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Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 26 (2023), Article 23.3.5 |
Let m be the number of local minima in such a nontrivial cycle. Simons and de Weger proved that m ≥ 76. With newer bounds on the range of starting values for which the Collatz conjecture has been checked, one gets m ≥ 83. In this paper, we prove m ≥ 92.
The last part of this paper considers what must be proven in order to raise the number of odd members a nontrivial cycle has to have to the next bound—that is, to at least K ≥ 1.375· 1011. We prove that it suffices to show that, for every integer smaller than or equal to 1536 · 260 = 3 · 269, the respective Collatz sequence enters the trivial cycle. This reduces the range of numbers to be checked by nearly 60%.
(Concerned with sequences A006577 A025586.)
Received January 23 2022; revised version received January 24 2022, December 21 2022; December 28 2022; March 12 2023. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, March 15 2023.