If you've never asked MFCF for computing support before,
there are some things we'd like you to know
so we can do a better job of supporting your computing needs.
Some things to consider are:
Consult the online documentation. The MFCF consultant's
may already address your problem.
Your submission may be seen publicly (in a newsgroup).
Avoid including confidential information, passwords, etc.
in the description.
If privacy is a requirement, contact the Client Support Supervisor
If the problem is urgent, please state how urgent,
so we know where to place it in the queue.
Try to reproduce the problem,
and provide details of how you did it.
Please include the following information:
the error message.
what machine was being used.
what software was being used.
how the software was run (e.g. the command line used).
Who Sponsors The Work
The subset of the user community on whose behalf work
is being done is used in record keeping and to influence priorities.
This can be thought of as the group that
is (conceptually at least) paying for the work.
For research by Math faculty members.
Something (that would be) requested by an instructor.
Work in aid of administrative support staff.
Something that a student has requested that likely wouldn't
be requested by an instructor.