Song Information
Song Artist(s):Semisonic
Song Title:If I Run

Album Information
Album:Hott Rocks 006

Track Classification
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Morning comes and morning goes,
Now it's me against the sun,
The day goes by and darkness grows,
And it's over before it's done.

Well I know it'll be alright if I just get on the road,
If I run, I can free my worried mind,
Yeah I know on the day I die I will lose my heavy load,
But I wouldn't want to leave you behind.

All my time keeps creeping on,
Now I've grown into a man,
But Mr. Child still wants to run,
From the cradle to the van, oh.

Keep thinking it'll be alright if I just get on the road,
If I run, I can free my worried mind,
Keep thinking of the day I die when I lose my heavy load,
But I wouldn't want to leave you behind,
No I wouldn't want to leave you behind, hey, hey.

Oh, Keep thinking it'll be alright if I just get on the road,
If I run, I can free my worried mind,
Keep thinking of the day I die when I lose my heavy load,
But I wouldn't want to leave you behind.

Oh, Keep thinking it'll be alright if I just get on the road,
If I run, I can free my worried mind,
Keep thinking of the day I die when I lose my heavy load,
But I wouldn't want to leave you behind,
But I wouldn't want to leave you behind.
No I wouldn't want to leave you behind.

Track Information
Published Time:3:20
Measured Time:3:20
Traktor Peak dB:-0.452
Traktor Perceived dB:-0.361

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM: 92.7
Traktor BPM: 187.0 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:F#m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:d0fee21c-81ed-7612-aeb6-61d61b42112a

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Semisonic
Song Title:If I Run
First Release Year:1996

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
HOTTROCK_020-11Econoline CrushAll That You Are
HOTTROCK_015-04TonicIf You Could Only See
HOTTROCK_017-05VibrolushBridge Over Me
MOTORHED_GH1-11MotorheadDamage Case
POWERTRK_083-11RamonesDo You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio?
ERICCLAP_BBK-07Eric Clapton & B.B. KingI Wanna Be
BIGSHINY_003-12PlaceboPure Morning
POWERTRK_101-08Our Lady PeaceNaveed
BARENKDL_STN-05Barenaked LadiesLeave
EDDIEMNY_RHR-06Eddie MoneyThings Are Much Better Today
OURLADYP_CLM-08Our Lady PeaceHello Oskar
HOTTROCK_021-16The Age of ElectricI Don't Mind (Bolan's Smiling Down on Me)
WEEZER___STD-08WeezerIn the Garage
DVWILCOX_G1C-19David WilcoxBless the World
RADIO204_02A-09SwitchfootMeant to Live
CHRRADIO_172-20Doc WalkerThat's All
HOTTROCK_019-11Counting CrowsHave You Seen Me Lately?
RADIO203_03A-05Melanie CHere It Comes Again
RADIO099_03A-16Mighty WahLover Boy
HOTTROCK_007-13Bif NakedDaddy's Getting Married
U2_______GH2-01U2Even Better Than the Real Thing
POWERTRK_170-10The CultLove Removal
HOTTROCK_012-05Tom Petty and The HeartbreakersChange the Locks
CHRRADIO_120-15Idle SonsTell Me
BIGSHINY_008-08The All-American RejectsSwing Swing
GHANDARV_S4S-06The GandharvasWatching the Girl
FORIGNER_GH1-10ForeignerHot Blooded
SPINALTP_BFD-16Spinal TapWarmer Than Hell
MTYBOSST_LFI-01The Mighty Mighty BosstonesNoise Brigade
RADIO098_04A-02Matchbox TwentyReal World
HOTTROCK_021-08Cool for AugustTrials
MTYBOSST_LFI-08The Mighty Mighty BosstonesNumbered Days
HOTTROCK_005-01Gin BlossomsDay Job
PEARLJAM_YLD-01Pearl JamBrain of J.
TOMWAITS_BAM-12Tom WaitsHell Broke Luce
RADIO204_03A-16Melissa EtheridgeBreathe
HOTSTUFF_014-08Matchbox TwentyMad Season
CHRRADIO_208-11Matthew GoodUs Remains Impossible
BARENKDL_STN-09Barenaked LadiesNever Is Enough
HOTTROCK_014-07Porno for PyrosHard Charger
DTRANDOM_037-06Montgomery GentryHell Yeah
HOTTROCK_015-02Matchbox TwentyPush
POBO1996_005-15EverclearSanta Monica
HOTTROCK_023-03Black LabWash It Away
POWERTRK_081-08The OddsTruth Untold
CHRRADIO_115-14FlyleafI'm So Sick
POWERTRK_169-18The Tea PartyFire in the Head
TRAGICHP_MAW-03The Tragically HipLake Fever
CULT_____GH1-18The CultEarth Mofo
QNSRYCHE_PRM-10QueensrycheOne More Time
JOANJETT_THL-05Joan JettTush
POBO1996_005-13Hootie & The BlowfishOld Man & Me
CHRRADIO_093-20The Road HammersI'm a Road Hammer
HOOTBFSH_CRV-02Hootie & The BlowfishHold My Hand
BRSETZER_BWC-02Brian Setzer OrchestraBoogie Woogie Santa Claus
CNTRYTRK_003-09Hal KetchumSmall Town Saturday Night
BIGSHINY_006-18The Tea PartyWalking Wounded
HOTTRACK_038-17Depeche ModeBarrel of a Gun
HOTTROCK_012-11SpacekidA Million Potsies
GARTHBRK_GH1-01Garth BrooksAin't Going Down (Til the Sun Comes Up)
CHRRADIO_107-12Our Lady PeaceAngels Losing Sleep
INXS_____FUL-03INXSMake Your Peace
TOMWAITS_BAM-04Tom WaitsGet Lost
RADIO205_01A-17Simple PlanMe Against the World
CHRRADIO_185-16Tim McGrawNothin' To Die For
JOOLSHLD_GH1-02Jools HollandBeatroute