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A Note on Fibonacci & Lucas and
Bernoulli & Euler Polynomials
Claudio de Jesús Pita Ruiz Velasco
Universidad Panamericana
Mexico City, Mexico



We study certain polynomials $ P_{m}\left( x,y;t\right) $ and $ Q_{m}\left(
x,y;t\right) $ of the variable $ t$ whose coefficients involve bivariate Fibonacci polynomials $ F_{j}\left( x,y\right) $ or bivariate Lucas polynomials $ L_{j}\left( x,y\right) $. By working with $ P_{m}\left(
x,y;tx\right) $ and $ Q_{m}\left( x,y;tx\right) $, together with the generating functions for Bernoulli polynomials $ B_{i}\left( t\right) $ and Euler polynomials $ E_{i}\left( t\right) $, we obtain a list of eight identities connecting $ F_{j}\left( x,y\right) $ or $ L_{j}\left( x,y\right) $ with $ B_{i}\left( t\right) $ or $ E_{i}\left( t\right) $. We present also some consequences of these results.

Jeffrey Shallit 2012-01-14