Call for Papers: Journal of Symbolic Computation Special Issue
on the theme of the Milestones in Computer Algebra (MICA 2016) workshop

(Text Version)

Following the success of the Milestones in Computer Algebra (MICA 2016) workshop, as well as the discussions and developments afterwards, we are soliciting papers for a special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation on the theme of the conference.

Issue scope

This invitation is extended to any researcher interested in the theme of MICA 2016, which includes but is not limited to: The MICA 2016 acknowledged the research achievements of Erich L. Kaltofen (North Carolina State University, USA), who has played a crucial role in the formation and development of many of the key computer algebra sub-disciplines presented in the workshop.

Important dates

Submission guideline

Guest editors

Instruction of the paper

Must explicitly address the following questions in succinct and informal manner: Make it complete (since there is no page limit): More information: