Marianas Trench Here's To The Zeros |
Song Information | |
Song Artist(s): | Marianas Trench |
Song Title: | Here's To The Zeros |
Year: | 2015 |
Album Information | |
Album: | Promo Only - Chart Radio 328 - 2015 03 Mar |
Track: | 2 |
Track Classification | |
Genre: | CHR |
Audio |
20 sec. sample |
Track Information | |
Published Time: | 3:48 |
Measured Time: | 3:48 |
Mix Information | |
Mix Note(s): | INTRO :09 / Cold |
Published BPM: | 105 |
Mixmeister BPM: | 105.0 |
Mixmeister Key: | C#m |
External Cross-Referencing | |
MusicBrainz PUID: |