CS489/698 - Computational Sound (fifth offering, W20).
- CS489/698 - Computational Audio (W20). This is an
"Advanced Topics" course, offered at both the undergraduate and
graduate level.
- Undergraduates (CS489): Students will work on a course
project, of their own choosing. Students may work
individually or in groups. Grades: 50% assignments, 50%
project. NO EXAM.
- Graduates (CS698): Graduate students have
the same assignments, but will be expected to undertake a
individual, research oriented project, to write up the result as
a research paper, and to present to the class. Grades: 35%
assignments, 15% presentation, 50% report.
- Lecture: 16:00-17:20 Tues,Thur MC4064 (First lecture
Tues Jan 7, 2020)
- Tutorial: 16:00-17:20 Mondays MC2034 (First tutorial
Mon Jan 13, 2020)
- Notes, Announcements, and Assignments: Piazza (Link) Note: If you do not wish to
use Piazza, please contact me via Email.