Mon Apr 28 09:55:33 EDT 2008 Data for 200801 term. Cents Printer Class Kbytes Host Estim Enrol Load Instructor Description [Requirements] none away_g_cs 1000000 core.cs 355 Recently non-registered CS grads. 0 serverus.cs none away_ug_cs 0 canadenis 2109 Recently non-registered CS undergrads. 90000 student.cs none away_ug_ma 0 canadenis 4015 Recently non-registered math but not CS undergrads. 0 student.cs none cs0 0 canadenis 3 Computer Science - unknown year 90000 student.cs none cs1 0 canadenis 514 Computer Science - first year 90000 student.cs none cs2 0 canadenis 479 Computer Science - second year 90000 student.cs none cs3 0 canadenis 409 Computer Science - third year 90000 student.cs none cs4 0 canadenis 492 Computer Science - fourth year 90000 student.cs 4000 ljp_cs cs8 0 canadenis 108 Computer Science - Masters 1000000 core.cs 0 serverus.cs 90000 student.cs 16000 ljp_cs cs9 1000000 core.cs 160 Computer Science - PhD 0 serverus.cs none math0 0 canadenis 228 Math Unknown Year Students 0 student.cs none math1 0 canadenis 852 Math First Year Students 0 student.cs none math2 0 canadenis 883 Math Second Year Students 0 student.cs none math3 0 canadenis 661 Math Third Year Students 0 student.cs none math4 0 canadenis 771 Math Fourth Year Students 0 student.cs none amath341 0 canadenis 19 21 moderate G. Baranoski Intro to Computational Math [Matlab] 10000 student.cs none cm271 0 canadenis 40 4 moderate G. Baranoski Intro to Computational Math [Matlab] 10000 student.cs none cm339 0 canadenis 10 2 low F. Burkowski Algorithms 40000 student.cs none cm372 0 canadenis 40 8 moderate Y. Wang Intro to Computational Math [Matlab] 10000 student.cs none cm433 0 canadenis 10 4 high A. Storjohann Introduction to Symbolic Computation [Maple 10] 100000 student.cs none cm473 0 canadenis 6 9 moderate J. Orchard Medical Image Processing 50000 student.cs none cs100 0 canadenis 582 602 low T. Tucker Introduction to Computer Usage [Acrobat Reader 7.0, iTunes, Fetch 3.0.3, FileMaker Pro 6.0, FileMaker Pro 7.0, FileMaker Pro 8.0, Firefox, MS Office, Neo Office 1.2# Norton AntiVirus, Open Office 2.0# PageSpinner 4.6, Preview QuickTime, Remote Desktop Safari with Debug menu for javascript console, Sassafras KeyServer Sherlock Snapz Pro X Stuffit Standard 9.0 Terminal Fugu] 110000 student.cs none cs125 0 canadenis 380 442 high S. Graham Introduction to Programming Principles [Acrobat Reader 7 DrJava Fetch Firefox Fugu MS Office X Neo Office 1.2# Norton Anti Virus Open Office 2.0# Regexp Sassafras KeyServer Terminal] 120000 student.cs none cs126 0 canadenis 48 42 high J. Selby Intro to Software Development 12000 student.cs none cs134 0 canadenis 645 630 high J. Pretti Principles of Computer Science [Acrobat Reader 7 DrJava Fetch Firefox Fugu TextEdit X11] 120000 student.cs none cs136 0 canadenis 180 167 high M. Giesbrecht Elem Alg Design & Data Abstrac [Acrobat Reader 7 DrJava Fetch Firefox MS Office X Neo Office 1.2# Norton Anti Virus \ Open Office 2.0# PLT Scheme v301 \ Regexp Sassafras KeyServer Terminal] 100000 student.cs none cs200 0 canadenis 120 45 heavy J. Beatty Concepts for Advanced Computer Usage [Adobe Photoshop Elements, BBEdit, PageSpinner 4.6, SQL Anywhere 9, Thunderbird, FileMaker 6.0, FileMaker 8.0, Graphic Converter X, Firefox, Witango, MS Office X, Safari with Debug menu for javascript console, Adobe Illustrator, Terminal, Fontbook US X, Snapz Pro X with registration, Acrobat Reader 7, Preview, Apache, Apache Support, Fugu, Norton Anti Virus, Goliath 1.0.1, TextEdit, iTunes, QuickTime, Sherlock, Stuffit Standard 10.0, Fetch, RegExplorer] 108000 student.cs none cs230 0 canadenis 80 62 moderate S. Bahun Intro to Computers and Comp Sys [Java] 20000 student.cs none cs240 0 canadenis 110 90 moderate G. Cormack Data Structures and Data Management [Java/javac g++/gcc DB2 mysql 4.0 or 4.1] 20000 student.cs none cs241 0 canadenis 89 143 high T. Vasiga Foundations of Sequential Programs [Java, javac, g++, vi, vim, gvim, emacs, xemacs, marmoset] 30000 student.cs none cs245 0 canadenis 160 89 moderate R. Trefler Logic and Computation [HOL theorem prover] 30000 student.cs none cs246 0 canadenis 190 81 high M. Godfrey Software Abstraction and Specification [vi, vim, emacs, xemacs, g++, gdb] 30000 student.cs none cs251 0 canadenis 190 115 moderate A. Morton, D. Ta Digital Design and Architecture 10000 student.cs none cs330 0 canadenis 180 70 low N. Al Masri Management Information Systems [Word ?] 2000 student.cs none cs338 0 canadenis 60 72 high J.Li Computer Applications In Business Databases [MS Office, DB2] 25000 student.cs none cs341 0 canadenis 64 108 moderate F. Burkowski Algorithms [C, C++, Java] 40000 student.cs none cs343 0 canadenis 73 129 high P. Buhr Concurrent and Parallel Programming [uC++] 30000 student.cs none cs348 0 canadenis 100 74 high A. Chinaei Intro to Database Management [DB2, Java] 50000 student.cs none cs349 0 canadenis 70 67 moderate A. Bunt User Interfaces 50000 student.cs none cs350 0 canadenis 170 128 high K. Salem Operating Systems [gcc, gcc cross compiler for MIPS] 100000 student.cs none cs360 0 canadenis 39 39 low N. Nishimura Intro to Theory of Computation 2000 student.cs none cs365 0 canadenis 32 32 low J. Shallit Models of Computation 2000 student.cs none cs370 0 canadenis 46 74 moderate G. Labahn Numerical Computation [Matlab] 20000 student.cs none cs371 0 canadenis 17 18 moderate G. Baranoski Intro to Computational Math [Matlab] 10000 student.cs none cs372 0 canadenis 5 1 moderate Y. Wang Computational Linear Algebra [Matlab] 10000 student.cs none cs430 0 canadenis 31 44 moderate S. Safayeni Applications Software Engineering [Word] 3000 student.cs none cs432 0 canadenis 90 59 low S. Safayeni Systems Analysis [MS Office ?] 8000 student.cs none cs436 0 canadenis 13 17 low N. Al Masri Distributed Comp Systems [Ethereal] 20000 student.cs none cs442 0 canadenis 35 38 moderate B. Lushman Principles in Programming Languages [SML/NJ 110.0.7 SWI Prolog 5.0.10 HUGS98 ghc (Glasgow Haskell Compiler) cim Simula67 Programming Languages MIT Scheme SmartEiffel] 3000 student.cs none cs444 0 canadenis 50 46 high G. Cormack Compiler Construction [JDK 1.3.x, Bison, Haskell ?] 50000 student.cs none cs445 0 canadenis 21 18 high J. Atlee Software Req: Specifications & Analysis [MagicDraw] 280000 student.cs none cs447 0 canadenis 55 24 heavy P. Alencar Soft. Testing, Qlty Assurance and Maintenance [Tcl/Tk, Expect/Tk ?] 