Song Information
Song Artist(s):Gin Blossoms
Song Title:Hey Jealousy

Album Information
Album:Power Trakks 162

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1990s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock/Pop

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Well tell me do you think it'd be alright
If I could just crash here tonight
You can see I'm in no shape for driving
Anyway I've got no place to go

And you know it might not be that bad
You were the best I'd ever had
If I hadn't blown the whole thing years ago
I may not be alone

Tomorrow we can drive around this town
And let the cops chase us around
The past is gone but something might be found to take its place
Hey Jealousy
Hey Jealousy
Hey Jealousy
Hey Jealousy

You can trust me not to think
And not to sleep around
And if you don't expect too much from me
You might not be let down

'Cause all I really want is to be with you
Feeling like I matter too
If I hadn't blown the whole thing years ago
I might be here with you

Tomorrow we can drive around this town
And let the cops chase us around
The past is gone but something might be found to take its place
Hey Jealousy

Tomorrow we can drive around this town
And let the cops chase us around
The past is gone but something might be found to take its place
Hey Jealousy
Hey Jealousy
Hey Jealousy
Hey Jealousy

Well tell me do you think it'd be alright
If I could just crash here tonight
You can see I'm in no shape for driving
And anyway I've got no place to go

And you know it might not be that bad
You were the best I'd ever had
If I hadn't blown the whole thing years ago
I may not be alone

Tomorrow we can drive around this town
And let the cops chase us around
The past is gone but something might be found to take its place
Hey Jealousy
Hey Jealousy

You know she took my heart
Well there's only one thing I couldn't start

Track Information
Published Time:3:54
Measured Time:3:54
Traktor Peak dB: 1.096
Traktor Perceived dB: 3.349

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:152.8
Traktor BPM: 76.4 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:E m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:1ee3c51c-be7d-5de4-8b95-b2bc2e2372c0

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Gin Blossoms
Song Title:Hey Jealousy
First Release Year:1989

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
POWERTRK_002-01Bay City RollersSaturday Night
SPIRTWST_GOF-01Spirit of the WestD for Democracy (Scour the House)
CHRRADIO_196-13Pearl JamThe Fixer
HNYMNSTE_TBP-08Honeymoon SuiteAll Along You Knew
POWERTRK_155-10Gin BlossomsFound Out About You
CHRRADIO_135-17Kenny ChesneyBeer in Mexico
DTRANDOM_033-07Kenny LogginsPlaying With The Boys
RUSH_____CNT-10RushCold Fire
DTRANDOM_020-13Jane WiedlinRush Hour
POWERTRK_010-03Billy IdolWhite Wedding (Part 1)
POWERTRK_127-01Ozzy OsbourneCrazy Train
POWERTRK_080-16Belinda CarlisleHeaven Is a Place on Earth
HITZONE__002-01Gin BlossomsFollow You Down
CHRRADIO_224-06Michael BubleHollywood
HITZONE__004-13TonicIf You Could Only See [Remix]
DEPCHMOD_L1A-05Depeche ModeSomething to Do
POWERTRK_114-11Sophie B. HawkinsRight Beside You
ZZTOP____GH1-15ZZ TopPlanet of Women
KYLIEMIN_FV1-11Kylie MinogueYour Love
DTRANDOM_020-23Michael McDonaldSweet Freedom
ALLSTARS_096-14D:ReamShoot Me With Your Love
POWERTRK_099-12Jeff FoxworthyRedneck Stomp
SHANIATW_GH1-06Shania TwainThat Don't Impress Me Much
STYX_____EOC-03StyxEdge of the Century
MCLUB099_002-07JamestownI Believe in a Thing Called Love
RHYTMR05_011-02Sherrie LeaSpellbound [22 Green Radio Mix]
PHLCOLNS_NJR-02Phil CollinsOnly You Know And I Know
ZZTOP____GH1-14ZZ TopSleeping Bag
POWERTRK_075-08Kenny LogginsDanger Zone
ALTIMECL_01A-14TatjanaSanta Maria
TWSTSIST_GH1-01Twisted SisterWe're Not Gonna Take It
POWERTRK_166-09MartikaI Feel the Earth Move
RADIO203_07A-03LeAnn RimesWe Can
DEPCHMOD_L1B-10Depeche ModeJust Can't Get Enough
DTRANDOM_021-08The Michael Zager BandLet's All Chant
HOTTRACK_053-14Real McCoyIf You're Not in It for Love (I'm Outta Here)
POWERTRK_116-09Talking HeadsWild Wild Life
POBO1996_002-12Fun FactoryTake Your Chance
EXTREME__GH1-06ExtremeHip Today
POWERTRK_005-17Doctor & The MedicsSpirit in the Sky
PHLCOLNS_GH1-05Phil CollinsTwo Hearts
MTYBOSST_LFI-05The Mighty Mighty BosstonesLet's Face It
TYLRDYNE_GH1-12Taylor DayneI'll Wait [E-Smoove Hot Mix]
RETRO80S_001-12EndgamesFirst, Last for Everything [Club Version]
ZZTOP____REC-06ZZ TopDecision or Colission
ULTDISCO_01A-15Santa EsmeraldaDon't Let Me Be Misunderstood
HAYWIRE__GET-09HaywireMove Over
THEN_____02B-12Northern PikesShe Ain't Pretty
POWERTRK_097-15LoverboyHot Girls in Love
HOTTROCK_001-04Barstool ProphetsParanoia
TINATURN_GH1-15Tina Turner & Rod StewartIt Takes Two
BRSETZER_DCC-11Brian Setzer OrchestraJingle Bell Rock
DTRANDOM_048-04Q-FeelDancing in Heaven (Orbital Be-Bop)
CREAMDNC_01A-10Fun FactoryDoo Wah Diddy
DEFLEPRD_ADR-02Def LeppardHeaven Is
SAGA_____GH1-10SagaCat Walk
STYX_____EOC-07StyxWorld Tonite
DTRANDOM_016-10Tim McGrawSomething Like That
POWERTRK_155-05The KLF Featuring Tammy WynetteJustified & Ancient
POWERTRK_037-16EurythmicsWould I Lie to You?
TRAGICHP_TAH-09The Tragically HipCoconut Cream
POWERTRK_115-09James BonamyDog on a Tool Box
NODOUBT__GH1-11No DoubtSpiderwebs
TWSTSIST_GH1-07Twisted SisterShoot 'Em Down
STEVNICK_GH1-03Stevie NicksWhole Lotta Trouble
PETSHOPB_GH1-15Pet Shop BoysWhere the Streets Have No Name (I Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
RADIO200_04A-01StepsDeeper Shade of Blue
URGEOVKL_SAT-03Urge OverkillPositive Bleeding
UGLKIDJO_ALW-07Ugly Kid JoeSo Damn Cool
HOTTROCK_004-15PulpDisco 2000
POWERTRK_076-02Nicki FrenchTotal Eclipse of the Heart