# Other Lists :: New York Times Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made # ========================================================= tt0018037 #+ The Jazz Singer (1927) #----------- # Disraeli (1929) tt0020629 # All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) #----------- # Anna Christie (1930) tt0021577 # L'age d'or (1930) #----------- # La Chienne (1931) tt0021814 # Dracula (1931) tt0021884 # Frankenstein (1931) tt0021079 # Little Caesar (1931) tt0022100 # M (1931) tt0022286 # The Public Enemy (1931) tt0022835 # Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) tt0022958 # Grand Hotel (1932) #----------- # The Mouthpiece (1932) tt0022599 # A Nous la Liberte (1931) #----------- # One Hour with You (1932) tt0023622 # Trouble in Paradise (1932) #----------- # Cavalcade (1933) tt0023948 # Dinner at Eight (1933) tt0023969 #+ Duck Soup (1933) tt0024216 #+ King Kong (1933) tt0024264 # Little Women (1933) #----------- # The Private Life of Henry VIII (1933) #----------- # State Fair (1933) #----------- # The Count of Monte Cristo (1934) tt0025316 # It Happened One Night (1934) tt0024844 #+ L'Atalante (1934) #----------- # One Night of Love (1934) tt0025878 # The Thin Man (1934) #----------- # Twentieth Century (1934) tt0026266 # David Copperfield (1935) tt0026529 # The Informer (1935) tt0025318 # It's a Gift (1934) #----------- # The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935) #----------- # Les Miserables (1935) tt0026752 # Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) #----------- # Ruggles of Red Gap (1935) #----------- # The Scoundrel (1935) tt0026029 # The 39 Steps (1935) tt0027125 # Top Hat (1935) tt0027532 # Dodsworth (1936) #----------- # Fury (1936) tt0027996 # Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936) tt0028010 # My Man Godfrey (1936) #----------- # Romeo and Juliet (1936) tt0028333 # Swing Time (1936) #----------- # These Three (1936) tt0028597 # The Awful Truth (1937) tt0028683 # Camille (1936) tt0028691 # Captains Courageous (1937) #----------- # Dead End (1937) #----------- # Easy Living (1937) #----------- # The Good Earth (1937) tt0028950 # Grand Illusion (1937) tt0029146 # The Life of Emile Zola (1937) #----------- # Lost Horizon (1937) tt0029192 # Make Way for Tomorrow (1937) #----------- # Mayerling (1937) tt0029583 #+ Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) #----------- # Stage Door (1937) #----------- # A Star Is Born (1937) #----------- # They Won't Forget (1937) #----------- # You Only Live Once (1937) tt0029843 #+ The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) tt0029947 #+ Bringing Up Baby (1938) #----------- # The Citadel (1938) tt0030341 # The Lady Vanishes (1938) tt0030637 # Pygmalion (1938) tt0030764 # A Slight Case of Murder (1938) #----------- # Three Comrades (1938) tt0029850 # Alexander Nevsky (1938) tt0031210 # Dark Victory (1939) #----------- # Destry Rides Again (1939) tt0031381 # Gone with the Wind (1939) #----------- # Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939) tt0031398 # Gunga Din (1939) #----------- # Love Affair (1939) #----------- # Midnight (1939) tt0031679 # Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) tt0031725 # Ninotchka (1939) tt0031762 # Only Angels Have Wings (1939) tt0031885 #+ Rules of the Game (1939) tt0031971 #+ Stagecoach (1939) tt0032138 # The Wizard of Oz (1939) tt0032143 # The Women (1939) #----------- # Wuthering Heights (1939) tt0032155 #+ Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) #----------- # The Baker's Wife (1940) tt0032234 # The Bank Dick (1940) tt0032455 # Fantasia (1940) tt0032551 #+ The Grapes of Wrath (1940) tt0032553 #+ The Great Dictator (1940) #----------- # The Great McGinty (1940) tt0032599 # His Girl Friday (1940) #----------- # The Long Voyage Home (1940) #----------- # The Mortal Storm (1940) #----------- # Of Mice and Men (1940) #----------- # Our Town (1940) tt0032904 # The Philadelphia Story (1940) tt0032910 # Pinocchio (1940) #----------- # Pride and Prejudice (1940) tt0032976 #+ Rebecca (1940) tt0033045 # The Shop Around the Corner (1940) tt0033152 #+ The Thief of Bagdad (1940) tt0033467 #+ Citizen Kane (1941) tt0033563 # Dumbo (1941) #----------- # Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941) #----------- # High Sierra (1941) tt0033729 # How Green Was My Valley (1941) tt0033804 # The Lady Eve (1941) #----------- # The Little Foxes (1941) #----------- # Major Barbara (1941) tt0033870 # The Maltese Falcon (1941) #----------- # Man Hunt (1941) #----------- # One Foot in Heaven (1941) tt0034167 #+ Sergeant York (1941) #----------- # The Stars Look Down (1941) tt0034240 # Sullivan's Travels (1941) tt0034248 # Suspicion (1941) #----------- # The Well-Digger's Daughter (1941) tt0033373 # Ball of Fire (1941) tt0034492 #+ Bambi (1942) tt0034583 # Casablanca (1942) #----------- # The Major and the Minor (1942) #----------- # The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942) tt0035093 # Mrs. Miniver (1942) tt0035140 # Now, Voyager (1942) #----------- # Ossessione (1942) tt0035169 # The Palm Beach Story (1942) tt0035211 # The Pride Of The Yankees (1942) tt0035446 #+ To Be or Not to Be (1942) tt0035567 # Woman of the Year (1942) tt0035575 #+ Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) tt0035896 # For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943) #----------- # The More the Merrier (1943) tt0036244 # The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) #----------- # Sahara (1943) tt0036342 # Shadow of a Doubt (1943) #----------- # Watch on the Rhine (1943) tt0036775 #+ Double Indemnity (1944) tt0036855 # Gaslight (1944) tt0036872 # Going My Way (1944) #----------- # Hail the Conquering Hero (1944) tt0037008 # Laura (1944) tt0037059 #+ Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) tt0037077 # The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (1944) tt0037120 # National Velvet (1944) tt0037382 # To Have and Have Not (1944) #----------- # Wilson (1944) tt0037558 # Brief Encounter (1945) tt0037674 # Children of Paradise (1945) tt0036112 # The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943) tt0037884 # The Lost Weekend (1945) tt0038890 # Rome, Open City (1945) tt0038109 # Spellbound (1945) #----------- # The Story of G.I. Joe (1945) #----------- # They Were Expendable (1945) #----------- # A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945) #----------- # A Walk in the Sun (1945) tt0038303 # Anna and the King of Siam (1946) tt0038348 # Beauty and the Beast (1946) tt0036868 # The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) tt0038355 #+ The Big Sleep (1946) #----------- # Dead of Night (1946) tt0036910 # Henry V (1944) tt0038650 #+ It's a Wonderful Life (1946) tt0038669 # The Killers (1946) tt0038762 #+ My Darling Clementine (1946) tt0038787 # Notorious (1946) #----------- # The Overlanders (1946) tt0038854 # The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) #----------- # Shoeshine (1946) #----------- # The Spiral Staircase (1946) #----------- # Stairway to Heaven (1946) tt0039111 # The Yearling (1946) tt0039192 # Black Narcissus (1947) #----------- # Crossfire (1947) #----------- # The Fugitive (1947) tt0038574 # Great Expectations (1946) tt0038577 # Green for Danger (1946) tt0037800 # I Know Where I'm Going! (1945) tt0039566 # Life With Father (1947) tt0039628 #+ Miracle on 34th Street (1947) #----------- # Monsieur Verdoux (1947) #----------- # Odd Man Out (1947) tt0039689 # Out of the Past (1947) #----------- # La Terra trema (1947) #----------- # The Voice of the Turtle (1947) tt0040522 #+ The Bicycle Thief (1948) #----------- # The Big Clock (1948) #----------- # Force of Evil (1948) #----------- # A Foreign Affair (1948) tt0040416 # Hamlet (1948) #----------- # I Remember Mama (1948) tt0038823 # Paisan (1946) tt0040724 # Red River (1948) tt0040725 #+ The Red Shoes (1948) #----------- # The Search (1948) #----------- # Sitting Pretty (1948) tt0040806 # The Snake Pit (1948) tt0040897 #+ The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) tt0041090 # Adam's Rib (1949) tt0041113 # All the King's Men (1949) tt0041452 # The Heiress (1949) tt0041546 #+ Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) tt0041587 # A Letter to Three Wives (1949) #----------- # On the Town (1949) #----------- # The Set-Up (1949) tt0041866 # She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) tt0040872 # They Live by Night (1949) tt0041959 # The Third Man (1949) #----------- # Tight Little Island (1949) #----------- # Twelve O'Clock High (1949) tt0042041 # White Heat (1949) tt0042192 # All About Eve (1950) tt0042208 # The Asphalt Jungle (1950) tt0042276 # Born Yesterday (1950) tt0042619 # Diary of a Country Priest (1951) tt0042451 # Father of the Bride (1950) #----------- # The Gunfighter (1950) #----------- # Los Olvidados (1950) #----------- # The Men (1950) tt0042876 # Rashomon (1950) #----------- # Seven Days to Noon (1950) tt0043014 # Sunset Boulevard (1950) tt0043278 # An American in Paris (1951) tt0043456 #+ The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) #----------- # Death of a Salesman (1951) #----------- # The Lavender Hill Mob (1951) tt0040662 # Oliver Twist (1948) tt0043924 # A Place in the Sun (1951) #----------- # The Red Badge of Courage (1951) tt0044079 #+ Strangers on a Train (1951) tt0044081 # A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) tt0043265 # The African Queen (1951) #----------- # The Big Sky (1952) tt0044509 # Come Back, Little Sheba (1952) #----------- # Cry, the Beloved Country (1952) tt0043686 # Forbidden Games (1952) tt0044672 # The