Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE).  Ontario Wasted More Than $1 Billion Worth of Clean Energy in 2016.  June 29, 2017.

July 27, 2017

For information on health impacts of wind turbines, please see the following article, and the comments submitted.


“Health Canada and Wind Turbines: Too little too late?”. CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Blogs), November 28, 2014.
Carmen Krogh, BScPharm (retired), is a peer reviewed IWT health researcher and former Director of Publications and Editor-in-Chief of the CPS.
R Y McMurtry is Professor Emeritus (Surgery) of Western University (formerly University of Western Ontario). Dr. McMurtry was also an ADM at Health Canada 2000-02

See also,
Invited Talk. Carmen Krogh, Industrial wind turbines can harm human, Wednesday, March 29, 2017. 10:00am. DC 1302 (Davis Center), University of Waterloo.
Link (livestream) https://livestream.com/itmsstudio/events/7194480

Richard Mann
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Waterloo
