PhD defense procedures

The principal contact for the PhD defense is MGO by email.

External Examiner approval

Before contacting a proposed External Examiner (EE), the supervisor must provide a six year CV, biographical details, and a statement of independence to the Director of Graduate Studies and the Associate Dean. If the EE is pre-approved by the Associate Dean, the supervisor can contact the proposed EE informally to seek information about willingness to serve. 

Director of Graduate Studies:

The Associate Dean:

For complete instructions see: 

Math faculty PhD thesis procedures

GSPA PhD thesis regulations

Arranging PhD defense announcement and room booking:

The defense can be publicly announced and a room booked by emailing Nadine Zinger. Please provide plenty of notice for the booking especially if the defense will be held in the fall term.

Post defense procedures:

Candidates should allow at least 2 weeks after the defense for possible revisions and formatting review in order to meet the required deadline.  By the deadline, all requirements must be met, all paperwork received by GSPA, and official deposit of the thesis completed.

For completion and convocation deadlines, please refer to Preparing to graduate: Timelines

NOTE: the Math faculty has blackout periods during which defences cannot be scheduled. Please review these prior to proposing a defence date.