
-descent in a permutation is a pair of adjacent elements
such that the first element is from

, the second element is from

, and the first element is greater than the second one. An

-adjacency in a permutation is a pair of adjacent elements
such that the first one is from

and the second one is from


-place-value pair in a permutation is an element


, such that

is in


is in

. It turns
out, that for certain choices of


some of the three
statistics above become equidistributed. Moreover, it is easy to
derive the distribution formula for

-place-value pairs thus
providing distribution for other statistics under consideration too.
This generalizes some results in the literature. As a result of our
considerations, we get combinatorial proofs of several remarkable
identities. We also conjecture existence of a bijection between two
objects in question preserving a certain statistic.