2018-2019 BMath(Computer Science)/Artificial Intelligence Checklist

  1. Under Required Courses, fill in forty-one unique courses (20.5 units) that you have passed.
  2. Verify that those courses also satisfy the Additional Constraints.

Required Courses

Additional Constraints

  • Seven (regular) or eight (co-op) terms enrolled in at least three courses totaling 1.5 units
  • No more than 2.0 units of failed courses
  • No more than 5.0 units of unusable course attempts (failures and repeats of passed courses)
  • CS major average of 60% or higher
  • Cumulative average of 60% or higher
  • Co-op requirements met, if applicable, including PD 1, PD 11, PD 10, and a minimum of two other PD courses.