Song Information
Song Artist(s):Kim Mitchell
Song Title:Dog And a Bone

Album Information
Album:Aural Fixations

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Let's pretend you are my Cinderella, and I am the hero
We have a castle and ?????
We ride into the sun

Let's pretend I am a big bad sailor
A rolling thunder
Let forget I'm just a pawn shop pirate
And you're a ????? lover

Loving you is never hard
Every day turning up a brand new card
Got my hand in your cookie jar
We're all alone on a desert island throne

Just like a dog and a bone
White on white
You drive me crazy
Just like a dog and a bone
When you take that bite
Just like a dog and a bone
White on white
And the road gets hazy
Just like a dog and a bone
When you take that bite

Let's pretend we're riding rock-n-roll's love train
Through the clouds and the mountains
Laughing all through the nights rain
As we roll past fields of love

Let's pretend that the grass ain't greener
Cause you are the sunshine
Stop the universe changing
Stop finger pointing

Loving you just feels so right
Everything's turning up roses
Got my hand in your cookie jar
We're all alone on a desert island throne

I don't ever wanna leave this place
It just feels like home
I don't ever wanna leave this place

Track Information
Published Time:4:45
Measured Time:4:45
Traktor Peak dB:-0.020
Traktor Perceived dB: 3.439

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:144.1
Traktor BPM: 72.0 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:A m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:e0207e21-c2ac-c2e3-1fa3-9df8f49260f7

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Kim Mitchell
Song Title:Dog And A Bone

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
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ZZTOP____AFT-01ZZ TopSleeping Bag
EDDIEMNY_GH1-13Eddie MoneyStop Steppin' on My Heart
KIMMITCH_RCK-10Kim MitchellThe Great Embrace
HOWJONES_GH1-06Howard JonesLike to Get to Know You Well
EUROPE___PIP-04EuropeLittle Bit of Lovin'
DTRANDOM_038-15Neil DiamondCrunchy Granola Suite
BADCMPNY_HCT-05Bad CompanyBoth Feet in the Water
POWERTRK_021-18Go WestKing of Wishful Thinking
POWERTRK_139-17Pink FloydLearning to Fly
EDDIEMNY_GH1-03Eddie MoneyPeace in Our Time
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CARS_____GH1-02The CarsSince You're Gone
POWERTRK_018-05The Black CrowesHard to Handle
HNYMNSTE_TBP-06Honeymoon SuiteWounded
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FYCNIBLS_RAW-10Fine Young CannibalsEver Fallen in Love
PHLCOLNS_NJR-06Phil CollinsDon't Lose My Number
LEVEL42__GH1-14Level 42Lessons in Love
JNANDRSN_COA-07Jon AndersonNew Civilization
HOTTRACK_004-03Tim McGrawI Like It, I Love It
PAULCRCK_GRV-02Paul CarrackI Live by the Groove
RADIO099_12A-13BrezeMy Heart Goes Boom
TOMCOCHR_MMW-02Tom CochraneMad Mad World
SALSA____ST1-08MariselaI Know
POWERTRK_160-07Robbie NevilJust Like You
FOOTLOSE_ST1-01Kenny LogginsFootloose
HNYMNSTE_GH1-07Honeymoon SuiteBad Attitude
SWEET____GH1-12The SweetStairway to the Stairs
ZZTOP____AFT-07ZZ TopI Got the Message
POWERTRK_135-08Living ColourCult of Personality
EURTHMCS_GH1-13EurythmicsThorn in My Side
RTZ______STD-06RTZEvery Door Is Open
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