Greatest Show on Earth (1952) tt0044706 # High Noon (1952) tt0044741 #+ Ikiru (1952) #----------- # The Marrying Kind (1952) #----------- # Othello (1952) tt0045061 # The Quiet Man (1952) tt0045152 #+ Singin' in the Rain (1952) tt0045274 # Umberto D. (1952) #----------- # Viva Zapata! (1952) #----------- # The Bad and the Beautiful (1953) tt0045537 #+ The Band Wagon (1953) tt0045555 # The Big Heat (1953) #----------- # The Conquest of Everest (1953) tt0045793 # From Here to Eternity (1953) #----------- # A Geisha (1953) tt0045810 # Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) #----------- # How to Marry a Millionaire (1953) #----------- # Lili (1953) #----------- # The Little Fugitive (1953) #----------- # Moulin Rouge (1953) tt0046187 # Pickup on South Street (1953) tt0046250 # Roman Holiday (1953) tt0046303 # Shane (1953) tt0046359 # Stalag 17 (1953) tt0046438 #+ Tokyo Story (1953) tt0046268 # The Wages of Fear (1953) #----------- # Bread, Love and Dreams (1954) tt0046816 # The Caine Mutiny (1954) tt0046828 # Carmen Jones (1954) #----------- # The Country Girl (1954) tt0046912 # Dial M for Murder (1954) tt0046022 # Earrings of Madame de... (1953) tt0045935 # Gate of Hell (1953) #----------- # Genevieve (1954) #----------- # The High and the Mighty (1954) #----------- # Johnny Guitar (1954) #----------- # The Little Kidnappers (1954) tt0046487 # Mr. Hulot's Holiday (1953) tt0047296 # On the Waterfront (1954) tt0047396 # Rear Window (1954) tt0047472 #+ Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) tt0047478 # The Seven Samurai (1954) tt0047528 #+ La Strada (1954) tt0046478 #+ Ugetsu (1953) tt0047849 # Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) tt0047892 # Bob le Flambeur (1956) tt0046911 # Diabolique (1955) tt0048028 #+ East of Eden (1955) #----------- # The Man With the Golden Arm (1955) tt0048356 # Marty (1955) tt0048380 #+ Mister Roberts (1955) tt0048424 #+ The Night of the Hunter (1955) #----------- # Oklahoma! (1955) #----------- # The Prisoner (1955) tt0048545 # Rebel Without a Cause (1955) #----------- # The Rose Tattoo (1955) tt0048605 # The Seven Year Itch (1955) tt0048673 # Summertime (1955) #----------- # The Tender Trap (1955) tt0048728 # To Catch a Thief (1955) tt0048750 # The Trouble with Harry (1955) tt0047811 # All That Heaven Allows (1955) #----------- # Anastasia (1956) #----------- # Baby Doll (1956) tt0049038 # Bus Stop (1956) #----------- # Friendly Persuasion (1956) tt0049261 #+ Giant (1956) #----------- # The Girl Can't Help It (1956) tt0049408 #+ The King and I (1956) #----------- # Lust for Life (1956) tt0049674 #+ Richard III (1955) tt0048021 # Rififi (1955) tt0049730 # The Searchers (1956) #----------- # The Silent World (1956) tt0048641 # Smiles of a Summer Night (1955) tt0049833 #+ The Ten Commandments (1956) tt0049966 # Written on the Wind (1956) tt0050083 # 12 Angry Men (1957) tt0050212 #+ The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) tt0050371 # A Face in the Crowd (1957) tt0050419 #+ Funny Face (1957) #----------- # The Great Man (1957) #----------- # A Hatful of Rain (1957) #----------- # Jailhouse Rock (1957) #----------- # Love in the Afternoon (1957) tt0050825 #+ Paths of Glory (1957) tt0050933 # Sayonara (1957) tt0050976 # The Seventh Seal (1957) #----------- # Silk Stockings (1957) tt0051036 # Sweet Smell of Success (1957) tt0050613 # Throne of Blood (1957) tt0050986 # Wild Strawberries (1957) tt0052080 # Ashes and Diamonds (1958) tt0051459 # Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) #----------- # Damn Yankees (1958) #----------- # The Defiant Ones (1958) #----------- # The Fly (1958) tt0051658 # Gigi (1958) #----------- # I Want to Live! (1958) #----------- # The Lovers (1958) tt0050706 # Mon Oncle (1958) tt0051994 #+ A Night to Remember (1958) tt0048473 # Pather Panchali (1955) tt0052225 #+ South Pacific (1958) tt0052311 # Touch of Evil (1958) tt0052357 # Vertigo (1958) tt0053198 #+ The 400 Blows (1959) tt0052561 # Anatomy of a Murder (1959) tt0052618 # Ben-Hur (1959) tt0053146 # Black Orpheus (1959) #----------- # The Cousins (1959) #----------- # Imitation of Life (1959) #----------- # Look Back in Anger (1959) tt0053125 # North by Northwest (1959) tt0053131 # The Nun's Story (1959) #----------- # On the Beach (1959) tt0053172 # Pillow Talk (1959) #----------- # Room at the Top (1959) tt0053291 # Some Like It Hot (1959) #----------- # Suddenly, Last Summer (1959) tt0052572 # The World of Apu (1959) #----------- # The Angry Silence (1960) tt0053604 # The Apartment (1960) tt0052216 # Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958) tt0050634 # The Cranes are Flying (1957) tt0053793 # Elmer Gantry (1960) #----------- # The Entertainer (1960) tt0053856 # Il Gnerale Dell Rovere (1959) tt0052893 # Hiroshima mon Amour (1959) #----------- # I'm