An Analytic Approach to Special Numbers and Polynomials
Grzegorz RzÄ…dkowski
Department of Finance and Risk Management
Warsaw University of Technology
Ludwika Narbutta 85
00-999 Warsaw
The purpose of this article is to present, in a simple way, an
analytical approach to special numbers and polynomials. The approach is
based on derivative polynomials. The paper is, to some extent, a review
article, although it contains some new elements. In particular, it
seems that some integral representations for Bernoulli numbers and
Bernoulli polynomials are new.
Full version: pdf,
(Concerned with sequences
A008292 and
Received June 16 2015; revised versions received July 16 2015; July 19 2015.
Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, July 29 2015.
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