FW: Sick leave Richard Mann
Karen Parkinson <>
12/16/21, 6:43 PM
Richard Mann <>

Hello Richard,


Thank you for your email. At this time, we require a medical update to better understand the prognosis for returning to work. Currently your physician stated “until further notice”.

Please have this sick leave form completed by your physician, and returned by January 4th, 2022.

Thank you, Karen


Stay safe,


Karen Parkinson, RN, COHN(C) She/Her

Occupational Health Nurse, Interim Manager

Occupational Health, COM 115 (working remotely)

Phone: (519) 888-4567 ext 40538|Confidential Fax: (519) 888-4377

Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) 1-800-663-1142


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Region of Waterloo Testing centres


Testing Assessment Centre at UW



“Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” ~ Eleanor Brownn


From: Richard Mann <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 3:35 PM
To: Karen Parkinson <>
Subject: Re: Sick leave Richard Mann


Dear Karen, please take this most recent email.
The previous Email of Today was sent in error.

Encl: Message

                                                                                    Dec 14, 2021
Dear Karen Parkinson PhD RN,

Yesterday I heard some disturbing news.  A former FAUW colleague contacted me and asked me to provide updated medical information.

I asked how my colleague became involved and she told me the that Mark Giesbrecht, Dean of Math sent her an email saying that Occupational Health were not provided with updated medical information.


The Dean went on to ask my colleague to contact me.  The implication is that if I did not provide this information I would be taken off sick leave or passed on to a third party insurer.

I am deeply concerned about this for a number of reasons.

First, I do not know how my Dean has become involved as I understood I was working with you (Occupational Health) on sick leave.  In particular, information should be kept confidential, unless I wish to disclose.

Second, are you intending to remove my sick leave?

Let me please remind you of my previous letter where I specifically stated that the requirements imposed on me cause xxxx.  Furthermore I informed you that you had a choice of whether or not to invoke standard policies.   In particular, I am referring to the "standard requirement" of monthly checks.  In the document, it is stated that this requirement "may" be imposed, as opposed to "must" be imposed.   I would like to state emphatically that a requirement of monthly checks at this time only adds to xxxxxx.  For this reason, I must request that the "standard" requirement of monthly checks be removed for my case -- in other words, please recognize the "may" in the document, as opposed to the "must". 


My Proposals:


As stated above, I request that the "standard" requirement of monthly checks be removed for my case - which seems to be totally in accord with the document.

I remind you, that as I said in the Nov 25 letter, if you feel the need to have medical followup, I request that you communicate first to me by Email, and I will bring those notes to my doctor myself for their reply.


If you have any problems or concerns with my proposals, may I ask that you consult with your "line manager(s)". 

  Richard Mann
Encl: Previous letter of Nov 25, 2021