On the Sum of the Reciprocals of the Middle Prime Factors of an Integer
Vincent Ouellet
Département de mathématiques et de statistique
Université Laval
Québec G1V 0A6
We consider the arithmetical function
p(β)(n) :=
pmax(1,⌊ βk⌋)
for a given fixed number β ∈ (0,1),
where p1 <
p2 < ··· < pk
are the prime factors of n.
We provide an estimate for the sum of the
reciprocals of p(β)(n)
for n ≤ x,
which improves and generalizes an earlier result of De Koninck and Luca.
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Received September 14 2017; revised version received October 1 2017.
Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, October 29 2017.
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