Song Information
Song Artist(s):Triumph
Song Title:Never Surrender

Album Information

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Out in the streets inspiration comes hard
The joker in the deck keeps handin' me his card
Smilin' friendly he takes me in
Then breaks my back in a game I can't win
Jivin', hustiln', what's it all about?
Everybody always wants the east way out
Thirty golden pieces for the Judas kiss
What's a nice boy doin' in a place like this?

Never Surrender - keep your dreams alive
Never Surrender - hold your head up high

Modern apathetics; you got plenty of nothing to say
Some are born to follow: some will make their own way
Today you found a hero tomorrow you'll forget
You're lookin' for convenient truth you haven't found it yet
You don't make commitments no time for regrets
Easy come and easy go and easy to forget
You don't ever take responsibility
Don't you know that part of you is part of me


Never Surrender, it's easier said than done
But you go to finish what's already begun
Never, that's forever, seems like such a long time
But I only got one life to live - It's gonna be mine

Never Surrender - we cannot be denied
Never Surrender - spread your wings and fly

Track Information
Published Time:6:45
Measured Time:6:44
Traktor Peak dB: 0.196
Traktor Perceived dB: 3.139

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM: 93.8
Traktor BPM: 118.3 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:E m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:7fb2e113-3a89-1348-4755-5c86ba4f56b8

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Triumph
Song Title:Never Surrender

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