330000 student.cs none cs448 0 canadenis 18 15 high G. Unel Database Systems Implementation 600000 student.cs none cs450 0 canadenis 32 25 moderate F. Mavaddat Computer Architecture 400000 student.cs none cs454 0 canadenis 100 98 high S. MacDonald Distributed Systems [C, C++] 50000 student.cs none cs456 0 canadenis 25 53 moderate T. Brecht Computer Networks [GNU development tools, jdk] 30000 student.cs none cs457 0 canadenis 69 88 moderate W. Cowan System Performance Evaluation [GNU development tools, jdk] 50000 student.cs none cs473 0 canadenis 40 17 moderate J. Orchard Medical Image Processing 50000 student.cs none cs476 0 canadenis 45 32 high P. Forsyth Numeric Computation for Financial Modelling [Matlab, LaTeX] 50000 student.cs none cs483 0 canadenis 28 28 high F. Burkowski Computational Techniques in Biological Sequence Analysis [Python, Perl, Matlab, chimera] 50000 student.cs none cs486 0 canadenis 80 46 moderate F. Kroon Introduction to Artificial Intelligence [Matlab, Java, gcc, g++] 50000 student.cs none cs487 0 canadenis 30 16 high M. Giesbrecht Introduction to Symbolic Computation [Maple 10] 100000 student.cs none cs488 0 canadenis 42 37 high W. Cowan Introduction to Computer Graphics [Python 2.3, ? Gtkmm 2.4.x Gtkglext, gtkglextmm 1.0.* Lua 5.1.2] 100000 student.cs none cs489 0 canadenis 55 114 low U. Hengartner Advanced Topics in Computer Science 10000 student.cs none cs490 0 canadenis 46 83 moderate A. Pidduck Information Systems Management [MS Office, Visual Basic] 10000 student.cs none cs492 0 canadenis 50 47 moderate D. Berry Social Implications in Computing [MS Office] 10000 student.cs none cs642 0 canadenis 5 1 moderate B. Lushman Principles in Programming Languages [SML/NJ 110.0.7 SWI Prolog 5.0.10 HUGS98 ghc (Glasgow Haskell Compiler) cim Simula67 Programming Languages MIT Scheme SmartEiffel] 3000 student.cs none cs645 0 canadenis 10 7 high J. Atlee Software Design [MagicDraw] 280000 student.cs none cs647 0 canadenis 10 18 heavy P. Alencar Soft. Testing, Qlty Assurance and Maintenance [Tcl/Tk, Expect/Tk ?] 330000 student.cs none cs648 0 canadenis 5 1 high G. Unel Introduction to Database Management 500000 student.cs none cs650 0 canadenis 5 1 moderate F. Mavaddat Computer Architecture 400000 student.cs none cs654 0 canadenis 20 2 high R. Boutaba Distributed Systems [C, C++] 50000 student.cs none cs656 0 canadenis 5 4 moderate R. Boutaba Computer Networks [GNU development tools, jdk] 10000 student.cs none cs657 0 canadenis 69 3 moderate W. Cowan System Performance Evaluation [GNU development tools, jdk] 50000 student.cs none cs673 0 canadenis 5 5 low J. Orchard Medical Image Processing 50000 student.cs none cs676 0 canadenis 10 8 high P. Forsyth Numeric Computation for Financial Modelling [Matlab, LaTeX] 50000 student.cs none cs683 0 canadenis 1 1 high F. Burkowski Computational Techniques in Biological Sequence Analysis [Python, Perl, Matlab] 50000 student.cs none cs686 0 canadenis 10 1 high F. Kroon Introduction to Artificial Intelligence [Matlab, Java, gcc, g++] 50000 student.cs none cs687 0 canadenis 10 4 high M. Giesbrecht Introduction to Symbolic Computation [Maple 10] 100000 student.cs none cs688 0 canadenis 5 3 high W. Cowan Introduction to Computer Graphics [Python 2.3, Gtkmm 2.4.x, Gtkglext, gtkglextmm 1.0.*, Lua 5.1.2] 100000 student.cs none cs692 0 canadenis 5 1 moderate D. Berry Social Implications in Computing [MS Office] 10000 student.cs none cs698 0 canadenis 2 9 low Introductory Res Human-Computer Interaction 10000 student.cs 0 canadenis none ece451 0 canadenis 10 1 high J. Atlee Software Req:Specif & Analysis [MagicDraw] 280000 student.cs none ece453 0 canadenis 55 6 heavy P. Alencar Soft. Testing, Qlty Assurance and Maintenance [Tcl/Tk, Expect/Tk ?] 330000 student.cs none se382 0 canadenis 70 64 low M. Terry Human Computer Interaction 50000 student.cs none se465 0 canadenis 55 87 heavy P. Alencar Soft. Testing, Qlty Assurance and Maintenance [Tcl/Tk, Expect/Tk ?] 330000 student.cs