Things That Will Cease To Work After 4:00PM Monday

From wcwince Fri Jun 18 17:31:52 2004
To: cs-everybody@cs cs-grads@cs
Subject: Things that will cease to work after 4:00PM Monday

This is a final reminder that the general Math faculty computing environment will be split Monday starting at 4:00PM. Sometime Monday evening we expect to have the new CS environment in place. The Math environment will mostly cease to work for CS people, so you'll have to change how you do some things:

Login - SSH, RLOGIN, RSH, Telnet, X terminals
Instead of logging in to FE01, you'll have to pick HOPPER.CS, or FE02.CS.
Instead of logging in to machines like PYTHAGORAS, and BETA,
you'll have to pick CPU102.CS, CPU104.CS, ..., or CPU112.CS.

Login - RDP
Instead of GREYLING, use BARBARUS.

Be sure your workstation uses MAIL.CS.UWATERLOO.CA to read and send mail.

Mail - Windows
If you use Eudora 5.1, you'll either have to not use the "SSL" feature, or switch to Eudora 6.1 (which has a relevant bug fixed), or switch to another mail reader like Thunderbird. See
for details.

WWW - Personal Pages
Your personal WWW page will no longer be accessible as
but it will still be accessible as
Visitors to www.math will be directed to try the www.cs URL.

WWW - CS Data
You may have a handy link in your filespace or programs (e.g. DREAMWEAVER) to where the CS WWW data resides. The data is moving from
on a different machine. Access it from FTP.CS using SFTP or SCP (or FTP for programs that don't support SFTP). We'll change symlinks in your central filespace to refer to the new location.

Printing - Windows
Use SMB-PRINTERS.CS instead of names like HOPPER, or ARG-PRINTERS.

Remote File Access - Windows
Use SMB-FILES.CS instead of names like HOPPER, or ARG-FILES. Use SMB-UNIX.CS instead of PYTHAGORAS.

Remote File Access - Mac OS
We'll no longer have an AUFS server, so use SFTP or SCP to FTP.CS to access your files. FUGU is a handy tool for this.

While we always try to make transitions go smoothly, we have to plan for problems. If you discover a problem with the change, please ask your "point of contact" for help. If you don't know who your contact is, or if they're busy, call Jason (x7174), the manager of the User Support Group. He'll be by his phone all day Tuesday.

This information, and more, can be found starting at