Song Information
Song Artist(s):Bon Jovi
Song Title:Mister Big Time

Album Information

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Soundtrack

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
I've been watchin my TV
It's got a hundred different stations
They all look the same to me

Now I'm ready
For a new sensation

Na na na na na
na na na na
na na na na

I'm gettin ready for the big time
Someday I'm gonna be big time news

Dont have to take it when you're big time
Someday you'll call me mister big time too

In a big reclining chair
With a cold six pack of beer

You got a front row seat
You got to put up your feet

Man the picture
Is lookin bright from here

I'm gettin ready for the big time
Someday I'm gonna be big time news

I can taste it, I'll be prime time
Someday I'm gonna be big time news

Don't have to take it when you're big time
Someday you'll call me mister big time too

Na na na na na
na na na na
na na na na

I'm gettin ready for the big time
Someday I'm gonna be big time news

I'm gonna waste it when I'm big time
I'll be ready for it, bing bang boom

I can taste it I'll be prime time
Someday I'm gonna be big time news

Don't have to take it when you're big time
Someday you'll call me mister big time too

Track Information
Published Time:2:47
Measured Time:2:47
Traktor Peak dB:-0.286
Traktor Perceived dB:-2.301

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:124.0
Traktor BPM: 82.7 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:G m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:1e69f9eb-4d45-67ff-8b70-44cad0b1e3cf

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Jon Bon Jovi
Song Title:Mister Big Time
First Release Year:1998

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