CS 860, Algorithms for Shortest Paths, Fall 2014
Papers to Present
Notes: Papers are listed by date so you can see what's new. Some of the papers will have been mentioned in class. Asterisks (to left) indicate most important/worthwhile papers.
Monday September 8
radix heap implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm
experiments on shortest path algorithms
a data structures paper, uses word RAM model
Wednesday September 10
not central to shortest paths, but interesting
Monday September 15
homotopic shortest path
2-point queries
diameter and center
general technique. Used for diameter of simple polygon.
minimum link paths
L1 distances
Also other recent papers by the same authors.
curved obstacles
one more paper on Dijkstra
speed-ups for Dijkstra's algorithm
Wednesday September 17
shortest paths on polyhedral surfaces
3 dimensions
NP-hardness of 3D shortest paths
careful version of approximation algorithm
weighted region and related problems
Monday September 22
more papers on single source graph shortest paths
this paper and the previous one go together
Shihabur Rahman Chowdhury
all pairs shortest paths
center and diameter
a physics paper about the diameter of the www
planar graphs
hierarchical graphs
kth shortest paths
shortest paths in dynamic graphs
a lower bound based on 3SUM
this paper goes with the one above - an algorithm for 3SUM
bicriteria shortest paths
Wednesday September 24
one more paper on dynamic graphs
Lap Chi Lau will be a prof here
spanners of general graphs
spanners of geometric graphs
allow Steiner points, approximate shortest paths
Monday October 6
Travelling Salesman Problem
or look at later papers on this topic
watchman route for polygon with holes
shortest path queries
survey paper. Don't present, just use as source.