In this note, we study the representation of a natural number as the sum of three natural numbers having the form

a is a fixed positive integer and

denotes the integer-part function. By applying Gauss's triangular number theorem, we show that every natural number is the sum of three numbers of the form

And by applying Legendre's theorem, we show that every natural number is the sum of three numbers of the form

and that every natural number
N ≢ 2 (mod 24)
is the sum of three numbers of the form

On the other hand, we show that every even natural number is the sum of three numbers of the form

We also propose two conjectures on the subject.
January 21 2013;
revised versions received January 31 2013; May 25 2013; July 3 2013.
Published in Journal of Integer Sequences,
July 4 2013.