Identities Involving Generalized Harmonic Numbers and Other Special Combinatorial Sequences
Huyile Liang and Wuyungaowa
Department of Mathematics
College of Sciences and Technology
Inner Mongolia University
Hohhot 010021
P. R. China
In this paper, we study the properties of the generalized harmonic
numbers Hn,k,r(α,β).
In particular, by means of the method of
coefficients, generating functions and Riordan arrays, we establish
some identities involving the numbers Hn,k,r(α,β),
Cauchy numbers,
generalized Stirling numbers, Genocchi numbers and higher order
Bernoulli numbers. Furthermore, we obtain the asymptotic values of some
summations associ- ated with the numbers
Hn,k,r(α,β) by Darboux's
method and Laplace's method.
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Received October 25 2012;
revised version received November 20 2012.
Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, December 27 2012.
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