Song Information
Song Artist(s):Eurythmics
Song Title:Winter Wonderland

Album Information
Album:A Very Special Christmas

Track Classification
MusicBrainz Genre:Christmas/Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Over the ground lies a mantle of white
A heaven of diamonds shines out through the night
Two hearts a-thrilling
in spite of the chilling weather

Love knows no season, Love knows no clime
Romance can blossom any old time
Here in the open
We're walking and hopin' together

Sleigh Bells Ring, Are You List'ning?
in The Lane, Snow Is Glist'ning'
a Beautiful Sight, We're Havin' Tonight
walkin' In A Winter Wonderland

Gone Away Is The Blue Bird
here To Stay Is The New Bird
He Sings A Love Song As We Go Along
walkin' In A Winter Wonderland

In The Meadow We Can Build A Snowman
Then Pretend That He is Parson Brown
He'll say "Are You Married?" We'll Say "No Man,
But You Can Do The Job When You're In Town."
Later On We'll Conspire As We Dream By The Fire
To Face Unafraid, The Plans That We've Made
Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland

In The Meadow We Can Build A Snowman
Then Pretend That He's A Circus Clown
We'll have lots of fun with Mr. Snowman
until the other kiddies come around

When it snows, ain't it thrilling
Though your nose get's a chilling
We'll frolic and play
The Eskimo way
Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland
Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland (let those sleigh bells ring)
Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland (tell it like it is)
Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland (slippin' and slidin' here we go)
Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland (and the cold cold snow)
(yeah yeah) Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland ('s Wintertime, 's Wintertime, yeah)
Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland (ooh Snow come down )
Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland
Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland

Track Information
Published Time:3:35
Measured Time:3:34
Traktor Peak dB: 0.485
Traktor Perceived dB: 5.259

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:162.2
Traktor BPM: 108.1 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:D m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:e096d984-7518-5378-5bef-8f5390977c68

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Eurythmics
Song Title:Winter Wonderland
First Release Year:1987

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
SPLITENZ_GH1-10Split EnzDirty Creature
POWERTRK_152-07Three Dog NightAn Old Fashioned Love Song
TOMCOCHR_MMW-10Tom CochraneFriendly Advice
OMD______GH1-12Orchestral Manoeuvres in the DarkSecret
POLICE___GH1-05The PoliceDon't Stand So Close to Me '86
BOBGLDOF_GH1-02Bob GeldofThis Is the World Calling
REDRIDER_LV1-12Tom CochraneGood Times
ZZTOP____GH1-10ZZ TopGun Love
PAULCRCK_OGR-02Paul CarrackWhen You Walk in the Room
POWERTRK_153-17Payola$You're the Only Love
ASIA_____AQA-02AsiaWho Will Stop the Rain
RTZ______STD-03RTZAll You've Got
BELINDAC_GH1-12Belinda CarlisleVision of You
TOMCOCHR_MMW-04Tom CochraneSinking Like a Sunset
HOTTRACK_014-09Amy GrantThings We Do for Love
MUCHMORE_01A-14Melissa EtheridgeCome to My Window
DEEPBLSM_HOM-04Deep Blue SomethingJosey
JOEJKSON_GH1-12Joe JacksonRight And Wrong
HLSUMMER_IGE-02Henry Lee SummerRoll Me
VANHALEN_812-06Van HalenFeels So Good
POWERTRK_058-07Culture ClubKarma Chameleon
HOTSTUFF_027-15The Black CrowesJealous Again
KIMMITCH_RCK-05Kim MitchellMoodstreet
POWERTRK_083-09Eric CarmenHungry Eyes
HOWJONES_GH1-17Howard JonesI.G.Y. (What a Beautiful World)
TWSTSIST_GH1-04Twisted SisterThe Price
FIXX_____GH1-02The FixxRed Skies
CORYHART_GH1-13Corey HartIt Ain't Enough
TOMJONES_GH1-17Tom JonesI Couldn't Say Goodbye
BILYJOEL_STF-06Billy JoelStorm Front
BRGHTRCK_YWF-02Brighton RockWe Came to Rock
TRIUMPH__SUR-11TriumphAll Over Again
REDRIDER_LV1-11Tom CochraneLunatic Fringe
KIMMITCH_SHK-04Kim MitchellPatio Lanterns
POWERTRK_140-15Split EnzI Got You
CORYHART_GH1-04Corey HartEverything in My Heart
HLSUMMER_IGE-09Henry Lee SummerGot No Money
ERICCARM_GH1-09Eric CarmenIt Hurts Too Much
VANHALEN_150-05Van HalenSummer Nights
STARSHIP_GH1-10StarshipIt's Not Over ('Til It's Over)
POWERTRK_161-14Andy GibbI Just Want to Be Your Everything
POWERTRK_122-04Wilson PhillipsHold On
GENESIS__STD-04GenesisSecond Home by the Sea
BADCMPNY_HCT-04Bad CompanyThis Could Be the One
PARACLUB_GH1-11The Parachute ClubLove Is Fire
TEMPTTNS_G1B-07The TemptationsBall of Confusion (That's What the World Is Today)
CNTRYTRK_005-04Ronnie MilsapAny Day Now
POWERTRK_154-06Daryl Hall & John OatesFamily Man
BEACHBYS_G1D-20The Beach BoysOur Team
KIMMITCH_AKA-06Kim MitchellFeel It Burn
MIKEMECH_WOM-01Mike + The MechanicsGet Up
CULTRCLB_GH1-07Culture ClubIt's a Miracle
POWERTRK_012-07Elvis PresleyBurning Love
PAULCRCK_GRV-10Paul CarrackBad News (At the Best of Times)
TOMCOCHR_MMW-02Tom CochraneMad Mad World
JOURNEY__GH1-05JourneyI'll Be Alright Without You
POWERTRK_044-08David BowieLet's Dance
TRIUMPH__SOK-10TriumphDon't Love Anybody Else but Me
GENESIS__WCD-01GenesisNo Son of Mine
HUEYLEWS_GH1-15Huey Lewis & The NewsPerfect World
POWERTRK_080-20Umberto TozziTi Amo
LEVEL42__GH1-04Level 42Tracie
STARSHIP_GH1-11StarshipIt's Not Enough
JOURNEY__GH1-03JourneyWheel in the Sky
DEFLEPRD_ADR-04Def LeppardTonight
POWERTRK_159-18WhitesnakeIs This Love
PAULCRCK_GRV-04Paul CarrackLove Can Break Your Heart
ASIA_____AQA-03AsiaLay Down Your Arms
TOMCOCHR_MMW-08Tom CochraneBrave And Crazy
SALSA____ST1-08MariselaI Know
TRIUMPH__SOK-04TriumphIf Only
PHLCOLNS_FAC-03Phil CollinsBehind the Lines
POWERTRK_075-01Cutting Crew(I Just) Died in Your Arms
DOOBBROS_GH1-04The Doobie BrothersListen to the Music