expectations of a project (It is quite reasonable to deviate from these, but
check with me first):
are expected to be the work of one or two students. (I usually encourage two but
this year connections are tougher to make. Feel free to email your classmates
to find a partner � either before or after you decide on a topic.) Expectations
for two person projects will be appropriately higher than for a single person. If
you would like to do something for academic credit beyond this course, this is
possible provided all parties involved are appropriately informed and agree. This
could be projects in two courses taken concurrently could be closely related or
a portion of a thesis.
Starting points:
particularly good starting place is Space-Efficient
Data Structures, Streams and Algorithms LNCS 8066 (otherwise known as "Ianfest"). Many/most of the articles are fairly
easy to read surveys with lots of great references.
A more direct
approach is to try fairly recent conferences and journals, say from the last 3
years or so. Most papers are accessible when logged on from the university:
(Only a modest fraction of the papers in any conference or journal are relevant
to this course. Conferences have a 2 to 3 year lead on journals, so try the
following conferences)
Conferences and journals also vary in average
quality. SODA is very strong by both metrics. STOC and FOCS are very high
quality but also rather broad in scope.