) denote the sum of the kth powers of the first n positive integers. In this paper, we derive a new formula expressing 22k times S2k(n) as a sum of k terms involving the numbers in the kth row of the integer sequence A304330, which is closely related to the central factorial numbers with even indices of the second kind. Furthermore, we provide an alternative proof of Knuth's formula for S2k(n) and show that it can equally be expressed in terms of A304330. Moreover, we obtain corresponding formulas for 22k-1S2k-1(n) and determine the Faulhaber form of both S2k(n) and S2k+1(n) in terms of A304330 and the Legendre-Stirling numbers of the first kind.

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(Concerned with sequences A036969 A065547 A129467 A204579 A304330.)

Received April 24 2024; revised versions received April 25 2024; December 23 2024; January 1 2025; January 21 2025. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, January 22 2025.

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