Song Information
Song Artist(s):Brad Paisley
Song Title:Celebrity

Album Information
Album:Mud on the Tires

Track Classification
MusicBrainz Genre:Country

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Someday I'm gonna be famous,
Do I have talent, well, no.
These days you don't really need it,
Thanks to reality shows.

Can't wait to date a supermodel,
Can't wait to sue my dad.
Can't wait to wreck a Ferrari
On my way to rehab.

'Cause when you're a celebrity
It's adios reality
You' can act just like fool
People think you're cool
Just cause you're on TV.
I can throw major fits
When my latte isn't just how I like it
They say I've gone insane,
I'll blame it on the fame,
And the pressures that goes with
Being a celebrity.

I get to cry to Barbara Walters,
When things don't go my way.
I'll get community service
No matter which law I break.

I'll make the supermarket tabloids,
They'll write some awful stuff
But the more they run my name down,
The more my price goes up!

'Cause when you're a celebrity,
It's adios reality.
No matter what you do,
People think you're cool,
Just cause you're on TV.
I can fall in and out of love,
Have marriages that barely last a month.
When they go down the drain
I'll blame it on the fame
And say it's just so tough.
Being a celebrity.

So let's hitch up the wagons and head out west
To the land of fun in the sun
We'll be real world bachelors
Jackass Millionaires
Hey, Hey, Hollywood
Here we come!

Yeah, When you're a celebrity
It's adios reality
No matter what you do,
People think you're cool,
Just cause you're on TV.
Being a celebrity.
Yeah celebrity!
uh huh
ugh??Where's my coffee?

Track Information
Published Time:3:43
Measured Time:3:43
Traktor Peak dB:-0.014
Traktor Perceived dB:-1.261

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:123.8
Traktor BPM: 123.8 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:C m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:c4e93f9f-ad5b-4119-776a-3fa16a9eecb2

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Brad Paisley
Song Title:Celebrity
First Release Year:2003

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