Song Information
Song Artist(s):ZZ Top
Song Title:Stages

Album Information

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
It's a fine time to fall in love with you,
I ain't got a single thing to do.
It happened before I knew what was going on.
I fell out and knew that I was gone.
Stages keep on changing,
stages rearranging love.

Then you left me standing all alone,
I couldn't even get you on the phone.
Were you just confused and didn't know
if you should stay or if you had to go?
Stages keep on changing,
stages rearranging love.

Now you're back and say you're gonna stay.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Tell me it's for real and let me know
why does lovin' have to come and go.
Stages keep on changing,
stages rearranging love.

- Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill & Frank Beard

Track Information
Published Time:3:35
Measured Time:3:31
Traktor Peak dB: 0.093
Traktor Perceived dB: 4.649

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:151.8
Traktor BPM: 151.8 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:G m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:d92fef21-04e9-eaa8-9714-5716962e67e5

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:ZZ Top
Song Title:Stages
First Release Year:1985

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
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ABBA_____GH2-11ABBARing Ring
ZZTOP____AFT-03ZZ TopWoke Up With Wood
DOUGSLUG_GH1-07Doug and The SlugsTomcat Prowl
HNYMNSTE_RAM-05Honeymoon SuiteOther Side of Midnight
KIMMITCH_LV1-02Kim MitchellThat's the Hold [Live]
HOTTRACK_004-14Heather NovaWalk This World
ABBA_____GH2-01ABBASummer Night City
HNYMNSTE_TBP-07Honeymoon SuiteWords in the Wind
FORIGNER_GH1-07ForeignerDirty White Boy
POWERTRK_151-13NazarethHair of the Dog
RETHOTCH_GH1-04Red Hot Chili PeppersMe & My Friends
EDDIEMNY_GH1-13Eddie MoneyStop Steppin' on My Heart
DTRANDOM_028-03Motley CrueGirls, Girls, Girls
ZZTOP____AFT-05ZZ TopCan't Stop Rockin'
ESSENTLS_004-15Bryan FerryLet's Stick Together
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ALIAS____STD-02AliasHaunted Heart
POWERTRK_081-07Tom CochraneNo Regrets
HOTTRACK_038-04Gina GI Belong to You
HNYMNSTE_RAM-08Honeymoon SuiteFast Company
ESSENTLS_011-16Bachman-Turner OverdriveYou Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
POWERTRK_060-03The Power StationSome Like It Hot
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ROBPALMR_GH1-08Robert PalmerSome Like It Hot
EUROPE___STD-03EuropeSeven Doors Hotel
EDDIEMNY_GH1-09Eddie MoneyThink I'm in Love
HOTSTUFF_020-04Sammy JohnsChevy Van
KONKAN___VDA-04Kon KanShould've Known Me (Better Than That)
POWERTRK_035-02George MichaelFreedom 90
POWERTRK_028-07Bruce SpringsteenDancing in the Dark
RETHOTCH_GH1-11Red Hot Chili PeppersShow Me Your Soul
HUEYLEWS_GH1-02Huey Lewis & The NewsHip to Be Square
RCKSPRNG_GH1-12Rick SpringfieldRock of Life
ERASURE__GH1-10ErasureA Little Respect
ZZTOP____AFT-07ZZ TopI Got the Message
RTZ______STD-10RTZHard Time (In the Big House)
AEROSMTH_GH1-06AerosmithBack in the Saddle
POWERTRK_045-13The Georgia SatellitesHippy Hippy Shake
POWERTRK_121-15The OddsHeterosexual Man
HOTTRACK_004-03Tim McGrawI Like It, I Love It
HNYMNSTE_TBP-09Honeymoon SuiteOnce the Feeling
KIMMITCH_AKA-07Kim MitchellLager And Ale
PETSHOPB_GH1-10Pet Shop BoysDomino Dancing
ZZTOP____GH1-18ZZ TopLegs
KENROGRS_GH1-13Kenny RogersDaytime Friends
RADIO099_12A-13BrezeMy Heart Goes Boom
POWERTRK_161-09BananaramaCruel Summer
JOANJETT_THL-10Joan JettRoadrunner Usa [1990 Version]
EURTHMCS_GH1-07EurythmicsSisters Are Doin' It for Themselves
SPIRTWST_STH-02Spirit of the WestHome For a Rest
DVWILCOX_G1C-03David WilcoxThe Natural Edge
SHEDEVIL_ST1-08Kate CeberanoThat's What I Call Love
KYLIEMIN_STD-07Kylie MinogueI Miss You
FYCNIBLS_RAW-04Fine Young CannibalsI'm Not Satisfied
DTRANDOM_011-20KC & The Sunshine BandKeep It Comin' Love
POWERTRK_003-04Don HenleyAll She Wants to Do Is Dance
POWERTRK_106-05NirvanaCome as You Are
SHEDEVIL_ST1-07Jermaine StewartTren D'Amour
KIMMITCH_RCK-10Kim MitchellThe Great Embrace
POWERTRK_053-04Robert PalmerSimply Irresistible
DEFLEPRD_ADR-01Def LeppardLet's Get Rocked
POWERTRK_090-14R.E.M.The One I Love
KIMMITCH_AUR-01Kim MitchellWorld's Such a Wonder
POWERTRK_130-18Eddie MurphyParty All the Time
BRGHTRCK_LOV-05Brighton RockMr. Mistreater
PETSHOPB_GH1-13Pet Shop BoysSo Hard
AEROSMTH_GH1-04AerosmithWalk This Way
HNYMNSTE_RAM-09Honeymoon SuiteTears on the Page
KIMMITCH_RCK-06Kim MitchellThe Crossroads
FYCNIBLS_RAW-06Fine Young CannibalsDon't Look Back
ZZTOP____AFT-08ZZ TopVelcro Fly
LOOKPEPL_BOO-07Look PeopleFaith Lift