All Right Jack (1960) tt0053946 # Inherit the Wind (1960) #----------- # Never on Sunday (1960) tt0054215 # Psycho (1960) tt0054248 # Rocco and His Brothers (1960) tt0054331 #+ Spartacus (1960) tt0054412 # Tunes of Glory (1960) tt0053472 #+ Breathless (1960) tt0053779 #+ La Dolce Vita (1960) #----------- # Girl with a Suitcase (1961) tt0054997 # The Hustler (1961) tt0055031 # Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) tt0053619 #+ L'Avventura (1960) #----------- # Les Liaisons Dangereuses 1960 (1961) #----------- # The Misfits (1961) #----------- # One, Two, Three (1961) #----------- # Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1961) tt0055471 # Splendor in the Grass (1961) #----------- # A Taste of Honey (1961) #----------- # Two Women (1961) tt0055614 #+ West Side Story (1961) tt0055630 # Yojimbo (1961) tt0055913 #+ Divorce Italian Style (1961) tt0055032 #+ Jules and Jim (1962) tt0056172 # Lawrence of Arabia (1962) tt0056193 # Lolita (1962) #----------- # The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962) #----------- # Long Day's Journey into Night (1962) tt0056197 # The Longest Day (1962) #----------- # Lover Come Back (1962) tt0056218 # The Manchurian Candidate (1962) tt0056241 # The Miracle Worker (1962) #----------- # Ride the High Country (1962) tt0054389 #+ Shoot the Piano Player (1960) #----------- # Sundays and Cybele (1962) tt0056592 # To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) tt0055601 # Viridiana (1961) tt0056687 #+ What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) tt0056801 #+ 8 1/2 (1963) #----------- # America, America (1963) tt0056868 # Billy Liar (1963) tt0056869 # The Birds (1963) #----------- # Days of Wine and Roses (1963) tt0057565 # High and Low (1963) tt0057163 # Hud (1963) tt0056291 #+ Knife in the Water (1962) tt0057091 #+ The Leopard (1963) #----------- # The Letter (1963) tt0056443 # Sanjuro (1962) #----------- # The Servant (1963) tt0057495 # Shock Corridor (1963) tt0057578 #+ This Sporting Life (1963) tt0057590 # Tom Jones (1963) #----------- # The Americanization of Emily (1964) tt0057345 #+ Contempt (1963) tt0058249 # Diary of a Chambermaid (1964) tt0057012 # Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) tt0058150 # Goldfinger (1964) tt0058182 #+ A Hard Day's Night (1964) #----------- # Marriage Italian Style (1964) tt0058331 #+ Mary Poppins (1964) tt0058385 #+ My Fair Lady (1964) #----------- # Nothing But the Best (1964) #----------- # One Potato, Two Potato (1964) tt0057413 # The Pink Panther (1963) tt0058586 # A Shot in the Dark (1964) tt0057611 # The Silence (1963) #----------- # Topkapi (1964) tt0058625 # Woman in the Dunes (1964) #----------- # The World of Henry Orient (1964) tt0059084 # Darling (1965) tt0059113 #+ Doctor Zhivago (1965) #----------- # The Hill (1965) #----------- # The Ipcress File (1965) tt0059229 # Juliet of the Spirits (1965) #----------- # Operation Crossbow (1965) #----------- # The Pawnbroker (1965) tt0059646 # Repulsion (1965) #----------- # Ship of Fools (1965) tt0059742 #+ The Sound of Music (1965) #----------- # The Train (1965) tt0058946 # The Battle of Algiers (1966) tt0060176 # Blow-Up (1966) tt0060424 # The Fortune Cookie (1966) #----------- # Georgy Girl (1966) tt0060196 # The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) tt0059415 # Loves of a Blonde (1965) tt0060665 # A Man for All Seasons (1966) #----------- # Morgan! (1966) tt0060827 # Persona (1966) tt0059527 # Shop on Main Street (1965) tt0059894 # The War Game (1965) tt0061184 # Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) tt0061418 # Bonnie and Clyde (1967) tt0061439 # Camelot (1967) tt0061512 # Cool Hand Luke (1967) tt0061578 # The Dirty Dozen (1967) #----------- # Don't Look Back (1967) tt0056732 #+ The Exterminating Angel (1962) tt0061722 #+ The Graduate (1967) tt0061809 # In Cold Blood (1967) tt0061811 # In the Heat of the Night (1967) tt0062136 #+ Playtime (1967) #----------- # Point Blank (1967) tt0062622 # 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) tt0061395 # Belle de Jour (1967) #----------- # The Bride Wore Black (1968) tt0062765 # Bullitt (1968) #----------- # David Holtzman's Diary (1968) tt0062952 #+ Faces (1968) tt0059619 # Fists in the Pocket (1965) tt0062994 # Funny Girl (1968) tt0048308 #+ Lola Montes (1955) tt0063350 # Night of the Living Dead (1968) #----------- # Petulia (1968) tt0063462 #+ The Producers (1968) tt0063518 # Romeo & Juliet (1968) tt0063522 #+ Rosemary's Baby (1968) tt0063771 # The Two of Us (1967) tt0062480 # Weekend (1967) tt0063823 # The Yellow Submarine (1968) #----------- # Alice's Restaurant (1969) #----------- # Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969) tt0064115 # Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) #----------- # The Damned (1969) #----------- # La Femme Infidèle (1969) #----------- # If... (1969) tt0064665 # Midnight Cowboy (1969) tt0064612 # My Night at Maud's (1969) #----------- # Paint Your Wagon (1969) tt0064921 # Salesman (1968) tt0047445 # Sansho the Bailiff (1954) tt0062695 # Stolen Kisses (1968) #----------- # Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (1969) #----------- # They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969) tt0065112 # Topaz (1969) #----------- # True Grit (1969) tt0065214 # The Wild Bunch (1969) tt0065234 # Z (1969) #----------- # The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970) #----------- # Le Boucher (1970) #----------- # Catch-22 (1970) tt0065571 # The Conformist (1970) #----------- # Fellini Satyricon (1970) tt0065724 # Five Easy Pieces (1970) tt0065780 # Gimme Shelter (1970) #----------- # Little Big Man (1970) #----------- # Loving (1970) tt0066026 #+ M*A*S*H (1970) #----------- # The Man Must Die (1970) #----------- # The Passion of Anna (1970) tt0066206 # Patton (1970) #----------- # Tristana (1970) #----------- # The Wild Child (1970) #----------- # Women in Love (1970) tt0066580 # Woodstock (1970) tt0065651 # Bed and Board (1970) tt0066892 # Carnal Knowledge (1971) tt0065772 # Claire's Knee (1970) tt0066921 # A Clockwork Orange (1971) #----------- # Death in Venice (1971) #----------- # Deep End (1971) tt0066999 # Dirty Harry (1971) tt0067116 #+ The French Connection (1971) tt0058249 # Diary of a Chambermaid (1964) #----------- # Get Carter (1971) #----------- # The Go-Between (1971) #----------- # King Lear (1971) #----------- # Klute (1971) tt0067328 # The Last Picture Show (1971) #----------- # Szerelem (1971) tt0067411 # McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971) #----------- # Minnie and Moskowitz (1971) tt0067778 # Murmur of the Heart (1971) #----------- # Play Misty for Me (1971) tt0067741 # Shaft (1971) #----------- # The Sorrow and the Pity (Le Chagrin et la Pitié) (1971) tt0067800 # Straw Dogs (1971) #----------- # Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971) #----------- # Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971) #----------- # Two English Girls (1971) tt0067959 # Walkabout (1971) tt0068182 # Aguirre: The Wrath of God (1972) tt0068327 # Cabaret (1972) tt0068205 # Love in the Afternoon (1972) tt0069467 # Cries & Whispers (1972) tt0068473 # Deliverance (1972) tt0068361 #+ The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972) #----------- # Fat City (1972) tt0068611 # Frenzy (1972) tt0068646 #+ The Godfather (1972) #----------- # The Heartbreak Kid (1972) #----------- # Junior Bonner (1972) #----------- # The King of Marvin Gardens (1972) tt0069198 # The Ruling Class (1972) #----------- # Ulzana's Raid (1972) tt0069495 # What's up Doc? (1972) tt0069704 # American Graffiti (1973) tt0069762 # Badlands (1973) tt0069765 # Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) #----------- # Charley Varrick (1973) #----------- # The Clockmaker (1973) tt0070460 # Day for Night (1973) tt0069947 # The Day of the Jackal (1973) #----------- # Distant Thunder (1973) tt0070047 # The Exorcist (1973) #----------- # Heavy Traffic (1973) #----------- # The Homecoming (1973) #----------- # The Last American Hero (1973) tt0070849 # Last Tango in Paris (1972) tt0070334 # The Long Goodbye (1973) tt0070379 # Mean Streets (1973) #----------- # Memories of Underdevelopment (1973) #----------- # Payday (1973) tt0070666 # Serpico (1973) tt0070707 # Sleeper (1973) tt0070903 # The Way We Were (1973) tt0071115 # Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974) tt0071129 #+ Amarcord (1973) tt0071230 # Blazing Saddles (1974) tt0071315 # Chinatown (1974) tt0071360 # The Conversation (1974) tt0071562 # The Godfather: Part II (1974) #----------- # Harry and Tonto (1974) tt0071733 # Lacombe, Lucien (1974) #----------- # The Parallax View (1974) #----------- # Le Petit Theatre de Jean Renoir (1974) tt0070644 #+ Scenes from a Marriage (1973) #----------- # The Sugarland Express (1974) tt0073817 # Swept Away (1974) tt0072251 # The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974) tt0072431 # Young Frankenstein (1974) tt0072684 # Barry Lyndon (1975) tt0073195 # Jaws (1975) #----------- # Love and Death (1975) tt0073822 # The Magic Flute (1975) tt0073440 # Nashville (1975) tt0073453 # Night Moves (1975) tt0073486 # One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) #----------- # Smile (1975) #----------- # The Story of Adèle H. (1975) #----------- # Three Days of the Condor (1975) tt0074119 # All the President's Men (1976) #----------- # Bound for Glory (1976) #----------- # Face to Face (1976) tt0074605 # Harlan County U.S.A. (1976) #----------- # The Memory of Justice (1976) tt0074958 #+ Network (1976) tt0075029 # The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) #----------- # Seven Beauties (1976) #----------- # The Shootist (1976) tt0075314 # Taxi Driver (1976) #----------- # 1900 (1977) #----------- # The American Friend (1977) tt0075686 # Annie Hall (1977) tt0075860 #+ Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) #----------- # Effi Briest (1977) #----------- # The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick (1977) #----------- # Handle With Care (1977) #----------- # The Man Who Loved Women (1977) tt0076666 # Saturday Night Fever (1977) tt0076759 #+ Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) #----------- # Stroszek (1977) tt0075824 # That Obscure Object of Desire (1977) #----------- # Blue Collar (1978) #----------- # The Buddy Holly Story (1978) #----------- # California Suite (1978) tt0077362 # Coming Home (1978) tt0077405 # Days of Heaven (1978) tt0077416 # The Deer Hunter (1978) #----------- # The Duellists (1978) #----------- # Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (1978) #----------- # The Last Waltz (1978) tt0077975 # National Lampoon's Animal House (1978) #----------- # Pretty Baby (1978) #----------- # Straight Time (1978) #----------- # Violette Nozière (1978) #----------- # 10 (1979) tt0078788 #+ Apocalypse Now (1979) tt0078841 #+ Being There (1979) tt0078902 # Breaking Away (1979) tt0077402 # Dawn of the Dead (1978) #----------- # Hair (1979) tt0079417 # Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) tt0078771 #+ Love on the Run (1979) tt0079522 # Manhattan (1979) tt0079095 #+ The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979) tt0079638 # Norma Rae (1979) #----------- # Quadrophenia (1979) #----------- # The Third Generation (1979) tt0078875 # The Tin Drum (1979) #----------- # The Tree of the Wooden Clogs (1979) tt0080120 # The Warriors (1979) tt0080140 # Wise Blood (1979) tt0080339 # Airplane! (1980) tt0080437 #+ The Big Red One (1980) tt0080310 # Breaker Morant (1980) #----------- # Bye Bye Brasil (1980) tt0080549 # Coal Miner's Daughter (1980) #----------- # Dressed to Kill (1980) tt0080678 # The Elephant Man (1980) #----------- # Every Man for Himself (1980) tt0080979 #+ Kagemusha (1980) tt0080610 #+ The Last Metro (1980) #----------- # Mad Max (1980) tt0081150 # Melvin and Howard (1980) #----------- # Mon Oncle d'Amérique (1980) tt0081283 # Ordinary People (1980) tt0081398 #+ Raging Bull (1980) tt0081505 # The Shining (1980) tt0080009 # Tess (1979) #----------- # Absence of Malice (1981) tt0080388 # Atlantic City (1980) tt0082089 # Body Heat (1981) tt0082158 #+ Chariots of Fire (1981) tt0082432 # Gallipoli (1981) #----------- # Heartland (1981) tt0082783 #+ My Dinner with Andre (1981) #----------- # Pixote (1981) #----------- # Prince of the City (1981) tt0082971 #+ Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) tt0082979 #+ Reds (1981) #----------- # Stevie (1981) #----------- # Le Beau Mariage (1982) #----------- # Chan Is Missing (1982) tt0083833 # Diner (1982) tt0082269 # Diva (1981) tt0083866 #+ E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) tt0083922 # Fanny and Alexander (1982) tt0083946 # Fitzcarraldo (1982) tt0083987 # Gandhi (1982) #----------- # Gregory's Girl (1982) #----------- # The Judge and the Assassin (1982) tt0082671 # Lola (1981) tt0081070 # The Long Good Friday (1980) tt0084335 #+ Missing (1982) #----------- # Moonlighting (1982) tt0084516 # Poltergeist (1982) tt0082694 # Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) #----------- # Smash Palace (1982) tt0084726 #+ Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) tt0084805 # Tootsie (1982) tt0084855 #+ The Verdict (1982) tt0086541 #+ Videodrome (1983) #----------- # The Year of Living Dangerously (1982) tt0080196 # Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980) tt0085244 # The Big Chill (1983) #----------- # Daniel (1983) tt0083789 #+ Danton (1983) tt0085461 # The Dresser (1983) #----------- # Entre Nous (1983) #----------- # Heat and Dust (1983) tt0085794 # The King of Comedy (1983) #----------- # L'Argent (1983) #----------- # Local Hero (1983) #----------- # La Nuit De Varennes (1983) #----------- # The Return of Martin Guerre (1983) #----------- # Reuben, Reuben (1983) tt0086197 # The Right Stuff (1983) tt0086200 # Risky Business (1983) tt0086312 # Silkwood (1983) tt0086423 # Tender Mercies (1983) tt0086425 # Terms of Endearment (1983) tt0086879 #+ Amadeus (1984) tt0086960 # Beverly Hills Cop (1984) #----------- # Birdy (1984) #----------- # The Family Game (1984) tt0087553 # The Killing Fields (1984) #----------- # A Love in Germany (1984) tt0087800 #+ A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) tt0087892 #+ Passage To India (1984) tt0087921 # Places in the Heart (1984) tt0087995 #+ Repo Man (1984) #----------- # Starman (1984) #----------- # Stop Making Sense (1984) tt0088184 #+ Stranger than Paradise (1984) tt0088258 # This Is Spinal Tap (1984) tt0058578 # The Up Series (1964) tt0088763 # Back to the Future (1985) tt0088846 #+ Brazil (1985) tt0088847 # The Breakfast Club (1985) #----------- # Dance with a Stranger (1985) tt0089017 # Desperately Seeking Susan (1985) #----------- # Heimat (1985) #----------- # Ken Burns' America: Huey Long (1985) tt0089424 #+ Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985) tt0089504 # Lost in America (1985) tt0089841 # Prizzi's Honor (1985) tt0089853 # The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) tt0089881 #+ Ran (1985) #----------- # Re-Animator (1985) tt0088074 # Secret Honor (1984) #----------- # Shoah (1985) #----------- # The Shooting Party (1985) #----------- # The Trip to Bountiful (1985) tt0090605 #+ Aliens (1986) tt0090756 # Blue Velvet (1986) tt0090863 # The Color of Money (1986) tt0090967 #+ Down by Law (1986) tt0091167 # Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) #----------- # Ménage (1986) tt0091538 # Mona Lisa (1986) #----------- # My Beautiful Laundrette (1986) tt0091763 # Platoon (1986) tt0091867 # A Room with a View (1985) #----------- # 'Round Midnight (1986) tt0091877 # Ruthless People (1986) #----------- # Sherman's March (1986) #----------- # She's Gotta Have It (1986) #----------- # Sid and Nancy (1986) #----------- # Summer (1986) #----------- # Tampopo (1986) #----------- # That's Life! (1986) tt0092603 # Babette's Feast (1987) #----------- # Barfly (1987) tt0092699 #+ Broadcast News (1987) #----------- # Dark Eyes (1987) #----------- # The Dead (1987) tt0092965 #+ Empire of the Sun (1987) tt0093010 # Fatal Attraction (1987) tt0093058 # Full Metal Jacket (1987) tt0093209 # Hope and Glory (1987) tt0093223 #+ House of Games (1987) tt0091288 # Jean de Florette (1986) tt0093389 #+ The Last Emperor (1987) tt0091480 # Manon of the Spring (1986) tt0093565 # Moonstruck (1987) tt0089606 # My Life as a Dog (1985) tt0093822 # Raising Arizona (1987) #----------- # River's Edge (1987) tt0093870 # Robocop (1987) #----------- # A Taxing Woman (1987) #----------- # The Whales of August (1987) tt0092593 # Au Revior Les Enfants (1987) tt0094721 # Beetlejuice (1988) #----------- # Biloxi Blues (1988) tt0094812 # Bull Durham (1988) #----------- # Chocolat (1988) tt0094947 # Dangerous Liaisons (1988) tt0094964 # Dead Ringers (1988) tt0095016 #+ Die Hard (1988) tt0095031 # Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) #----------- # Eight Men Out (1988) #----------- # High Hopes (1988) tt0095341 # Hotel Terminus (1988) tt0095497 # The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) #----------- # Little Vera (1988) #----------- # Married to the Mob (1988) tt0095705 # The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988) tt0093713 # Pelle the Conqueror (1987) tt0095953 # Rain Man (1988) #----------- # Salaam Bombay! (1988) #----------- # Stormy Monday (1988) #----------- # A Taxing Woman's Return (1988) #----------- # The Thin Blue Line (1988) tt0096332 #+ Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988) tt0096438 #+ Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) tt0093191 #+ Wings of Desire (1987) tt0095675 # Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988) tt0096463 # Working Girl (1988) tt0096969 # Born on the Fourth of July (1989) #----------- # Dead Calm (1989) tt0097216 #+ Do the Right Thing (1989) tt0097239 # Driving Miss Daisy (1989) #----------- # Drugstore Cowboy (1989) #----------- # Enemies, A Love Story (1989) tt0097493 # Heathers (1989) tt0097499 # Henry V (1989) tt0097937 # My Left Foot (1989) tt0098213 # Roger & Me (1989) tt0098258 # Say Anything... (1989) #----------- # Sex, Lies and Videotape (1989) #----------- # Story of Women (1989) #----------- # True Love (1989) #----------- # The War of the Roses (1989) tt0098635 # When Harry Met Sally (1989) tt0100234 #+ Close-Up (1990) tt0100263 # La Femme Nikita (1990) tt0099685 #+ Goodfellas (1990) tt0099703 # The Grifters (1990) #----------- # Internal Affairs (1990) #----------- # Ju Dou (1990) #----------- # The Match Factory Girl (1990) tt0100142 # Metropolitan (1990) #----------- # Mr. and Mrs. Bridge (1990) #----------- # My 20th Century (1990) #----------- # Reversal of Fortune (1990) tt0100802 # Total Recall (1990) #----------- # The Adjuster (1991) tt0101410 # Barton Fink (1991) tt0101414 #+ Beauty and the Beast (1991) #----------- # Black Robe (1991) tt0101507 # Boyz n the Hood (1991) #----------- # Drowning by Numbers (1991) tt0101829 #+ Europa (1991) tt0101889 # The Fisher King (1991) tt0102015 # Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991) tt0100024 # Life is Sweet (1990) tt0102494 #+ My Own Private Idaho (1991) tt0101640 # Raise the Red Lantern (1991) #----------- # The Rapture (1991) tt0102926 #+ The Silence of the Lambs (1991) tt0103074 #+ Thelma & Louise (1991) #----------- # Trust (1991) #----------- # The Waterdance (1991) tt0103639 #+ Aladdin (1992) #----------- # A Brief History of Time (1992) #----------- # Brother's Keeper (1992) tt0104036 # The Crying Game (1992) tt0104321 # Gas, Food, Lodging (1992) tt0104454 #+ Howards End (1992) #----------- # Husbands and Wives (1992) tt0104694 #+ A League of Their Own (1992) #----------- # Like Water for Chocolate (1992) tt0104797 #+ Malcolm X (1992) #----------- # One False Move (1992) tt0105151 #+ The Player (1992) tt0105236 # Reservoir Dogs (1992) #----------- # The Story of Qiu Ju (1992) tt0105695 # Unforgiven (1992) tt0106332 # Farewell My Concubine (1993) tt0107048 # Groundhog Day (1993) #----------- # Household Saints (1993) tt0107616 # Much Ado About Nothing (1993) tt0107822 # The Piano (1993) tt0107943 # Remains of the Day (1993) tt0108052 #+ Schindler's List (1993) tt0108550 # What's Eating GIlbert Grape? (1993) tt0110882 # Before the Rain (1994) tt0109508 # Crumb (1994) tt0111797 # Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) tt0110057 # Hoop Dreams (1994) tt0110877 # Il Postino (1994) #----------- # Ladybird, Ladybird (1994) #----------- # Lamerica (1994) #----------- # The Last Seduction (1994) #----------- # Little Women (1994) #----------- # The Madness of King George (1994) #----------- # Nobody's Fool (1994) tt0110912 #+ Pulp Fiction (1994) tt0111495 # Three Colors: Red (1994) #----------- # Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (1994) tt0110081 # To Live (1994) tt0111590 # Vanya on 42nd Street (1994) #----------- # Wild Reeds (1994) tt0112384 #+ Apollo 13 (1995) tt0112697 # Clueless (1995) tt0112818 # Dead Man Walking (1995) tt0113627 # Leaving Las Vegas (1995) #----------- # Living in Oblivion (1995) #----------- # Persuasion (1995) tt0114388 # Sense and Sensibility (1995) tt0114709 #+ Toy Story (1995) tt0114814 #+ The Usual Suspects (1995) #----------- # Big Night (1996) #----------- # Breaking the Waves (1996) #----------- # La Cérémonie (1996) tt0116209 # The English Patient (1996) tt0116282 # Fargo (1996) tt0116695 #+ Jerry Maguire (1996) tt0116905 # Lone Star (1996) #----------- # Mother (1996) tt0117318 # The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996) tt0117589 # Secrets & Lies (1996) tt0117951 #+ Trainspotting (1996) #----------- # Welcome to the Dollhouse (1996) tt0118632 # The Apostle (1997) tt0118749 #+ Boogie Nights (1997) tt0119008 # Donnie Brasco (1997) #----------- # Fast, Cheap & Out of Control (1997) tt0119164 # The Full Monty (1997) tt0119488 # L.A. Confidential (1997) #----------- # The Pillow Book (1997) #----------- # Ponette (1997) tt0120255 # The Sweet Hereafter (1997) tt0120265 # Taste of Cherry (1997) #----------- # Affliction (1998) #----------- # The Butcher Boy (1998) tt0154420 # The Celebration (1998) #----------- # The Dreamlife of Angels (1998) #----------- # The General (1998) tt0147612 # Happiness (1998) #----------- # Henry Fool (1998) #----------- # High Art (1998) #----------- # The Opposite of Sex (1998) tt0128445 # Rushmore (1998) tt0120815 # Saving Private Ryan (1998) tt0138097 # Shakespeare in Love (1998) tt0120863 # The Thin Red Line (1998) tt0185125 # All About My Mother (1999) tt0181288 # American Movie (1999) tt0120601 # Being John Malkovich (1999) tt0171804 # Boys Don't Cry (1999) tt0124315 # Cider House Rules (1999) tt0140352 # The Insider (1999) tt0166896 # The Straight Story (1999) tt0245712 # Amores perros (2000) #----------- # Beautiful People (2000) tt0247196 # Before Night Falls (2000) tt0260775 # Calle 54 (2000) tt0120630 # Chicken Run (2000) tt0092337 # The Decalogue (1989) #----------- # Hamlet (2000) tt0181865 #+ Traffic (2000) tt0244316 # Yi Yi: A One and a Two... (2000) tt0203230 # You Can Count on Me (2000) tt0212720 #+ Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001) tt0211915 #+ Amelie (2001) tt0162346 # Ghost World (2001) #----------- # The Gleaners and I (2001) tt0280707 # Gosford Park (2001) tt0247425 # In the Bedroom (2001) tt0243133 # The Man Who Wasn't There (2001) tt0198781 #+ Monsters, Inc. (2001) tt0166924 # Mulholland Dr. (2001) tt0203119 # Sexy Beast (2000) tt0126029 #+ Shrek (2001) tt0245429 #+ Spirited Away (2001) #----------- # Storytelling (2001) tt0243017 # Waking Life (2001) tt0245574 # Y tu mama tambien (2001) tt0257360 # About Schmidt (2002) tt0268126 # Adaptation. (2002) #----------- # Bloody Sunday (2002) tt0299658 # Chicago (2002) tt0297884 # Far From Heaven (2002) tt0285441 #+ Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner (2001) tt0217505 # Gangs of New York (2002) tt0274558 # The Hours (2002) #----------- # Lovely and Amazing (2002) tt0253474 #+ The Pianist (2002) tt0287467 # Talk to Her (2002) # Count: 628 / 1000