Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 22 (2019), Article 19.1.1

A Note on Polynomial Sequences Modulo Integers

Mohammad Javaheri
Department of Mathematics
School of Science
Siena College
Loudonville, NY 12211


We study the uniform distribution of the polynomial sequence $\lambda(P)=(\lfloor P(k) \rfloor )_{k\geq 1}$ modulo integers, where P(x) is a polynomial with real coefficients. In the nonlinear case, we show that $\lambda(P)$ is uniformly distributed in $\mathbb{Z} $ if and only if P(x) has at least one irrational coefficient other than the constant term. In the case of even degree, we prove a stronger result: $\lambda(P)$ intersects every congruence class modulo every integer if and only if P(x) has at least one irrational coefficient other than the constant term.

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Received September 11 2018; revised version received December 16 2018. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, December 17 2018.

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