Song Information
Song Artist(s):Stevie Ray Vaughan
Song Title:Cold Shot

Album Information
Album:Power Trakks 020

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Blues/Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Once was a sweet thang baby, held our love in our hands
Now I reach to kiss your lips, the touch don't mean a thing
And that's a cold shot baby, yeah that's a drag.
A cold shot baby, I let our love go bad

Remember the way that you loved me, do anything I say
Now I see you out somewhere, you won't give me the time of day
And that's a cold shot darlin', yeah that's a drag
That's a cold shot baby, we let our love go bad

I really meant I was sorry, for ever causin' you pain
You showed your appreciation, by walkin' out anyway
And that's a cold shot baby, yeah that's a drag
That's a cold shot baby, we let our love go bad

Don't let our true love run cold baby

Track Information
Published Time:3:59
Measured Time:3:58
Traktor Peak dB: 1.077
Traktor Perceived dB: 7.539

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:111.6
Traktor BPM: 109.9 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:G#m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:3271c4a7-ee39-2af7-39d2-3a09a0e480c0

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Stevie Ray Vaughan
Song Title:Cold Shot
First Release Year:1984

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
KENROGRS_GH1-01Kenny RogersLucille
DVWILCOX_G1C-11David WilcoxMiss You When You Go
LSKYNRYD_GH1-08Lynyrd SkynyrdSaturday Night Special
POWERTRK_054-16The MonkeesI'm a Believer
POWERTRK_160-15Black SabbathParanoid
TOMCOCHR_MMW-04Tom CochraneSinking Like a Sunset
INXS_____XXX-08INXSKnow the Difference
HOTTRACK_010-08Natalie MerchantWonder
POWERTRK_040-03Tom CochraneLife Is a Highway
ERASURE__GH1-17ErasureLove To Hate You
QUEEN____INN-02QueenI'm Going Slightly Mad
HUEYLEWS_GH1-07Huey Lewis & The NewsBad Is Bad
WOMNSONG_004-08Natalie ImbrugliaTorn
INXS_____KCK-07INXSWild Life
BEATLES__RDB-02The BeatlesYou've to Hide Your Love Away
GLASSTIG_AIR-09Glass TigerMy Song
JOURNEY__GH1-05JourneyI'll Be Alright Without You
POWERTRK_011-08Midnight OilBeds Are Burning
PAULJANZ_GH1-02Paul JanzThis Love Is Forever
POWERTRK_131-07John BerryKiss Me in the Car
HALLOATS_GH1-01Daryl Hall & John OatesSay It Ain't So
TRAGICHP_FUL-03The Tragically HipAt the Hundredth Meridian
BARENKDL_STD-01Barenaked LadiesBe My Yoko Ono
POWERTRK_075-17FirefallYou Are the Woman
RIKEMMET_IPS-09Rik EmmettMeet You There
GHANDARV_SBI-03The GandharvasThe Coffee Song
JETHROTL_GH2-08Jethro TullTo Cry You a Song
KIMMITCH_RCK-09Kim MitchellThis Dream
POWERTRK_067-01Urge OverkillGirl, You'll Be a Woman Soon
POWERTRK_132-12Tracy ByrdLifestyles of the Not So Rich And Famous
HLSUMMER_IGE-02Henry Lee SummerRoll Me
EDDIEMNY_GH1-03Eddie MoneyPeace in Our Time
KIMMITCH_SHK-09Kim MitchellCameo Spirit
EAGLES___GH1-01The EaglesTake It Easy
ERASURE__GH1-08ErasureShip Of Fools
DTRANDOM_038-18Neil Diamond & Kim CarnesHeartbreak Hotel
DNMCLEAN_GH1-06Don McLeanSuperman's Ghost
KINKS____GH1-23The KinksWicked Anabell
POWERTRK_058-07Culture ClubKarma Chameleon
HOTSTUFF_014-05Spirit of the WestTill the Cows Come Home
HOTSTUFF_011-14Tim McGraw & Faith HillIt's Your Love
POWERTRK_106-04David BowieChina Girl
ROBPALMR_GH1-04Robert PalmerSweet Lies
POWERTRK_148-16Steve WinwoodValerie
ZZTOP____GH1-10ZZ TopGun Love
POWERTRK_032-17The Irish RoversUnicorn
CHRRADIO_096-06Liam TitcombCounting Headlights
TOMCOCHR_MMW-02Tom CochraneMad Mad World
EDDIEMNY_GH1-10Eddie MoneyLooking Through the Eyes of a Child
CNTRYTRK_005-14Tracy LawrenceCan't Break It to My Heart
LEVEL42__GH1-17Level 42To Be With You Again
POWERTRK_143-11Honeymoon SuiteWhat Does It Take
DTRANDOM_021-10Eric ClaptonLet It Rain
OMD______GH1-15Orchestral Manoeuvres in the DarkDreaming
COLL5060_001-09The Del-SatinsTeardrops Follow Me
RETRO80S_002-13Climie FisherLove Changes (Everything)
VANHALEN_812-06Van HalenFeels So Good
POWERTRK_145-16John MellencampCherry Bomb
HOTTRACK_056-13Sarah McLachlanSweet Surrender
MIKEMECH_STD-08Mike + The MechanicsA Call to Arms
ZZTOP____GH1-07ZZ TopI'm Bad, I'm Nationwide
WOMNSONG_001-12Indigo GirlsCloser to Fine
HOWJONES_GH1-17Howard JonesI.G.Y. (What a Beautiful World)
HOTTRACK_002-19Ken MunshawSun Comes Up
SPLITENZ_GH1-10Split EnzDirty Creature
HNYMNSTE_RAM-04Honeymoon SuiteLove Fever
POWERTRK_081-13Tim McGrawIndian Outlaw
KIMMITCH_AUR-04Kim MitchellAmerica
HOTTRACK_003-03FirehouseHere for You
YNGWEMLM_GH1-12Yngwie MalmsteenJudas
GENESIS__WCD-07GenesisTell Me Why