2019-2020 BMath(Computer Science)/Human-Computer Interaction Specialization Checklist
- Under Required Courses, fill in forty unique courses (20 units) that you have passed.
- Verify that those courses also satisfy the Additional Constraints.
Required Courses
- 7.5 CS units
- CS 1[134]5
- CS 1[34]6
- CS 240
- CS 241
- CS 245
- CS 246
- CS 251
- CS 341
- CS 349
- CS 350
- CS 360 or 365
- CS 370 or 371
- CS 449
- CS 440-489
- CS 492
- 1.5 Elective units
- 4.5 Math units
- MATH 1[34]5
- MATH 1[34]6
- MATH 1[234]7
- MATH 1[234]8
- MATH 2[34]5
- MATH 2[34]7
- MATH 2[34]9
- STAT 2[34]0
- STAT 2[34]1
- 1.5 Additional Math units1
- 5.0 Non-math units
- Communication list I2
- Communication list II3
Additional Constraints
- Two of:
- CS 445
- CS 446
- CS 447
- CS 454
- CS 458
- CS 484
- CS 485
- CS 488
- Two of:
- ENGL 108D
- ENGL 293
- ENGL 295
- FINE 150
- FINE 257
- INTEG 251
- KIN 320
- PSYCH 207
- PSYCH 261
- STAT 332
- STAT 430
- Non-math units that satisfy breadth and depth requirements:
- All of (breadth):
- 1.0 units from the humanities4
- 1.0 units from the social sciences
- 0.5 units from the pure sciences
- 0.5 units from the pure and applied sciences
- One of (depth):
- 1.5 units in the same subject area with at least 0.5 units at the 3rd
year level or higher
- 1.5 units with the same subject forming a prerequisite chain of
length three
- Seven (regular) or eight (co-op) terms enrolled in at least three courses totaling 1.5 units
- No more than 2.0 units of failed courses
- No more than 5.0 units of unusable course attempts (failures and repeats of passed courses)
- CS major average of 60% or higher
- Cumulative average of 60% or higher
- Co-op requirements met, if applicable, including PD 1, PD 11, PD 10, and a minimum of two other PD courses.