Oct 21, 2022

Dear Karen Parkinson,

I wrote to you earlier about "toxic workplace environment" and gave you several concrete examples, including a conflict with my Chair, where I had to get my 2019+2020 performance review re-written twice before I could get a proper accounting of my Research, Service and Teaching.

On Oct 12, you said you would find a way to address my concerns, but I have not heard back.

Meanwhile the Provost is demanding a deadline of Nov 18, for everything to be done.  I remind you that I don't have any control over the Nov 18 "deadline" as that depends on you and the Dean.  I believe Imposing a deadline is arbitrary and also harmful to my health as I have no control over it.

I include my correspondence with the Provost below.  I must report relentless pushing and threats of pay removal from the Provost (attached).  This kind of relentless threatening is causing me unbelievable stress as I'm sure you can imagine.

How can one part of the University (the Provost) trying to punish me while the other part (Occupational Health) is trying to solve my accommodations.  How can my Dean, the official employer, have no control over my teaching assignments, and thus allow the Chair to ignore my preferences?

This repeated demands, with arbitrary deadlines and threats of pay removal are a toxic work environment.  I am constantly fighting, stressed out and lack any energy to continue in a positive work direction.

Now I must focus on teaching in January.  I told you I have already delivered two lectures this term and I am preparing vigorously now.

I implore you to help me.
You are an RN, tasked with dealing with my health issues in the workplace.

Please respond with a plan going forward,
Please provide me of a timeline how you will guarantee convergence, and agreement with the Dean by the appointed date. 

  Richard Mann
  Waterloo ON